
Terms containing food | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A neat and clean environment and good service are needed in enjoying Western-style food西餐通常要求有整洁卫生的环境和全面优质的服务
sport., med.absorbed food nitrogen吸收食物氮
tech.abundance of food饵料量
tech.acid-forming food成酸食物
sport., med.acidic food酸性食品
sport., med.acidic food酸性食物
tech.adulterated food掺杂食物
tech.adulterated food掺假食品
sport., med.alkaline food碱性食品
sport., med.alkaline food碱性食物
gen.American food is made primarily of meat美国人的食物以肉类为主
gen.Americans hate to waste food and they always take their leftovers home美国人不喜欢浪费食物,他们经常把剩饭剩菜带回家
ecol.antiseptic for food食物防腐剂
fisheryaquatic food supply水产食品供应
ecol.aquatic food web水生食物链
ecol.aquatic food web水生食物网
biol.aquatic food web水产食品网
gen.At a corner of the room stood a corner cabinet in which I could always find some food屋子的一角立着一个角柜,在那里我总能找到一些吃的东西
gen.Authentic French food, such as emerald meat soup , and tomato and egg salad我们提供正宗法国菜,比如翡翠肉汤和鸡蛋番茄沙拉
tech.automatic food vending machine自动食品售
refrig.automatic food-vending machine自动食品售货机
tech.base-forming food成碱食物
sport., med.base-forming food成碱性食品
agric.basic food基本粮 (食)
tech.basic food基本食品
tech.basic food碱性食品
tech.basic food requirement基本食品需求
desert.basic food requirement基本食物需求
sport., med.basic four food groups四类基本食物
sport., med.basic seven food groups七类基本食物
gen.be food for fishes葬身鱼腹
gen.be food for worms死亡
gen.become food for fishes葬身鱼腹
ecol.bionic food仿生食品
gen.Blender is an electric machine that you use to mix liquids and soft foods together搅拌机是用来将液体和软质食物搅拌在一起的电动机械
refrig.boil-in-bag food袋煮食品
tech.certified colors for food合法食用色素
tech.certified colours for food合法食用色素
ecol.chain of food organisms食物链生物链
tech.chemical food poisoning化学性食物中毒
gen.chew the food玩味
gen.chew the food寻思
refrig.chilled food冷却食品
tech.chilled food storage room冷却食物储藏室
refrig.chilled-food storage room冷却物冷藏间
tech.Chinese food中餐馆
gen.choice food美食
tech.coarse food grain粗粮
agric.consumption of fresh food新鲜食品消费 [量]
sport., med.contaminant in food食品污染物
tech.contaminated food污染食物
ecol.contaminated food污染的食物
tech.contaminated food products污染食品
ecol.contest for food食物竞争
tech.convenience foods现成食品
agric.conversion rate of food食物转化率
tech.conversion rate of food饵料系数
gen.Could you put your hand baggage on the counter, please? Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in here?请把手提行李放在柜台上好吗?你有没有带什么礼物、植物或食品来这里?
gen.crops and food products农产品
desert.decay food chain腐食食物链
refrig.deep frozen food低温冻结食品
shipb.degradable plastic food box降解塑料食品盒
tech.degradation of food chain食物链的降解
gen.Derwent Alerting Abstracts Bulletin, Classified Section D: "Food, Detergents, Water, Biotechnology"德温特分类文摘公报,D辑: "食品,去垢剂,水,生物技术"
desert.detrial food chain碎屑食物链
tech.detritus food chain腐烂食物链
desert.detritus food chain食腐质食物链
desert.detritus food chain食碎屑食物链
ecol.detritus food chain破碎食物链
tech.domestic food waste厨房垃圾
tech.domestic food waste家庭食品垃圾
refrig.domestic fresh food refrigerator家用新鲜食品冷冻箱
tech.dry food store干食品库
tech.early food初期饵料
sport., med.easily digestible food容易消化的食物
ecol.ecological food chain生态食物链
tech.electric food conveyor电热送餐车
tech.electric food warmer电热锅
tech.electrical food conveyor电热送餐车
tech.electrical food warmer电热锅
desert.elephant's food银公孙树
desert.elephant's food齿觅树
desert.elephant's food马齿苋树
sport., med.engineered food工程食品
sport., med.engineered food改造食品
agric.expanded food processing膨化食品加工
tech.exploitation of marine food product海洋食物资源开发
horticult.family food garden家庭菜园
horticult.family food garden厨房菜园
agric.farm-produced food自产饲料
tech.fast food restaurant快餐餐厅
tech.fast food service installation快餐服务设备
tech.fast foods现成食品
tech.fast foods快餐
desert.filter food过滤器罩
ecol.fish borne food poisoning鱼类食物中毒
ecol.flies, fingers, faces and food“四F”运动预防传染病运动,“四 <-> F” 是指苍蝇手指脸和食品
desert.food abundance食物丰富度
desert.food acceptability食物可给率
ecol.food addictive pollution食品添加剂污染
gen.food additive食品添加剂 (Substances that have no nutritive value in themselves (or are not being used as nutrients) which are added to food during processing to improve colour, texture, flavour, or keeping qualities, 本身没有营养价值的物质(或者不被用作营养物),在加工过程中被加入食物,以提高颜色,质地,风味,或保质期等品质。)
fisheryfood adulteration食品掺假
med.food allergy食物过敏
tech.Food and Agricultural Organization联合国粮食及农业组织 (of the United Nations)
gen.Food and Agricultural Organization联合国粮食及农业组织
comp.name., UNFood and Agriculture Organization联合国粮农组织
gen.Food and Agriculture Organization食和组织联合国机构,总部在意大利罗马
tech.food and beverage industry饮食工业
avia.food and beverage service center饮食服务中心
tech.food and drink饮食
plast.surg.Food and Drug Administration食品及药物管理局美国
comp.name.Food and Drug Administration美国食品和药物管理局
refrig.Food and Drug Administration and Food and Drug Administration Certification FDA及 FDA 认证
ecol.food antioxidant食品抗氧化剂
refrig.food area食品表面积
horticult.food assimilate食物吸收
desert.food availability食物可利用率
ecol.food bacteriology食品细菌学
tech.food bank防洪堤岸
tech.food base粮食基地
avia.food/beverage carriers食品/饮料车
avia.food/beverage cart食品/饮料车
avia.food/beverage trolley食品/饮料车
desert.food biological index食物生物学指数
gen.Food Biotechnology食品生物技术
ecol.food borne disease经食品传播的疾病
med.food-borne disease食源性疾病
med.food-borne illness食源性疾病
ecol.food borne infection食物传染
med.food-borne listeriosis食源性李斯特氏菌病
tech.food calling诱食
tech.food can varnish食品罐头清漆
gen.food canal消化道
shipb.food carrier食物运输船
sport., med.food centre食物中枢
refrig.food chain食品链
ecol.food chain食物网
fisheryfood chain食物链
gen.Food & Chemical Toxicology食品与化学毒物学
ecol.food choice食物选择
ecol.food color食用色指食用染料用于食品和饮料着色
sport., med.food colour食用色素
ecol.food colour食用色指食用染料用于食品和饮料着色
ecol.food colourants食用色素
tech.food company食品公司
ecol.food complex食物网指各种食物链交织在一起的,形成食物网
tech.food composition食品组成
tech.food consumption采食量
pack.food container食品容器
ecol.food contaminant食品污染物
tech.food contamination monitor食物污染监测器
tech.food conveying elevator食梯
desert.food crisis食物危机
tech.food cycle食源体系
ecol.food cycle食物网
ecol.food cycle食物链
ecol.food deficiency disease养料缺乏症
ecol.food dye食用色素
sport., med.food energy食物能量
med.Food Engineering食品工程
tech.food essence精微
tech.food expenses伙食费
sport., med.food fever碳水化合物热
sport., med.food fever饮食热
sport., med.food fibre食物纤维
fisheryfood fish食用鱼
tech.food for long voyage远航食品
gen.food for reflection考虑的事
sport., med.food fortifier食品强化剂
refrig.food freezant食品冷冻剂
avia.food grade processing grease食品级加工油脂
sport., med.food guide pyramid食物指南金字塔
tech.food habit食性
tech.food habit饮食习惯
tech.food handling食品加工
tech.food-handling truck食品运输车
ecol.food hygiene食品卫生学
ecol.food hygienic standard食品卫生标准
sport., med.food hypersensitivity食物过敏
ecol.food industry solid waste食品工业固体废物
tech.food industry wastewater食品工业废水
gen.Food Ingredients & Analysis International国际食品配料与分析
tech.food inspection食品检查
sport., med.food intake食物摄取量
sport., med.food intake摄食
sport., med.food intake食物摄取
sport., med.food intake进食量
sport., med.food-intake食物摄取
sport., med.food intake进食
sport., med.food-intake摄食
ecol.food intake dose食物摄入量
med.food intolerance食品不耐受
sport., med.food intolerance食物不耐受症
med.food intolerance食物不耐性
ecol.food intoxication食物中毒
gen.food irradiation reactor食物辐照〔消毒用〕反应堆
tech.food kombinat食品工业联合企业
tech.food lift食梯
tech.food locker食品柜
gen.Food Manufacture食品制造
tech.food market菜市场
tech.food-microorganism ratio食物一微生物
tech.food-mill wastewater食品厂废水
tech.food monitoring house食品监测室
ecol.food net食物网
ecol.food niche食物生态位
sport., med.food nitrogen食物氮
tech.food organism饵料生物
pack.food packaging食品包装
desert.food patch食料地群落 (北美为野生动物提供食料而播种的谷类或栽植的浆果灌木群落)
tech.food patch饲料地
desert.food patch饲料地群落
tech.food plant食用植物
tech.food pollution analysis食物污染分析
pack.food pouch
pack.food pouch
pack.food pouch
desert.food preference食料喜食性
avia.food preparation载人航天器上的配餐区 (area)
avia.food-preparation area配餐区
refrig.food preservation食品贮存
ecol.food preservative食品防腐剂
tech.food processing and manufacturing食品加工和制造
tech.food processing factory食品加工场
tech.food processing factory粮食加工厂
tech.food processing industry食品加工工业
tech.food processing plant食品加工厂
tech.food processing wastewater食品工业废水
ecol.food processing wastewater食品工业废水
tech.food procuring contrivance摄食方法
tech.food products factory食品厂
tech.food prohibited for production and marketing禁止生产经营的食品
ecol.food pyramid食物金字塔
med.food reflex食物性反射
tech.food refrigerating room食品冷冻间
desert.food relation食物关系
ecol.food rich deposit富食物沉积
ecol.food safety食品无害性
ecol.food safety食品安全性
comp.name.Food Safety and Inspection Service美国农业部食品安全检验署
gen.Food Science and Technology Abstracts食品科学与技术文摘
gen.Food Science & Technology Today今日食品科学与技术
sport., med.food secretory conditioned reflex食物性分泌条件反射
tech.food service industry食品行业
gen.food service squadron食品供应中队
tech.food soil食物类污垢
ecol.food species食物种类
ecol.food spoilage食品腐败变质
tech.food stability食品储[贮]藏性能
tech.food storage食品储[贮]藏
tech.food storage食品库
tech.food storage食品贮存室
refrig.food storage compartment贮藏室
tech.food stores食品店
consult.food stores食品小卖部
tech.food stuff industry食品工业
tech.food substance食品
refrig.food suitability食品适用性
tech.food supplement食品增补剂
tech.food supply食品供应
shipb.food-supply ship食品供应船
tech.food technology食品工艺杂志
tech.food technology食品工艺学
fisheryfood traceability产品溯源
fisheryfood traceability可追溯性
fisheryfood traceability食品可追溯性
ecol.food utilization rate食物利用效率
sport., med.food-value食物营养价
sport., med.food value食物营养价
desert.food value营养价值
sport., med.food value食物价
tech.food warmer食品保温箱
desert.food wastage食物浪费
desert.food waste食物废料
ecol.food waste食物废物
ecol.food waste食余残渣
desert.food waste食物残渣
ecol.food waste食品废水
ecol.food waste厨房垃圾
tech.food waste grinder食物废渣粉碎机
nautic., tech.food wastes食品废弃物
ecol.food web食物链
nautic., econ.food web食物循环
tech.food wrapper食品包装纸
avia.foods storage食物贮存柜
gen.France s most prestigious goose liver sauce attracted many food lovers法国最具盛名的鹅肝酱吸引了无数美食爱好者
tech.freeze drying food冻干食物
refrig.fresh food refrigerator新鲜食品冷藏箱
refrig.fresh food storage新鲜食品贮存
refrig.fresh food storage compartment冷藏室
fisheryfreshwater food web淡水食物网
tech.frozen food冰冻食物
refrig.frozen food冰冻食品
refrig.frozen food cabinet冻结食品柜台
refrig.frozen food compartments冷冻食品间
refrig.frozen-food display case冻结食品陈列柜
refrig.frozen food locker冻结食品橱
refrig.frozen food storage compartment冷冻室
refrig.frozen-food storage room冻结物冷藏间
tech.frozen food store冰冻食品库
refrig.frozen food store冻结物冷藏库
refrig.frozen-food weight factor冻结食品质量系数
gen.fuel and food燃料与食品
avia.general foods corporation通用食品公司
sport., med.genetically engineered food基因工程食品
tech.glazing of food食品包冰衣
tech.grazing food chain草木链
tech.grazing food chain放牧食品链
ecol.grazing food chain放牧食物链
gen.Great, I like authentic British food太好了,我喜欢地道的英国菜
gen.Great idea! I like authentic Chinese food太好了。我喜欢地道的中国菜
ecol.green food producing area绿色食品产地
sport.health food保健食品
sport.health-care food保健食品
gen.heavy food油腻而难消化的食物
tech.hot food server食品保温器
tech.hot food table电热饭桌
refrig.household food freezer家用冷冻柜
refrig.household frozen-food storage cabinet家用冷冻食品贮藏柜
gen.I don't care about heavy food, but I prefer light meal today我不太在意油腻的食物,但我今天喜欢清淡一点的
gen.I hate to say this, but this is the worst food I've had我不想说这些,但是这是我吃过的最难吃的食物
gen.I have to avoid food containing fat我必须避免含油脂的食物
gen.I love Italian food. I think I want a pizza我喜欢意大利食品。我来一个比萨吧
gen.I prefer Chinese food to Italian food比起意大利菜,我更喜欢中国菜
gen.I was just wondering if many Chinese people take their leftover food home from a restaurant我想知道中国人在饭馆吃完饭之后,会不会把没吃完的东西打包带回家
gen.I'd like to have some local food, such as ble noir, cucumber and vermicelli, and cabbage and mint我想尝尝当地的食物,比如养麦煎饼、黄瓜粉皮以及白菜薄荷
nautic., tech.ILO68 Convention concerning food and catering for crews on board shipILO 第 68 号船员膳食与餐桌公约
gen.I'm not familiar with Mexican food. Could you recommend something?我对墨西哥菜不太熟悉,你能不能给推荐一下?
gen.I'm not surprised to hear that the cafeteria food isn't that great听说自助餐厅的食物不够好,我并不惊讶
tech.improving food conversion ratio提高饲料转化率
gen.In 1986, a few Italians established a "Slow Food Society" as a way of boycotting fast food1986 年,几个意大利人建立了 “慢餐协会”,抵制快餐
gen.in food正在吃饭
gen.In the west, you have your own plate of food, while in China, plates are placed on the table and everyone shares西餐中,人人都有自己的盘子,吃中餐时,盘子是放在桌子上大家公用的
tech.index number of food production食品生产指数
tech.inert food无效食物
desert.infestation of food粮食虫害传染
tech.infrared food warmer红外线食品加热器
sport., med.ingested food nitrogen摄入食物氮
ecol.ingestion of food食物摄取
tech.institutional food规格食品
refrig.institutional food团体份饭
gen.intellectual food精神食粮
gen.International Journal of Food Science and Technology国际食品科学与技术杂志
med.intolerance to food食品不耐受
med.intolerance to food食物不耐性
gen.It is considered impolite to chew food with an open mouth, or to talk while chewing anything张大嘴巴咀嚼食物,或者边咀嚼边说话,是不礼貌的
gen.It's not polite to waste any food in the buffet吃自助餐时浪费食物是不文明的
desert.Jackal's food苍龙 (卡鲁沙漠,常绿肉茎植物)
desert.Jackal's food毛里塔尼亚大戟
gen.Jiaozi is the most popular traditional Chinese food饺子是中国最受欢迎的传统食品
gen.Journal of Food Engineering食品工程杂志
gen.Journal of Food Processing & Preservation食品加工与保鲜杂志
gen.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture食品与农业科学杂志
gen.Junk food contains high energy, high fat but low nutrition垃圾食品含有高能量和高脂肪,但却没什么营养
shipb.keep away from food products切勿接近食品
ecol.large scale outbreak of food poisoning大范围食物中毒
tech.lasting food耐久存的食品
horticult.local food crop production当地粮食作物生产
tech.map of food粮食分布图
tech.marine food chain海洋食物链
ecol.marine food chain海洋生物链
gen.mental food精神食粮
tech.metal laden food material含金属的食品原料
desert.microbial food loop微生物食物环
desert.microbial food web微食物网
tech.microscopic food chain小型食物链
tech.mineral food矿质食物
refrig.minimally prepared food保鲜简装
gen.My favorite food is beef piccata. What's your favorite?我喜欢煎小牛排。你呢?
gen.My favorite food is Chinese food我最喜欢吃中国菜
tech.natural food自然食品
gen.Never cut or chop food directly on the worktop. Please use a chopping board勿直接在台面上切、剁料理食材,请务必于沾板上作业
ecol., tech.Nitrates are used as preservatives in food manufacture硝酸盐在食品加工业中被用作防腐剂
refrig.non-food area非食品表面
tech.non-food department非食品部门
tech.non-food raw materials非食品原料
tech.non-staple food副食品 (stuff)
sport., med.non-staple food副食
sport., med.nonstaple food副食
tech.non-staple food preparation room副食加工间
tech.non-staple food processing factory副食加工厂
ecol.normal food chain正常食物链
sport.nutraceutical food营养食品
desert.nutritive value of food食物营养价值
tech.ocean food chain海洋食物链
tech.ocean food resources海洋食物资源
gen.off one's food食欲减退
gen.off one's food胃口不佳
gen.Oh, yes, it is wonderful! The food supplied is tasty and your service is very good. We were very impressed by the service of the attendant满意,非常好!饭菜味道很好,你们的服务也很好。那个服务员的服务给我们留下了深刻的印象
gen.Ordering a lot of food at restaurants is just a tradition. You know, in the past, people could not afford to eat out like they can today在饭馆吃饭点很多菜是一项传统习惯。要知道,过去人们可不像现在这样什么都能吃得起
sport., med.organic food有机食品
tech.pelagic food chain水层食物链
tech.pelagic food chain远洋食物链
gen.People in West mainly eat food with high protein, high fat and high quantity of heat西方国家的人们通常以高蛋白、高脂肪、高热量的食物为主
med.permanent food allergy持续性食物过敏
agric.plant food植物营养
agric.plant food植物养料
agric.plant food science植物营养学
agric., chem.plant food unit肥料单位
tech.pollution-free food无公害食品
ecol.pollution-free foods无公害食品
med.postkwashiorkor food mix蛋白质缺乏病后的混合食物
pack.prepackaged food预包装食品
refrig.preservation of food食品贮藏
tech.preserved food加工的储[贮]藏食物
tech.pressurized food气溶胶包装食品
sport., med.principal food主食
tech.principles of food composition食品结构原则
desert.processed foods加工食品
tech.putrid food腐败食物
tech.quality control of food食品质量管理
gen.quick frozen foods快冻食品
ecol.rate of food intake摄食速度
tech.raw-food material食品原料
tech.raw materials to produce food and fiber生产食品和纤维的原料
tech.ready foods现场食品
tech.ready foods方便食品
tech.refrigerated food storage冷藏食品库
agric.reserve of food存粮
agric.reserve of food储粮
tech.safe food安全食物
ecol.salad food生食食物
consult.sanitary food cans卫生标准食品储罐
gen.Say, how about having British food for a change?吃英国菜换换口味怎么样?
gen.Say, how about having Chinese food for a change?换换口味吃中餐怎么样?
tech.sea food海产食品
tech.sea food海味
ecol.sea food海产食物
tech.soiling food青饲料
tech.solid food固体食物
gen.Sorry, sir. We don't allow customers to take food out from buffet. We don't have any doggie bags不好意思,先生。我们不让顾客带走自助餐食物,我们不提供打包服务
tech.specialty food store特种食品店
gen.spicy food辛辣食物
tech.staple food主食品
tech.staple food preparation room主食加工间
gen.stock food饲料
tech.subsidiary food副食品
tech.synchronization of food洪水同步 (化)
tech.temporary food service establishment临时性食品服务设施
tech.temporary food tolerance暂行食品最大允许含量
gen.Thank you for your compliments. We're pleased that you like our service and food谢谢您的称赞。我们很高兴您喜欢这里的饭菜和服务
gen.That's also traditional Chinese food. Dumplings symbolize fortune and happiness那也是中国传统食品。饺子象征财富和幸福
gen.The earthenware dinner sets are safe for food. The materials are non-toxic, odorless and heat-resistant套装陶制餐具可以安全地存放食物。这种材料无毒无味,且抗热
gen.The food eaten today for Thanksgiving is very different from the food that was eaten at the first Thanksgiving in今天感恩节吃的食物与1621年感恩节的食物具有很大差别
gen.The food in the cafeteria is abominable这家自助餐厅的膳食糟糕透了
gen.The food is horrible!饭菜糟透了
gen.The food served was very strange. I couldn't eat most of the dishes上的菜非常奇怪,大多数菜我都不能吃
gen.The less you? re in the supermarket, the less junk foods you're likely to want逛超市的时间越少,就越不会去买那些垃圾食品
gen.There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食物可供选择
sport., med.thermic effect of food食物热效应
sport.They found that the slenderized subjects, in addition to having fewer high-fat foods in the house, also had fewer TV sets and more exercise equipment他们发现,减肥成功者除了较少食用高脂肪含量的食物外,家中电视机之类的设备也较少,并且拥有不少健身器材
gen.They take just a few food rich in carbohydrate and fibrin他们很少食用富含碳水化合物、纤维素成分的食物
gen.This supermarket has a good selection of preserved food这家超市卖很多种腌制食品
gen.Though children like KFC, this kind of food is not good to our health尽管孩子们非常喜欢吃肯德基炸鸡,但实际上这类食物并不利于我们的健康
tech.to produce more food生产更多的粮食
tech.to produce various food生产各种食物
gen.Today, pizza is one of the top 3 foods eaten by Americans现在,比萨是美国人的三大食品之一
desert.tortoise food长宝绿
desert.tortoise food矮宝绿
desert.tortoise food铺地舌叶花
gen.Trends in Food Science & Technology食品科学与技术趋势
gen.Try to keep your fridge and pantry stocked with foods that make up a nutritious, heart-healthy diet, such as whole grains, fish, lean meat, vegetables and fruits让您家的冰箱和储藏食品的柜子中保存一些富有营养,并有益于心脏的食品,例如全麦食品、鱼类、瘦肉、蔬菜和水果等
tech.unbalanced food chain不平衡食物链
gen.United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization联合国农业及粮食组织
tech.urban nonstaple food production base城市副食品生产基地
refrig.vacuum cooling machine for cooked food熟食品快速冷却机
gen.Walking along the Rambla one can see the world-famous opera house El Liceu, the food market of La Boqueria and the Royal Square沿兰布拉大街行走,你会看到举世闻名的丽萨奥歌剧院、伯克利亚食品市场和皇家广场
tech.waste food食物垃圾
tech.wastewater treatment of food processing食品工业废水处理
gen.We went to visit and take a basket of food to the shut-in我们去慰问了卧床不起的人,并带了一篮子食物
tech.western food restaurant西餐馆
gen.What Chinese food in particular?具体是哪种中国菜呢?
gen.What happens to all the leftover food?那剩饭剩菜怎么处理呢?
gen.What kind of food do you serve?你们都有什么食物?
gen.What's your favorite food?你最喜欢吃什么东西?
gen.When you do not get a soup spoon, it is proper to drink the soup out of the bowl and eat the solid food with chopsticks没有汤匙时,正确的方式是直接从碗里喝汤,用筷子吃食物
gen.When you go to a cafeteria, you may help yourself to the food在自助餐馆,你可以随意夹取食物
tech.wholesale food批发食品市场
gen.World Food Programme世界粮食计划署联合国机构,美国纽约
gen.You must be a mind-reader Michael. Do you feel like some western food?米歇尔,你真了解我。你想吃西餐吗?
gen.You sit here and I'll go and get the food你在这里坐,我去拿食物
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