
Terms for subject Business containing flow | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate fund in-and-out-flow资金出入总额
aiding in planning materials flow协助计划材料流程
analysis of corporate cash flow公司现金流转分析
analysis of flow structure流量结构分析
analysis of funds flow资金流量分析
audit flow chart审计流程图
average-cost flow assumption库存进出平均成本假设
bilateral flow双边商品与业务交流对流
block flow diagram方框流程图
brain-drain flows人才外流量
capital flow资本流
capital-flow shocks资本流动冲击
cargo flow货流量
cargo flow chart货流图
cash flow accounting analysis现金流动账目分析
cash flow analysis现金流转流量分析
cash flow before taxes税前现金流量
cash flow budget现金流动预算
cash flow cycle现金流动循环
cash flow data and cash forecasting现金收支数据与现金预测
cash flow data and cash forecasting现金流动数据与预测
cash flow diagram现金流向图
cash flow effect现金流转效应
cash flow method现金流动法
cash flow model现金流量模式
cash flow observation现金流动观察
cash flow related to operations现金收支与业务经营关系
cash flow report现金流转报表
cash flow return现金流动权益
cash flow simulation现金流通模拟
cash flow statement现金流动转量
circular flow of income收入循环流转
circular flow of money货币循环流动
commodity flow商品流通
commodity flow商品流动
commodity flow approach商品流量法
commodity flow method商品流量法
commodity flow plan商品流转计划
commodity x commodity flow matrix商品 x 商品流量矩阵
compensatory finance flow补偿性资金融通
compensatory financial flow补偿性资金流转
complete circular flow of cash现金周转全过程
complete flow总流量
composition of capital flow资金流量构成
computer flow chart计算机流程图
container flow集装箱箱流
containerizable cargo flow可集装箱化货流
continuous flow process production流水加工生产
continuous flow process technology流水加工工艺
continuous flow production流水生产
continuous flow production process流水生产过程
continuous flow system持续疏通系统
control flow控制流向
corporate cash flow公司现金流量
cost flow成本流动
cost flow成本流
cost flow成本流动成本在企业内流经各个不同阶段
cost flow assumption成本流假定
cost-flow concept成本流概念
cost flow concept of accounting会计的成本流程观念
cost flow diagram成本流经图
cost flow diagram成本流动图
counter flow transport对流运输
counter flow transport对流运输指一种不合理运输
counter flow transport货物相向运输
credit flow信贷流量
currency flow通货流量
currency flow货币流通
cyclic flow周期流径
dependent cash flows依赖的现金流动
direct investment flow直接投资流量
direct investment flows直接投资流量
direction of goods flow货物流向
discharge flow卸货流量
discount cash flow贴现现金流量
discount cash flow met hod现金收支折现法缩写 DCF。 指一种评估投资效益,衡量投资可行性的方法。其方法之一,是将该项投资完成后,可能产生的现金收入按某一贴现率折算为现值,当此现值总和等于投资总和,此贴现率就是该投资的报酬率,若此报酬率大于资金成本率,则投资方案可行。此外,还可由资本的边际成本得出折现率,将未来的现金收支折成现金,使与投资额相等,则折现率即为投资报酬率,以此可评估投资收益
discount cash flow met hod现金流量贴现法
discount cash flow method现金流量折现法
discounted cash flow贴现资金法
discounted cash flow现金流量贴现额
discounted cash flow analysis贴现现金流量分析
discounted cash-flow capital贴现现金流动资本
discounted cash flow method贴现资金法
discounted cash flow technique贴现资金法
discounted cash flow technique现金流量贴现法
discounted cash flow techniques现金流量贴现法
discounted cash flow work sheet贴现流量计算表
discounted cash flow work sheet现金流量贴现计算表
disruptive capital flow破坏性资本流动
document flow chart文件流程图
energy flow chart能源流动图
estimate of time and amount of the flow of fund预估资金的流转时间及数量
estimate time and amount of the flow of funds预估资金流动时间与数额
external flows对外流量
flow analysis流量分析
flow analysis流转分折
flow and activity relationship diagram流程和活动关系图
flow assumption计算库存货物成本的流转假定
flow augmenting path流量增扩路径
flow capacity流转能力
flow capacity流量容力
flow chart操作程序图
flow chart of data and information数据信息流程图
flow chart of management information system管理信息系统流程图
flow charting抑制流程图
flow charting制作流程图
flow conveyer连续流送机
flow diagramming流程图解
flow equilibrium流通均衡性
Flow Gage流量表
flow graph流程图
flow in three dimensions三维流
flow indicator流量指示计
flow job system流动工作制
flow layout流水型布置
flow of capital资金流动流转
flow of cash现金流转
flow of commodity商品流
flow of costs成本流
flow of costs成本流程
flow of entries过账
flow of failures故障排除量
flow of fund资金流
flow of fund基金流量
flow of fund accounting资金运用会计
flow of fund accounts资金流量计算
flow of funds account资金流动账户
flow of funds analysis资金流量分析
flow of funds analysis资金流转分析
flow of gold黄金外流
flow of goods货流
flow of goods商品流
flow of goods between town and country城乡物资交流
flow of goods traffic货物流转流动
flow of inputs投入物流量
flow of labour人工流动
flow of material物资流
flow of money资金流
flow of money货币流通
flow of operation业务运行程序
flow of operation营业流程
flow of operations作业流程
flow of product产品流量
flow of products产品流量
flow of service劳务流动
flow of skilled personnel技术人员的流动
flow of supply供给流程
flow of supply物资流
flow of supply供应流量
flow of supply供给流量
flow of technology技术交流
flow of trade贸易流转
flow of work工作程序
flow-of-funds table资金流量表
flow-on funds analysis资金流量分析
flow or activity relationship diagram流程或活动关系图
flow pattern货物流程形式
flow process chart流程图
flow production大批量生产
flow resource流动资源
flow route流程
flow route工艺程序线
flow scheme of plant inputs and outputs工厂投入—产出流程图
flow shop流水生产车间
flow statement流转报表
flow system流水作业
flow system流动方式
flow table流动表
flow through流程终止
flow through流转终结
flow through method流转法
flow up system追踪系统
flow van container散装货集装箱
Fluid Flow Indicator流体流动指示器
foreign capital flows外资流量
Fuel Flow Indicator燃料流量表
fund flow资金流
fund flow chart资金流转图
fund flow diagram资金流转图
fund-flow statement基金流程表
fund flow versus cash flow资金流动对现金流动
general work flow总的工作流程
gold-flow mechanism黄金流动机制
goods flow货物流动
goods flows货流量
goods flows货流
gross cash flow现金总流量进出总额
heat flow热流量
heat flow density热流密度
hypersonic flow超音速流
impact of information flow信息流影响
income flow收益流转
income flow收益流转流动
income-expenditure circular flow收支环流
incremental cash flow增加现金流量
incremental income flow递增收益流
independent cash flow独立现金流动
indirect flow间接流通
induced flow诱致流动
industrial commodity flow工业商品流量
information flow信息交流
information flow资料流动
information flow diagram信息流程图
information on traffic flow业务量信息
initial flow期初流量
input-output flow matrix投入产出流量矩阵
inspection of weight by flow流量计重
inter-flow of data数据交流
inter-flow of goods物资交流
inter-flow of information信息交流
inter-flow of materials物资交流
inter-commodity flows商品间流动
inter-industry flow部门间流动
interindustry flow产业部门间流量
international financial flow国际资金流量
international flow of capital国际资本流量
international flows of commodities国际商品流量
international materials flow国际物资流通
international technical flow国际技术流动
international trade capital flow国际商业资本流动
intersector flow部际流动
inventory flow存货流转流动
inventory flow assumption存货流转设定
inward cash-flow现金流入
job flow工作流程
job flow control工作流程控制
job flow time工作流程时间
labor flow matrix劳动力流动矩阵
labor flow table劳动流动表
line flow assembly order流水作业线装配指令
loaded car flow重车流
magne tude of traffic flow运输流量
man flow process chart人工流程图
management flow chart管理流程图
management flow diagram管理流程图
management information data flow system管理信息数据传送系统
manpower flow人力流动
man-type flow process chart人工型流程图
mass flow大流量
material flow材料流程
material flow simulator物流仿真程序
material handling and flow材料搬运与流动
material-type flow process chart原料型作业流程图
"max-flow min-cut" theorem"最大流—最小割"定理
maximal flow problem最大流量问题
maximum flow network最大流网络
maximum stream flow control最大流量控制
merging flow汇流
minimal-cost network-flow problem最小成本网络流问题
minimum flow target最低流动指标
money flow货币流
money flow statistics货币流量统计
mortgage of goods in flow流通中货物抵押权
multidimensional flow多维流量
multidirectional flow多向流通
net flows of revenue预算收入净额
non-concession flow非减让性流动
non-risk flow无风险资金流量
notation and cash flow diagram符号与现金流程图
operation flow chart操作流程图
operation flow chart工序卡
orderly flow顺序流转
organization flow组织流程
other official flows其他官方援助
outward flow外流
Poisson flow泊松流
power load flow电力负荷流量
power load flow analysis电力负荷流量分析
price cash flow ratio价格与现金流量比率
price-specie-flow mechanism价格—现金—流动机制
private flow民间资金流动
process block flow diagram过程方框流程图
production flow model生产流程模型
production flow pattern生产流程模式
rate of flow资金流动速度
rate of flow流通
resource flow物资流动
reverse direction flow逆向流
saturation flow饱和流量
secondary flow二次流动
semi-double flow半双流式
semi-potential flow半位流动
single flow单流式
sinks of signal flow diagram信号流图聚点
skilled migration flows技术人力迁移流量
smooth flow of work稳定工作流
specie flow黄金流量
specie flow price mechanism黄金流动价格机制
statement of fund flows资金流动表
statement of net quick asset flows速动资产净额流转表
statement of working capital flow运用资本流转表
steady-state flow稳态流动
stock-flow model存量—流量模式
stream line flow流线型流动
stream of cash flow现金流量
streamline flow流线型流动
synchronizing cash flow同步现金流转
three-dimensional flow三向流动
time sequence flow时间序列流
tourist flow旅游者流量
traffic flow and density交通流量与车辆密度
translatory flow移动流
travel flow旅行流量
travelling flow客流
trouble-shooting flow故障检修流程
two phase flow两相流动
two way flow of message双向信息交流
two-commodity flow双商品流通
two-directional flow双向流动
typical material flow pattern典型材料流程模式
uniform flow统一流程
uniform flow均匀流动
uniform flow of work统一工作流程
valuation of skilled resource flow人才资源流动估价办法
weight flow重力流动
work flow analysis工作流程分析