
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing flooding | all forms | exact matches only
a 100-year recurrence flood百年一遇洪水
abnormal flood非常洪水
abnormal flood level非常洪水位
advance of flood wave洪水波推进
aggraded flood plain洪积平原
amplitude of flood洪水变幅
amplitude of flood洪水幅度
annual maximum flood年最大洪水量
anti-flood interceptor防洪截流渠
anti-flood wall防洪墙
atomization during flood discharging泄洪雾化
autumn flood秋汎
autumn flood秋季洪水
average annual flood年平均洪水量
basin flooding畦田漫灌 (irrigation)
border flooding irrigation畦田漫灌
catastrophic flood特大洪水
catastrophic flood level非常洪水位
check flood level校核洪水位
check flooding分畦淹灌
check flooding irrigation分畦淹灌
check-flooding irrigation分畦漫灌
cloud burst flood暴雨洪水
control of flood防洪
control of flood洪水控制
dambreak flood溃坝洪水
design flood设计洪水
design flood during construction施工设计洪水
design flood hydrograph设计洪水过程线
design flood inflow设计人库洪水流量
design flood level设计洪水位
direct flood damage直接洪水灾害
duration of flood涨潮时间
duration of flood洪水历时
duration of flood flow洪峰流量历时
duration of flooding淹没时间
duration of flooding淹没历时
emergency flood fighting防汛抢险
extraordinary flood特大洪水
fall flood秋汛
fall flood秋季洪水
falling flood stage洪水降落阶段
falling flood stage落水期
flash flood山洪暴发
flash flood骤发洪水
flash flood山洪
flood absorption capacity洪水收容能力
flood at dam site坝址洪水
flood bank防洪堤
flood bank洪水河岸
flood barrier拦洪坝
flood basin洪泛面积
flood basin洪泛区
flood bridge洪水桥
flood bypass分洪道
flood calamity水灾
flood calamity洪灾
flood carring capacity泄洪能力
flood carring capacity排洪能力
flood catastrophe水灾
flood channel行洪河道
flood channel洪水河槽
flood control洪水控制
flood control防洪
Flood control assessment防洪评价报告
flood control barrage防洪闸坝
flood control barrage防洪坝
flood control basin调洪洼地
flood control basin调洪水库
flood control benefit防洪效益
flood control capacity防洪能力
flood control capacity防洪库容
flood control channel蓄洪河槽
flood control level防洪控制水位
Flood control measure防洪措施
flood control measures防洪措施
flood control project防洪计划
flood control project防洪工程
flood control reservoir调洪水库
flood control reservoir防洪水库
flood control sluice防洪闸
flood control standard防洪标准
flood control storage防洪库容
flood control structure防洪建筑物
flood control works防洪工程
flood crest洪峰
flood crest stage洪峰水位
flood current洪流
flood dam防洪坝
flood damage淹没损失
flood damage洪水损失
flood damage水灾
flood design standard洪水设计标准
flood detention滞洪
flood detention area滞洪区
flood detention capacity防洪能力
flood detention capacity防洪库容
flood detention dam滞洪坝
flood detention dam拦洪坝
flood detention pool滞洪水池
flood detention storage滞洪库容
flood detention works滞洪工程
flood disaster洪灾
flood disaster水灾
flood discharge泄流流量
flood discharge洪水流量
flood discharge capacity泄洪能力
flood discharge forecasting洪水流量预报
flood-discharge flood-relief gate泄洪闸门
flood diversion引洪
flood diversion分洪
flood diversion area分洪区
flood diversion basin分洪区
flood diversion channel分洪渠
flood diversion channel分洪道
flood diversion for warping land引洪漫地漫淤
flood diversion project分洪工程
flood diversion stage分洪水位
flood diversion works分洪工程
flood duration洪水历时
flood dyke防洪堤
flood embankment防洪堤
flood erosion洪水冲刷
flood estimation洪水估算
flood fall落洪水消退
flood fall洪水退
flood fall退洪
flood flow洪水径流
flood flow洪水流量
flood flow洪流
flood flowing zone行洪区
flood forecast洪水预报
flood forecasting洪水预报
flood formula of small watershed小汇水面积洪水公式
flood formula of small watershed小流域洪水公式
flood frequency洪水频率
flood frequency curve洪水频率曲线
flood gate防洪闸门
flood hazard淹没灾害
flood hazard水灾
flood height洪水位
flood hydrograph洪水过
flood hydrograph程洪水过程线
flood hydrograph洪水过程线
flood investigation洪水调查
flood irrigation漫灌
flood lamp泛光灯
flood land洪水河槽
flood land漫滩河槽
flood land洪泛地
flood land河漫滩
flood level洪水位
flood level mark洪水痕迹
flood peak洪峰
Flood peak and volume series洪峰、洪量系列表
flood peak discharge洪峰流量
flood peak forecast洪峰预报
flood peak reduction洪峰削减
flood period汛期
flood period洪水期
flood plain滩地
flood plain漫滩河槽
flood plain洪泛区
flood plain河滩地
flood plain漫滩
flood plain storage滩地调蓄
flood plain storage洪水河槽调蓄
flood plane洪水水面
flood pool防洪水库
flood prediction洪水预测
flood prediction洪水预估
flood prediction洪水预报
flood prevention防洪
flood prevention dam防洪坝
flood prevention during flood season汛期防洪
flood prevention measure防洪措施
flood propagation洪水传播
flood protection dike防洪堤
flood protection during construction施工期度汛
flood protection dyke防洪堤
flood protection embankment防洪堤
flood protection in flood season度汛
flood protection levee防洪堤
flood protection levee防护堤
flood protection measure防洪措施
flood protection scheme度汛方案
flood protection works防洪工程
flood protective embankment防洪堤
flood recession洪水消落
flood recession洪水退落
flood recession退洪
flood regulating level调洪水位
flood regulation洪水调节
flood regulation capacity调洪能力
flood regulation storage调洪库容
flood relief channel分洪渠道
flood relief channel泄洪渠道
flood retarding and sediment releasing滞洪排沙
flood retarding basin滞洪区
flood retarding effect滞洪效果
flood-retarding project滞洪工程
flood retarding project滞洪工程
flood retarding structure滞洪建筑物
flood retention滞洪
flood retention拦洪
flood retention basin滞洪区
flood retention basin滞洪洼地
flood retention capacity滞洪能力
flood retention pool滞洪水池
flood retention storage滞洪库容
flood rise涨洪
flood rise洪水上涨
flood routing洪水演算
flood routing洪水行进
flood routing through reservoir水库调洪演算
flood runoff洪水径流
flood season洪水季节
flood season汛期
flood season洪水期
flood series洪水系列
flood spillway溢洪道
flood stage洪水位
flood stage forecast洪水水位预报
flood storage防洪库容
flood storage蓄洪
flood storage and reclamation蓄洪垦殖
flood storage capacity蓄洪能力
flood storage capacity防洪库容
flood storage channel蓄洪河槽
flood-storage project蓄洪工程
flood-storage works蓄洪工程
flood stream洪水河流
flood stream涨潮流
flood subsidence洪水消退
flood surcharge洪水超高
flood surge洪水涌浪
flood synthesis洪水组合
flood tide channel涨潮道
flood tide gate挡潮闸
flood volume洪量
flood volume洪水量
flood wall防洪墙
flood warning service防汛机构
flood wave travel times洪水波行进时间
flood way泄洪道
flood way分洪道
flooding duration淹没期
flooding irrigation淹灌
flooding irrigation漫灌
flooding irrigation method漫灌法
flooding irrigation method淹灌法
forecast of ice-jam flood凌汛预报
free flooding irrigation自由漫灌
Frequency curves for flood peaks and volumes storm volumes of different time intervals洪峰和各时段洪量暴雨量频率曲线图
frequent flood常遇洪水
glacial lake outburst flood冰湖溃决洪水
guide curve for flood control防洪限制线
historical flood历史洪水
historical flood damage历史洪水灾害
historical flood investigation历史洪水调查
Hydrographs of typical flood and design flood典型洪水及设计洪水过程线图
Hydrographs of typical flood and design flood典型洪水和设计洪水过程线表
hydrologic forecasting of spring flood春汛水文预报
hydrological forecasting of spring flood春汛水文预报
ice flood凌汛
inflow design flood入库设计洪水
inflowing flood入库洪水
intangible flood damage难确定的无形洪水灾害
irrigation by surface flooding地面灌溉
land liable to floods易涝洼地
land liable to floods洪泛区
low limit level during flood season防洪限制水位
low limit level for sediment flushing in flood season汛期排沙限制水位
Major correlations for interpolated and extrapolated runoffs,storm floods径流、暴雨洪水、暴雨量、泥沙插补延长的主要相关关系图
major flood大洪水
maximum computed flood最大计算洪水
maximum flood最大洪水
maximum flood capacity最大泄洪能力
maximum flood capacity最大过水能力
maximum flood level最高洪水位
maximum recorded flood peak最大实测洪峰
mean annual flood多年平均洪水量
mean annual flood平均年洪水量
measured flood实测洪水
minimum flood最小洪水
minimum recorded flood peak最小实测洪峰流量
non-flood season非洪水期
N-year floodN年一遇洪水
one percent chance flood百年一遇洪水
over-standard flood超标准洪水
particular section of embankment for flood retaining临时拦洪断面
peak flood洪峰流量
peak flood洪峰
periodical flood周期性泛滥
periodical flood周期性洪水
pre-flood drawdown洪水之前降低库水位
probable flood可能洪水
protected objects against flood防洪对象
rainfall flood雨洪
rare flood罕见洪水
rare flood稀遇洪水
rate of travel of flood wave洪峰进行速度
rate of travel of flood wave洪水传播速度
recorded flood实测洪水
regional flood区域性洪水
Relations between flood peak and volume洪峰、洪量关系图
reservoir design flood水库设计洪水
reservoir flood routing水库调洪
routing flood洪水演算
sand flood沙暴
scheme of flood prevention防汛方案
seasonal flood季节性洪水
sheet flood洪流
sheet flood漫流
simplified flood hydrograph概化洪水过程线
snow flood融雪洪水
snow flood春汛
snow flood桃汛
snowmelt flood春汛融雪洪水
Specifications of flood control during construction防洪度汛技术要求
spillway design flood溢洪道设计洪水
spring flood春汛融雪洪水
spring flood春汛
staged design flood分期设计洪水
standard of design flood设计洪水标准
storm flood雨洪
storm flood暴雨洪水
summer flood夏季洪水
summer flood伏汛
summer flood
surface flooding irrigation地表漫灌
survey of dam breach flood溃坝洪水调查
survey of flood and drought disaster水旱灾情调查
ten-year flood十年一遇洪水
top level of flood control防洪高水位
top of exclusive flood control capacity防洪专用库容上限
torrential flood暴发洪水
torrential flood山洪
unregulated flood flow未调节的洪水流量
unusual flood非常洪水
urban flood defence城市防洪
water spray created by flood discharge泄流水雾
water spray created by '.flood discharge泄流水雾
wild flooding浸灌
wild flooding暴风雨泛滥
winter flood冬季洪水
winter flood冬汛