
Terms for subject Business containing flexible | all forms | exact matches only
built-in flexible amplifier内部柔性放大器
columnar type of flexible budget多栏式弹性预算
extra special flexible steel wire特殊专用挠性钢缆
fixed costs on flexible budget弹性预算中的固定成本
Flexible Automated Production System适应性强的自动生产系统
flexible break-even pricing弹性保本定价
flexible break-even pricing损益平衡的灵活订价
flexible budget弹性预算即变动性预算
flexible budget allowance弹性预算限额
flexible budgetary control弹性预算控制
flexible container伸缩集装箱
flexible container轻便集装箱
flexible container伸缩可变集装袋
flexible currency弹性通货
flexible distributed lag model灵活分布滞后模型
flexible duty伸缩性关税
flexible duty伸缩关税
flexible factory overhead budget弹性间接生产费用预算
flexible foreign exchange rate浮动汇率
flexible fund弹性基金
flexible job system弹性工作制
flexible labour cost弹性人工成本
flexible light-image probe弹性光像探头
flexible management灵活管理
flexible manufacturing factory适应性强的加工厂
flexible mark-up pricing弹性加成定价法
flexible measure灵活性措施
flexible monetary policy浮动货币政策
flexible plastic disc柔性塑料
flexible price弹性价格
flexible price农产品、原材料等的伸缩性价格
flexible pricing灵活定价
flexible prime rate伸缩性基础利率
flexible rate浮动汇率
flexible rate伸缩性汇率
flexible rate mortgage loan浮动利率抵押贷款
Flexible Rate System伸缩汇率制
flexible reserve system弹性准备制
flexible response灵活反应
flexible steel wire rope挠性钢丝绳
flexible tariff可变动关税
flexible tariff对外国进口商品的弹性关税
flexible time system弹性工作制
flexible time tabling指定弹性工作时间表
flexible timing灵活定时
flexible trust灵活投资信托公司
flexible trust灵活机动信托
flexible working hours机动工作时间
freely flexible exchange rate自由浮动汇率
Galvanized Flexible Steel Wire Rope镀锌柔性钢索
monthly flexible budget data月机动预算数据
multiple flexible forms of business多样灵活的经营方式
multiple flexible forms of operation多样灵活的经营方式
non-flexible price无伸缩性价格
variable of flexible plan可变偿还法