
Terms for subject Economy containing fixed-rate | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
composite depreciation rate of fixed assets固定资产综合折旧率
depreciation rate for fixed assets固定资产折旧率
fixed basic freight rate固定运费基价
fixed basic freight rate货物固定基价
fixed but adjustable exchange rate但是可以调整的率
fixed but adjustable exchange rate固定但可以调整的汇率
fixed but adjustable exchange rate固定的
fixed charge rate固定费用率
fixed cost to variable cost rate固定成本与变动成本的比率
fixed interest rate固定利率
fixed rate allowance定率津贴
fixed rate method定率法
fixed rate mortgage固定利率抵押
fixed rate of exchange固定利率
fixed rate of interest固定利率
fixed rate system固定汇率制度
fixed-rate certificate of deposit固定利率存单
fixed-rate dollar market固定汇率的美元市场
fixed-rate financing固定汇率的资金供应
fixed-rate loan固定利率贷款
recovery rate of investment in fixed assets固定资产投资回收率
The mortgage rate has been fixed at 10%抵押率定为 10%