
Terms containing fixed loan | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
exhib.fixed asset loan固定资产贷款
fin.fixed asset loans固定资产贷款
securit.fixed assets loan固定资产贷款
proj.manag.fixed interest loan stock定息贷款债券
proj.manag.fixed interest loan stock固定利息贷款债券
securit.fixed interest loan stock固定利息债券
econ.fixed loan长期贷款
econ.fixed loan定期贷款
exhib.fixed loan固定利率
busin.fixed loan定期放款
fin.fixed loan secured定期担保贷款
busin.fixed loan secured定期抵押放款
commer.fixed loan secured固定抵押贷款
tech.fixed loan secured有担保定期贷款
securit.fixed loan secured长期担保贷款
securit.fixed loan secured定期担保放款
busin.fixed loan unsecured定期信用放款
fin.fixed loan unsecured定期无担保贷款
tech.fixed loan unsecured定期信用贷款
interntl.trade.fixed loans secured定期抵押放款
econ.fixed loans secured定期担保放款
busin.fixed loans secured定期抵押贷款
fin.fixed loans unsecured定期信用放款无抵押
interntl.trade.fixed loans unsecured定期信用放款
busin.fixed loans unsecured定期信用贷款指无抵押
securit.fixed payment loan固定给付的放款
securit.fixed rate loan固定利率贷款
econ.fixed-interest loan固定利息贷款
fin.fixed-quota loan定额借款
econ.fixed-rate loan固定利率贷款
fin.fixed-term loan定期贷款
securit.loan for fixed assets固定资产贷款
econ.loan with fixed repayment date固定偿还日期的贷款
agric.loan with fixed repayment date定期信贷
econ.secure a loan by mortgage on fixed property以抵押固定资产取得担保
tech.standard fixed-rate mortgage loan标准固定利率抵押贷款