
Terms containing fishery | all forms | exact matches only
econ.a fishery conservation zone渔业资源保护区
econ.a fishery convention渔业条约
fish.farm.abalone fishery鲍渔业
org.name.Ad Hoc Working Party on Fishery Economic Development in the Southwest Atlantic西南大西洋渔业经济发展工作组
org.name.Ad Hoc Working Party on the Fishery Resources of the Patagonian Shelf巴塔哥尼亚大陆架渔业资源特设工作组
org.name.Advisory Committee on Fishery Management渔业管理咨询委员会
nautic., econ.aggregated fishery data渔业综合数据
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission关于建立亚洲及太平洋渔业委员会的协定
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of the Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission关于设立亚洲及太平洋渔业委员会的协定
org.name.Agreement for the Establishment of the Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa关于建立非洲水产品销售信息及合作服务政府间组织的协定
China, lawagriculture and fishery渔农业
exhib.agriculture, forestry, animal breeding, fishery农业林业畜牧业渔业
econ.all-round development of in farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production occupations and fishery农林牧副渔各业全面发展 (fishing)
anim.husb.American Institute If Fishery Research Biologists美国渔业研究生物学家学会
agric.angling fishery钓鱼业
agric.artisanal fishery个体渔业
tech.artisanal inshore fishery沿海个体渔业
fisheryASFIS List of Species for Fishery Statistics PurposesASFIS系统用于渔业统计的物种清单
org.name.Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission亚太渔业委员会
agric.brackish water fishery咸淡水渔业
fisherycapture fishery捕捞渔业
org.name.Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区渔业产品销售信息和咨询服务中心
org.name.Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean拉丁美洲区域鱼品市场信息处
org.name.Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region阿拉伯地区渔产品销售信息及咨询服务中心
org.name.Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region阿拉伯区域渔业产品市场信息和咨询服务中心
tech.coastal fishery沿海渔业
port.facil.coastal fishery harbour沿岸渔港
tech.coastal fishery harbour沿海渔港
port.facil.coastal fishery harbour近海渔港
fisherycoastal fishery resources沿海渔业资源
tech.coastal fishery state沿海渔业国
fisherycod fishery鳕鱼渔业
org.name.Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products鱼和水产品操作规范
agric.Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products适用于鱼类和水产品的行为规则
org.name.Code of Practice for Frozen Battered and/or Breaded Fishery Products冷冻挂浆和/或拌粉水产品操作规范
org.name.Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products鱼品和渔业产品法典委员会
agric.commercial fishery商业性渔业
interntl.trade.commercial fishery商品'渔业
environ.commercial fishery Such fisheries belong to one of two groups: one catching demersal (bottom-living) fish, e.g. cod, haddock, plaice, sole; the other catching pelagic (surface-living) fish, e.g. anchovy, tuna, herring商品渔业 (这种渔业属于以下两个集团之一:一种捕捞底层(底层生活)的鱼类,如鳕鱼,黑线鳕,鲽鱼,可食用比目鱼;另一种捕捞中上层(表面生活)的鱼类,如鳀鱼,金枪鱼,鲱鱼。)
tech.commercial fishery商品渔业
org.name.Committee on Fish and Fishery Products鱼品和渔业产品法典委员会
plann.community fishery社区渔业
agric.comprehensive fishery综合性渔业
org.name.Consultative Fishery Industry Forum渔业产业磋商论坛
ecol.Convention on Marine Fishery海洋渔业的国际公约
org.name.Cooperation Agreement between FAO and the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region粮农组织与阿拉伯地区渔业产品销售信息及咨询服务中心合作协定
org.name.Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics渔业统计协调工作组
exhib.Corporation for International Cooperation in Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery农牧渔业国际合作公司
tech.crime of illegal fishing fishery非法捕捞水产品罪
agric.cultivating fishery水产养殖业
fish.farm.culture based fishery养殖渔业
agric.culture fishery水产养殖业
water.res.culture-based fishery养殖渔业
textiledeep sea fishery深海渔业
textiledeep sea fishery远洋渔业
port.facil.deep sea fishery远海渔业
port.facil.deep sea fishery harbour远海渔港
tech.deep-sea fishery远洋渔业
tech.deep-sea fishery深海渔业
tech.deep-sea fishery远海渔业
nautic., econ.developed fishery发达的渔业
nautic., econ.developing fishery发展中的渔业
nautic., econ.directed fishery定向捕捞
fisherydirected fishery捕一种鱼种的渔业
nautic., econ.directed fishery单一鱼种捕捞
fisherydirected fishery单一捕捞
fisherydistant water fleet fishery过洋渔业
tech.distant-water fishery远洋渔业
nautic., econ.domestic fishery国内渔业
agric.drift fishery流网渔业
org.name.East African Freshwater Fishery Research Organization东非淡水渔业研究组织
agric.economics of fishery management渔业管理经济学
water.res.enhanced fishery增殖型渔业
tech.estuarine fishery河口渔业
tech.exclusive fishery limits专属渔区
tech.exclusive fishery zone专属捕鱼区
fisheryexclusive fishery zone专属渔业区
nautic., econ.exit fishery退出渔业
fisheryexperimental fishery实验性渔业
fisheryexperimental fishery实验性捕捞
org.name.Expert Consultation of Regional Fishery Management Bodies on the Harmonization of Catch Certification区域渔业管理机构协调产量认证专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Development of International Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries关于制定内陆捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签国际准则的专家磋商会
org.name.FAO/MRC/Thailand/Netherlands ad Hoc Expert Consultation on New Approaches for the Improvement of Inland Capture Fishery Statistics in the Mekong Basin粮农组织/湄公河委员会/泰国/荷兰旨在改善湄公河流域捕捞渔业统计工作的新方法特别专家磋商会
fish.farm.fermented fishery products发酵鱼产品
environ.fisheries management The administration and handling of aspects of the fishing industry, including the catching, processing and selling of fish渔业管理 (管理和处理渔业各方面,包括捕捞,加工和销售鱼。)
environ.fisheries structure Refers to all the structures (fishing vessels, trawling nets, factory ships, catcher boats, etc.) used in fishing industry渔业结构 (渔业中的使用的所有结构(渔船,拖网网,加工船,船捕等)。)
tech.fishery administration渔业管理 (机构)
tech.fishery administration渔政
China, lawfishery administration and fishing harbor superintendency agency渔政渔港监督管理机构
tech.fishery administration ship渔政船
shipb.fishery administration vessel渔政船
tech.fishery agreement渔业协定
org.name.Fishery Analyst渔业分析员
org.name.Fishery and Aquaculture Country Profiles渔业及水产养殖国别概况
tech.fishery base渔业基地
tech.fishery biology渔业生物学
fish.farm.fishery by-product水产副产品
desert.fishery by-products水产副产品
busin.fishery census水产业统计数字
tech.fishery chart鱼场图
tech.fishery city渔业城市
org.name.Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic中东大西洋渔业委员会
org.name.Fishery Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea几内亚湾中西部渔业委员会
org.name.Fishery Commodities Enhancement Programme水产品促销计划
busin.fishery company渔业公司
busin.fishery company水产公司
tech.fishery conservation水产资源保护
tech.fishery conservation渔业保护
interntl.trade.fishery conservation zone渔业资源保护区
nautic., econ.fishery conservation zone渔业保护区
ecol.fishery conservation zone渔业资源保护
tech.fishery conservation zone鱼类保护区
nautic., econ.fishery conservation zone渔业养护区
busin.fishery cooperative渔业合作社
econ.fishery country profiles渔业国家概况
fisheryfishery data collection programme渔业数据采集计划
org.name.Fishery Data Officer渔业数据官员
fisheryfishery dependent community渔业社区
fisheryfishery-dependent community渔业社区
fisheryfishery development渔业发展
nautic., tech.Fishery Dispute Resolution Center of the Arbitration Commission仲裁委员会的渔业争议解决中心
environ.fishery economics The production, distribution, and consumption of fish and seafood and all financial aspects of the fishing and seafood industry渔业经济 (生产、分配以及消费鱼、海产品以及渔业和海产品业的所有财务方面资源。)
tech.fishery examination boat渔业实验船
refrig.fishery factory ship渔业加工船
tech.fishery fleet渔船队
agric.fishery forecast渔况预报
tech.fishery forecast渔情预报
busin.fishery ground渔场
tech.fishery guidance ship渔业指导船
tech.fishery guidance ship渔业指挥船
shipb.fishery guidance vessel渔业指导船
busin.fishery guild水产行会
hydroel.st.fishery harbour渔港
tech.fishery harvesting渔获
ecol.fishery hazard渔业公害
tech.fishery hydrography渔业水文学
busin.fishery in foreign waters在外国水域的水产业
org.name.Fishery Industries Division渔业工业司
econ.fishery industry渔业
tech.fishery industry水产业
org.name.Fishery Industry Officer渔业工业官员
org.name.Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit渔业信息、数据及统计资料组
org.name.Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit渔业信息、数据及统计组
org.name.Fishery Information Officer渔业信息官员
org.name.Fishery Information on Genetic Resources渔业遗传资源信息
tech.fishery inspecting vessel渔政船
tech.fishery inspection ship渔业监督船
nautic., tech.fishery inspection vessel渔业检查船
anim.husb.Fishery Institute of Hebei河北水产学院 (China)
tech.fishery law捕捞法规
tech.fishery law海捞法规
org.name.Fishery Liaison Officer International Institutions渔业联络官员国际机构
ecol.fishery loss渔业损失
tech.fishery management渔业经营
fisheryfishery management渔业管理
nautic., econ.Fishery Management Council渔业管理委员会
org.name.Fishery Management Information System渔业管理信息系统
nautic., econ.fishery management plan渔业管理计划
nautic., econ.fishery management unit渔业管理单位
nautic., econ.fishery models渔业模型
shipb.fishery mother ship渔业母船
nautic., tech.fishery mother ship渔业基地船
tech.fishery mother-ship渔业母船
org.name.Fishery Officer渔业官员
tech.fishery organization渔业组织单位
tech.fishery organization渔业组织部门
tech.fishery organization渔业组织机构
nautic., tech.fishery patrol渔业监视指导船
tech.fishery plan渔业计划
org.name.Fishery Planning Analyst渔业规划分析员
plann.fishery policy渔业政策
environ.fishery policy Common Fisheries Policy which covers all fishing activities, the farming of living aquatic resources, and their processing and marketing, on the legal basis of Article 39 of the Treaty of Rome. It was agreed between members of the European Community in 1983. It lays down annual catch limits for major species of fish, a 12-mile exclusive fishing zone for each state, and an equal-access zone of 200 nautical miles from its coast within which any member state is allowed to fish渔业政策 (通常渔业政策涵盖了所有的鱼类活动,对水生生物资源的捕捞,处理和销售。欧洲共同体成员于1983年达成协议。限制每年主要品种鱼类捕捞的上限,每个国家有一个12英里长的独立捕鱼区,一个从海岸开始200海里的所有国家都可进入的捕鱼区。)
org.name.Fishery Policy and Planning Databank渔业政策及规划数据库
org.name.Fishery Policy and Planning Division渔业政策及规划司
China, lawfishery pollution渔业污染
China, lawfishery port渔业港口
tech.fishery port渔港
tech.fishery processing ship鱼类加工船
fish.farm.fishery product水产品
busin.fishery product渔业产品
tech.fishery production渔业产量
tech.fishery production渔业生产
busin.fishery products水产品
nautic., tech.fishery products processing鱼品加工
tech.fishery program渔业规划
tech.fishery program渔业计划
tech.fishery programme渔业规划
tech.fishery programme渔业计划
org.name.Fishery Project Information System渔业项目信息系统
tech.fishery protecting cruiser护渔巡洋舰
ecol.fishery protection渔业保护
ecol.fishery protection水产资源保护
shipb.fishery protection cruiser渔业保护舰
tech.fishery protection ship渔业保护船
tech.fishery quay渔船码头
tech.fishery quay鱼船码头
tech.fishery quay渔码头
shipb.fishery rescue ship渔业救助船
tech.fishery research渔业研究
tech.fishery research渔业分析
tech.fishery research渔业调查
tech.fishery research渔场考査
nautic., tech.fishery research渔业调查船
fisheryfishery research craft渔业研究船
tech.fishery research ship渔业研究船
tech.fishery research trawler渔业研究用拖网渔船
fisheryfishery research vessel渔业调查船
environ.fishery resource No definition needed渔业资源。 (无须定义。)
ecol.fishery resource渔业资源
ecol.fishery resource水产资源
spacefishery resource assessment渔业资源评价
spacefishery resource monitoring渔业资源监测
tech.fishery resources水产资源
fisheryfishery resources渔业资源
org.name.Fishery Resources Division渔业资源司
fisheryfishery resources management渔业资源管理
org.name.Fishery Resources Officer Inland Fisheries渔业资源官员 内陆渔业
tech.fishery right渔业权
shipb.fishery ship渔业船
nautic., tech.fishery ship渔业船舶
org.name.Fishery Statistician Aquaculture渔业统计学家 水产养殖
org.name.Fishery Statistician渔业统计员
stat.fishery statistics渔业统计
stat.fishery statistics渔业统1/4
org.name.Fishery Statistics Group渔业统计组
fisheryfishery stock assessment渔业资源评估
ecol.fishery supervision and management渔业监督管理
nautic., tech.fishery supervision boat渔业监督船
shipb.fishery supervision vessel渔业监督船
tech.fishery supply ship渔业补给船
tech.fishery survey ship渔业调査船
shipb.fishery survey ship渔业调查船
agric.fishery technology渔业技术
nautic., tech.fishery training渔业实习船
fisheryfishery training school渔业培训学校
tech.fishery training ship渔业训练船
fisheryfishery training vessel渔业实习船
tech.fishery vessel渔业船
fisheryfishery vessel渔船
busin.fishery vessel insurance渔船保险
tech.fishery water渔业用水
tech.fishery water body渔业水体
tech.fishery water quality assessment渔业用水质量评价
water.res., ecol.fishery water quality standard渔业用水水质标准
China, lawfishery waters渔业水体
ecol.fishery waters渔业水域
tech.fishery wharf渔港
tech.fishery zone捕鱼区
econ.free fishery自由捕鱼权
econ.fresh water fishery淡水养鱼业
agric.fresh water fishery淡水养鱼[业]
water.res., ecol.freshwater fishery淡水养鱼
tech.freshwater fishery淡水养鱼业
hydroel.st.fresh-water fishery淡水渔业
tech.freshwater fishery淡水鱼场
tech.freshwater fishery淡水渔业
org.name.Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries内陆捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签准则
org.name.Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Inland Capture Fisheries内陆捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签国际准则
org.name.Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Products from Marine Capture Fisheries海洋捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签准则
fisheryhighly processed fishery product深加工的渔业产品
agric.hook fishery钓鱼业
org.name.Indian Ocean Fishery Commission印度洋渔业委员会
org.name.Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission印度洋-太平洋渔业委员会
water.res.inland capture fishery内陆捕捞渔业
hydroel.st.inland fishery内陆渔业
hydroel.st.inland fishery内河渔业
environ.inland fishery Fishing grounds located in lakes, streams, etc.内陆钓鱼区 (处于湖泊、溪流等的可钓鱼的地方)
fish.farm.inland fishery management内陆渔业管理
fisheryinland fishery resources内陆渔业资源
agric.inland water fishery内陆水域渔业
tech.inland waters fishery内陆水域渔业
tech.inshore fishery沿海渔业
tech.inshore fishery近海渔业
econ.integrated fishery data system统一渔业数据系统
org.name.Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa非洲政府间渔产品营销信息及合作服务组织
org.name.Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa非洲区域渔产品销售及合作服务政府间组织
org.name.Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Technical Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Asia and Pacific Region亚太区域渔产品销售信息及技术咨询服务政府间组织
org.name.International Baltic Sea Fishery Commission国际波罗的海渔业委员会
org.name.International Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Product from Inland Capture Fisheries内陆捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签准则
org.name.International Guidelines for the Ecolabelling of Fish and Fishery Product from Inland Capture Fisheries内陆捕捞渔业鱼和渔产品生态标签国际准则
org.name.International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities水产品国际标准统计分类
org.name.International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities渔业商品国际标准统计分类
org.name.International Standard Statistical Classification of Fishery Commodities国际鱼品标准统计分类
org.name.Joint Fishery Commission联合渔业委员会
org.name.Joint Working Party on Fishery Statistics and Economics渔业统计和经济联合工作组
hydroel.st.lake fishery湖泊渔业
ecol.Law on Fishery渔业法
agric.light fishery光诱渔业
fisherylimited entry fishery有入渔限制的渔业
fisherylimited entry fishery有限入渔
tech.local fishery地区渔业
tech.longshore fishery沿岸渔业
earth.sc.man-made fishery land人工养殖用地 【土】
fisherymarine eel fishery海鳗渔业
fisherymarine fishery海洋捕捞
hydroel.st.marine fishery海洋渔业
environ.marine fishery The harvest of animals and plants from the ocean to provide food and recreation for people, food for animals, and a variety of organic materials for industry海洋渔业 (从海洋捕捞动物和植物为人们提供食物和娱乐,为动物提供饲料,以及对工业提供多种有机材料。)
fisherymarine fishery海水捕捞
agric.marine fishery resource海洋渔业资源
ecol.marine fishery resources海洋渔业资源
fish.farm.meal fishery鱼粉渔业
fisherymeal fishery缩减渔业
fisherymedium fishery中型渔业
fisherymedium-scale fishery中型渔业
tech.midwater fishery外海渔业
econ.Minister of Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Fishery农牧渔业部长
fisherymixed fishery混合渔业
tech.mother-type fishery母船式渔业
fisherymultifleet fishery多种作业渔船的渔业
fisherymultispecies fishery多鱼种捕捞作业
tech.near sea fishery近海鱼类
tech.ocean fishery海洋渔业
nautic., tech.ocean fishery research ship海洋渔业调查船
tech.ocean fishery research vessel海洋水产调査船
tech.off-sea fishery外海渔业
agric.off-shore fishery近海渔业
tech.offshore fishery近海渔业
fisheryovercrowded fishery过密的渔业
econ.pearl fishery采珠业
fish.farm.pearl fishery珍珠渔业
tech.pearl fishery采珍珠场
tech.pearl fishery采珠场
interntl.trade.pelagian fishery远洋渔业
tech.pelagic fishery远洋渔业
fisherypelagic fishery中上层渔业
fisherypelagics fishery中上层渔业
fish.farm.perlemoen fishery鲍渔业
tech.permit to fishery and trade国际渔业贸易许可证
agric.potential fishery resources渔业资源潜力
tech.potential fishery resources潜在渔业资源
org.name.Programme of Action on International Trade in Fish and Fishery Products鱼和水产品国际贸易行动计划
agric.prosperity in farming,forestry,animal husbandry,sideoccupations and fishery农、林、牧、副、渔五业兴旺
agric.purse seine fishery围网渔业
fisheryreduction fishery缩减渔业
fisheryregional fishery bodies区域渔业机构
fisheryregional fishery bodies and arrangements区域渔业机构及协定
fisheryregional fishery body区域渔业机构
tech.regulatory fishery bodies渔业管理机构
manag.regulatory fishery body渔业管理机构
tech.reservoir fishery水库渔业
work.fl.review of the state of world marine fishery resources世界海洋渔业资源状况回顾
work.fl.review of the state of world marine fishery resources世界渔业回顾
tech.right of fishery捕捞权
tech.river and lake fishery内河渔业
agric.river fishery河川渔业
tech.sea fishery海洋渔业
tech.sea-going fishery远洋渔业
org.name.Senior Fishery and Aquaculture Officer渔业及水产养殖高级官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Data Officer高级渔业数据官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Industry Officer Vessels/Fishing Operations高级渔业工业官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Industry Officer Quality Assurance高级渔业产业官员质量保障
org.name.Senior Fishery Information Officer高级渔业信息官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Liaison Officer高级渔业联络官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Liaison Officer International Fisheries高级联络官员国际渔业
org.name.Senior Fishery Officer高级渔业官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Planning Officer高级渔业规划官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Resources Officer高级渔业资源官员
org.name.Senior Fishery Statistician高级渔业统计学家
org.name.Senior Regional Fishery and Aquaculture Officer区域渔业及水产养殖高级官员
interntl.trade.shore fishery沿岸渔业
fisheryshrimp fishery management捕虾业管理
fisherysingle-species fishery单一鱼种捕捞
fisherysingle-species fishery单一品种渔业
fisherysmall tuna fishery小金枪鱼捕捞业
fisherysmall-mesh fishery小网目渔业
tech.sport fishery运动渔业
tech.state agency in charge of fishery administration and fishing ports superintendence国家渔政渔港监督管理机构
tech.strand fishery沿岸渔业
org.name.Sub-Committee on Fishery Development渔业发展分委员会
org.name.Sub-Committee on Fishery Education and Training渔业教育和培训分委员会
fisherysubsistence fishery自给性渔业
tech.supervisory office of fishery渔政监督管理机构
gen.Taiyo Fisheryназв.комп. 大洋渔业公司
fisherytargeted fishery捕捞单一品种的渔业
fisherytargeted fishery专捕某鱼种的渔业
fisherytargeted fishery目标渔业
econ.the shore fishery海岸渔业
agric.traditional fishery传统渔业
tech.traditionally established fishery传统性渔业
fish.farm.trial fishery试验性渔业
tech.water quality requirement for fishery渔业用水水质要求
tech.water quality standards for fishery渔业用水水质标准
org.name.Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission中西部大西洋渔委
org.name.Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission中西部大西洋渔业委员会
met.wire rope for shipping and fishery航海和渔业用钢丝绳
met.wire-rope for shipping and fishery航海和渔业用钢丝绳
org.name.Working Party on Biological Research and Evaluation of Fishery Resources渔业资源生物研究和评估工作组
org.name.Working Party on Fishery Introductions渔业引种问题工作组
org.name.Working Party on Fishery Resources渔业资源工作组
org.name.Working Party on Resources Appraisal and Fishery Statistics资源评估和渔业统计工作组
org.name.Working Party on the Allocation of Fishery Resources渔业资源分配工作组
org.name.Workshop on the Harmonization and Coordination of Fishery Regimes渔业管理体制协调统一问题工作组
tech.year-round fishery全年渔业
agric.yield of fishery渔获量