
Terms for subject Agriculture containing fish | all forms | exact matches only
abundance of pelagic fishes中上层鱼类资源量
acidulated fish scrap酸性鱼肥
acidulated fish tankage酸性鱼肥
acoustic fish detection音响鱼群探察
anadromous fish溯河[产卵]鱼
artificial fish reef人工鱼礁
attracting fish lamp诱鱼灯
bathypelagic fishes次深海层鱼类
bottom fishes底层鱼类
breeding fish带子鱼
breeding fish产卵鱼
breeding fish怀卵鱼
canned fish鱼罐头
canned fish罐头鱼
catadromous fish降海产卵鱼类 (复)
catadromous fish降海产卵鱼
coarse fish粗杂鱼[类]
Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products适用于鱼类和水产品的行为规则
cold water fish冷水性鱼[类]
commercial fishes商品鱼类
compound fish fertilizer多元鱼肥
compound fish fertilizer复合鱼肥
concentrate fish集群鱼
crude fish scrap粗制鱼肥
culture of ornamental fish观赏鱼养殖
demand for fish鱼品需求
demand for fish鱼品需求量
demersal fishes底层鱼类
density of released fish放养鱼密度
detection of fish school鱼群探测
detection of fish school鱼群侦察
dietary marine fish食用海水鱼
diurnal fishes昼夜移动性鱼类
dried fish鱼鲄干
dynamics of fish population鱼类种群数量变动
edible fish食用鱼
electric fish screen拦鱼电栅
electric fishes发电鱼类
embankment fish culture养殖,基-鱼
fancy fishes观赏鱼类
fatty fishes多脂肪鱼类
feed fish饲料鱼
fish and shrimp bait processing鱼虾饵料加工
fish attracting lamp诱鱼灯
fish bait钓饵
fish behavior鱼类习性
fish behavior鱼类行动
fish bone device鱼骨形器件
fish breeding养鱼
fish breeding渔业
fish composition鱼类组成
fish concentration鱼群
fish cultural technique养鱼技术
fish culture in hot-spring温泉养鱼
fish culture in lake湖泊养鱼
fish culture in net pen网箱养鱼
fish culture in paddy fields稻田养鱼
fish culture in rice fields稻田养鱼
fish culture in running water流水养鱼
fish culture in stagnant water静水养鱼
fish culture net cabin养鱼网箱
fish density鱼类密度
fish density鱼群密度
fish-eye sieve鱼眼筛
fish farming养鱼业
fish farming渔业
fish fauna鱼类志
fish feed鱼饲料
fish feeder投饲机鱼-
fish fertilizer鱼肥
fish finder探鱼仪
fish finding鱼情探测
fish flour食用鱼粉
fish fork鱼叉
fish guano鱼肥
fish guano鱼渣粉
fish killer负子蝽
fish leaf苞叶
fish leaf鱼叶
fish line钓线
fish line钓丝
fish liver oil鱼肝油
fish meal鱼粉
fish mold鱼霉 (复)
fish mold水霉 (复)
fish mold鱼霉病
fish oil鱼油农药助剂
fish oil鱼油
fish pass鱼梯
fish population dynamic鱼类种群动态
fish processing鱼加工
fish roe鱼卵
fish roe鱼子
fish scale pits鱼鳞坑系坡地保水措施之一
fish scrap鱼粕
fish screen拦渔网
fish shelter forest护渔林
fish sound
fish stakes鱼梁
fish stock assessment鱼类资源估计
fish stocking鱼类放养
fish tankage鱼肉粉
fish transporter鱼运输工具
fish twine钓线
fish twine钓丝
fish weir鱼梁
flowing water fish culture流水养鱼
fodder fish下脚料鱼类
fodder fish饲料鱼类
food fish食用鱼
fresh fish鲜鱼
fresh fish新鲜的鱼
fresh-water culture of fish淡水养鱼业
good fish farming practices良好的水产养殖方式
ground fishes底层鱼类
hard-roed fish带卵鱼
harvestable fish可收获的鱼类
homing fishes回归鱼类
iced fish冰藏鱼
iced fish冰鲜鱼
ichthyoötoxic fishes有毒鱼类
immature fish幼鱼
immature fish未成熟鱼
legal-size fish法定鱼体尺寸
live fish活鱼
live fish carrier活水船
live fish transportation活鱼运输
live-box fish culture筐养
live-box fish culture网箱养鱼
luminescence fishes发光鱼类
lure for fish诱鱼饵
marked fish标记鱼
marked fish标志鱼
method of attracting fish诱鱼法
migratory fishes洄游性鱼类
non-schooling fishes非集群性鱼类
oily fish meal多脂鱼粉
omnivore fishes杂食性鱼类
osteichthid fishes硬骨鱼类
oxygen adding installation for fish-pond鱼池增氧设施
paddy-cum-fish culture稻-鱼养殖
pan fish平底锅鱼
pan-size fish煎锅规格鱼类
pelagic fish population中上层鱼类种群
plate-size fish盘子规格鱼类
poisonous fishes有毒鱼类
pollution-caused fish kills污染死鱼现象
pollution-caused fish kills污染致死鱼
predacious fishes肉食性鱼类
predacious fishes凶猛鱼类
preserved fish保存鱼鱼干,罐头鱼,熏鱼
rice-fish alternation稻鱼轮换指稻田种稻与养鱼轮换
rice-fish cultivation稻鱼兼作指稻田种稻与养鱼同时进行
rice-fish cultivation稻田养鱼
rice-fish culture稻田养鱼
rice-fish farming稻田养鱼
rice-cum-fish culture稻田养鱼
rice-cum-fish culture system稻-鱼养殖
rock fishes鲉类
seed fish怀卵鱼产卵期的鱼
spent fish产过卵的瘦鱼
standing fish population现存鱼类种群[量]
survey of fish population鱼类种群调查
teleost fishes真骨鱼类
temperature increasing installation for fish-pond鱼池增温设施
tinned fishes罐头鱼
tinning of fish鱼罐头加工
tinning of fish鱼罐装
toxic fishes有毒鱼类
transport can for fish运鱼箱
transport can for fish运鱼桶
trash fish下脚料鱼类
trough culture of fish水槽养鱼
unedible fish非食用鱼
vacuum fish pump真空鱼泵
viviparous fish胎生鱼
voracious fishes贪食性鱼类
warm ocean fish暖水性海洋鱼类
wild fish野鱼
Wuchan fish团头鲂
young fish稚鱼