
Terms for subject Business containing first | all forms | exact matches only
action of the first impression没有前例的诉讼
additional first-year depreciation第一年的补提折旧
back-to-back credit export import first输出为先的背对背信用证
bank-of-first-deposit approach存款银行处理法
books of first entry原始账簿
by first mail首次付邮
case of first impression无先例案件
coefficient of first order一次系数
commodity export-production-first policy商品出口生产优先政策
consolidated refunding first mortgage sinking fund bond第一次不动产保证减债基金替并债券
cost-recovery-first method首先收回成本计算法
court of first instance一审法院
credit first信誉第一
customers and creditability first信誉第一
customers and creditability first顾客至上
date of first appointment初任日期
dollar value last in, first out method美元币值后进先出法
equation of first degree一次方程
equation of the first degree in multivariables多元一次方程
error-first kind 1型误差
error of first kind-type 1型错误
error of the first kind 1型误差
exponent smoothing, the first-order第一阶段指数平滑
exponential smoothing, the first-order第一阶段指数平滑
export production-first policy出口生产优先政策
first advertising agency network第一广告公司网
first and second甲、乙级
first and second一级品与二级品
first approximation technique初步近似法
first article试制品
first article configuration inspection首次产品结构检查
first beneficiary第一受益人即可转让信用证的受益人
first beneficiary of a transferable credit可转让信用证第一受益人
first boundary value第一边界值
first cargo试产品
first carrier第一承运人指接受货物的最初承运人
first cause原动力
first cause首要原因
first chop一级
first chop头等
first class劳氏船级第一级记号
first class甲级
first class一流
first class certificate一级品证明书
first-class certificate一级品证书
first-class certificate一级证券
first-class commercial bill一级商业票据
first-class commercial note一级商业票据
first-class commercial paper一级商业票据
first-class commercial paper一等商业票据最佳商业票据
first class conductor第一类导体
first-class note一级票据
first-class paper一级票据
first-class paper一级证券
first-class quality一级品质
first come, first serve先来先办理
first come, first sold谁先来,谁先卖
first come, first sold先来先售
first come, first sold先进先卖
first-come first-served先到先服务
first-come first-served rule先来先服务原则
first-come first-served system先到先供应制度
first-come first-service先到先服务
first component前件
first condition首要条件
first condition of average首要分摊条件
first cost原始成本
first cost原始成本即未计入利息等的成本
first cost method原始成本法
first countability axiom第一可数性公理
first crack优惠关税
first day星期日
first day首日
first degree discrimination一级差别待遇
first derivation一阶导数
first difference operator一阶差分算子
first difference transformation—阶差分变换
first entry原始记录
first entry原始分录
first ETA船舶到港时间预报 (expected time of arrival)
first excess最初超过额
first fail初级故障
first fail初次失败
first fruits首次收成
first fruits初次收益
first fundamental form第一基本形式
first gear第一速轮
first generation创业人
first generation bank一级银行
first grade甲级
first grade头等
first grade一级
first grade cargo一级品
first grade goods一级品
first grade goods高级商品
first grade product一级品
first grade product rate一级品率
first grade year上半年
first half前半期
first half of a month上半月
first hand第一手指现货或期货的最初持有人
first hand evidence第一手证据
first hand goods一手货
first hand information原始信息
first hand information第一手资料
first hand intelligence第一手资料
first hand knowledge直接知识
first hand material第一手材料
first immediate predecessor event第一个前行事件
first in, first out先入先出法
first in, first out先进先岀法此系存货计价法之一,即销货按早期进货价计算,期末库存商品则按近期进货价计算
first-in first-out costing of inventory存货先进先出计价
first-in, first-out costing of inventory存货的先进先出计价法
first-in first-out costing of work-in process在制品先进先出计价
first in, last out先入后出法
first-in last-out先进后出法
first in, still here先入留库盘存法
first-in still-here先进还存法
first-in, still-here先进还存法存货计价法之一
first increment一阶增量
first inspection初次检验
first installments分期付款的第一次付款
first installments分期付款的第一期付款
first interview首次面谈
first item首项
first-kind error第一类错误
first law of the mean第一平均值定律
first level一流水平
first level一级
first level outcome一级结果
first lien最先留置权
first line基层
first-line industrial center最重要的产业中心
first-line management基层管理部门
first-line management高层管理部门
first-line supervisor基层监管人员
first loss insurance第一损失保险
first loss insurance第一危险保险即火险损失按财产实际数额理算
first market第一市场
first market证券发行上市市场亦称第一市场
first moment一阶动差
first moment about the origin一阶原点矩
first mortgage第一抵押权即首先受抵押者具有第一受偿权
first mortgage bond第一抵押权债券即以财产第一抵押作担保的债券
first mortgage bonds第一抵押权债券
first notice day通知期限第一天
first notice day通知期限第一无
first obligation优先债
first obligation首要责任
first of exchange第一联汇票汇票为一式两联或三联,第一联为正本
first open water shipping解冻后首航水中含少于1/10的冰块
first-order autocorrelation一阶自相关
first-order autoregression一阶自回归
first-order autoregressive disturbance一阶自回归扰动
first-order autoregressive process—阶自回归过程
first-order autoregressive scheme一阶自回归形式
first-order correction一阶校正
first-order correlation―阶相关
first-order equation一次方程
first-order feedback一阶反馈
first-order function calculus一阶泛函演算
first-order homogeneous nonstationary process一阶齐次非平稳过程
first-order integral-differential equation一阶积分微分方程
first-order linear serial correlation一阶线性序列相关
first-order Markov scheme一阶马尔可夫型式
first-order maximum condition一阶极大值条件
first-order of solution第一次近似解
first order serial correlation一次序列相关
first-order serially correlated errors―阶序列相关误差
first-order smoothing一阶平滑法
first order tests一级检验
first order wave一级波
first passage首次通过
first passage time首次通过时间
first-phase sampling第一阶段抽样
first piece inspection首件检验
first port of debenture始发港
first premium第一期保险费
first principles of law法学通论
first priority goal第一优先目标
first rate头等
first rate优等
first-rate investment最佳投资
first-rate quality上等质量
first-rate quality一级品质
first-rate quality优等质量
first refusal优先购买权
first refusal优先选择权
first restatement第一次重申
first round第一回合
first round estimate第一轮估计
first round residual第一轮剩余
first sale试销
first sample初样
first sample原始样本
first sample inspection首样检验
first section第一部分
first section第一级
first session of the month月初会议
first session of the year年初会议
first species第一类
first stage leverage第一阶段杠杆
first stage of procurement第一阶段采购
first stage regression第一阶段回归
first-stage wholesalers第一阶段批发商
first surplus第一溢额
first term初期
first time through一次通过
first transfinite ordinal numbers第一超限系数
first unpaid正本尚未兑付
first unpaid正本第一联尚未兑付意指必须正本未经兑付,副本方可兑付
first variation一次变分
first water第一流
first water珠宝等头等
First World"第一世界"
first year return第一年收益
fundamental quantity of first order一阶基本量
goods of first order首选商品
goods of the first rank上等品
guarantee on first demand债权人提出要求保证立即履行
highest-in first-out高入先岀法
highest-in, first-out高入先出法
highest-in-first-out method高入先出法
homogeneous first-order difference齐次一阶定差方程
homogeneous production function of the first degree一阶齐次性生产函数
inspection of first few product首件检验
inventory plans, first in, first out先进先出盘存法
inventory plans, last in, first out后进先出盘存法
last in, first-out method后进先出法
last-come, first served后进先出
last-in, first-out后进先出法
last-in, first-out后进先出
last-in, first-out inventory layer后进先出盘存进货批次
last-in, first-out list后进先出表
last-in first-out met hod后进先出法计算存货方法之一
last-in first-out method of inventory costing后进先出盘存成本计算法
last-in, first-out queue后进先出排队
last-in first-out stack后进先出货栈
Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货
linear, first-order, homogeneous difference equation线性一阶齐次差分方程
make first-phase preparation做前期准备工作
mean time-to-first-failure首次故障前平均工作时间
method of first difference一阶差分法
method of first-in, first-out先进先出法
method of last-in, first-out后进先出法
next-in first-out次进先出法
next-in-first-out method次进先出法
next-in, first-out method次入先岀法
party of the first part合同甲方
party of the first part契约的甲方
profit-first principle收益第一原则
safety-first engineering安全第一工程
safety first in production生产安全第一
shipment by first available vessel由最先开航的船装运
shipment by first opportunity有机会就先装运
tail first倒退
trial of first instance一审
trial of first instance初审
What about having a look at the sample first?您可以先看一下样品
When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products在比较价格的时候,质量是我们首先必须考虑的