
Terms for subject Information technology containing first | all forms | exact matches only
best first search最佳优先搜索
breadth-first procedure宽度优先过程
breadth-first search宽度优先捜索
breadth first search宽度优先捜索
breadth-first strategy宽度优先策略
breadth first strategy of resolution refutation归结反演宽度优先策略
coordinate earliest deadline first协调最早到期优先
critical piece first关键部分第_
depth-first search深度优先捜索
depth-first search深度优先搜索
equation of the first degree in multivariables多元一次方程式
Ethernet for the first mile以太网最前一英里
first-character forms control首字符格式控制
first come first service先来先服务法
first come first service先来先服务
first element of chain链中首元素
first ended first out先结束先送
first ended, first out先结束先出,先完先出
first-ended first-out先结束先送出
first fit首次匹配法
first fit首先满足法
first-fit strategy最先匹配策略
first-fit-decreasing rule首次适合下降规则
first generation computer第一代计算机
first generation industrial robot第_代工业机器人
first generation microcomputer第一代微型计算机
first generation programming language第一代程序设计语言
first in first out先进先出
first-in first-out先进先出
first-in last-out先进后出
first-in not-used-first-out先进不用先出
first level interrupt handler第一级中断处理器
first normal form第_范式
first-order language一阶语言
first-order logic一阶逻辑
first-order Markov chain一阶马尔可夫链
first-order model阶模型
first-order predicate calculus system_一阶谓词演算系统
first-order system with equality带等词的一阶系统
first personal shooting game第一人称视角射击游戏
first speaker第一个发言人
hardest-first strategy最难优先策略
highest priority first最高优先级优先
last-in first out后进先出
last-in first-out后进先出
mean time to first failure平均首次出故障时间
mean time to first failure平均首次失效前时间
multicast open shortest-path first多播开放最短路径优先
negation first variable第一变量"非"运算
non first normal form非第一范式
open shortest path first开放最短路径优先算法
open shortest path first interior gateway protocol开放最短路径优先 OSPF 内部网关协议
refined first fit rule改进首次适合规则
shortest path first最短路径优先
superconductor of the first kind第一类超导体
two status first order Markov model二状态一阶马尔可夫模型
unit first strategy单元优先策略