
Terms containing fire -detecting | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.automatic fire detecting device火灾自动检测设备
tech.automatic fire detecting system自动火灾警报装置
tech.automatic fire detecting system自动火警警报系统
tech.automatic fire detecting system自动火警警报装置
tech.automatic fire detecting system自动火灾警报系统
tech.automatic fire detecting system火灾自动检测系统
tech.central fire detecting equipment中心火警探测器
tech.certificate for fire extinguishing and detecting apparatus消防及火警设备证书
shipb.certificate for fire extinguishing and detecting apparatus消防设备和火警探测器合格证书
oilfire and gas detecting system火灾一可燃气探测系统
tech.fire detect激发检测
tech.fire detecting and extinguishing apparatus火警探测及灭火装置
tech.fire detecting and extinguishing apparatus火灾探测和灭火装置
tech.fire detecting and extinguishing device火警探测及灭火装置
tech.fire detecting area火灾探测区
tech.fire detecting arrangement火警探测装置
tech.fire detecting arrangement探火装置
nautic., tech.fire detecting arrangement失火探测装置探火装置
tech.fire detecting cabinet火警探测箱
tech.fire detecting cabinet火灾报警箱
tech.fire detecting device火警探测装置
nautic., tech.fire detecting device探火装置失火探测器
tech.fire detecting system自动火警警报装置
oilfire detecting system火灾探测系统
tech.fire detecting system火灾检测系统
nautic., tech.fire detecting system失火探测系统探火系统
nautic., tech.fire detecting system alarm探火系统报警
tech.fire-detecting area火灾检测区