
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing finished | all forms | exact matches only
acid treated finish酸类处理整面法
actual size of finished steel product钢材实际尺寸 (【技】实际生产中所获得的成品钢材尺寸。它往往大于或小于钢材公称尺寸。)
air-blued finish空气发蓝精整处理
anode finish阳极镀层
anode finish阳极氧化涂饰
anode finish阳极抛光
anodic finish阳极镀层
anodic finish阳极氧化涂饰
anodic finish阳极抛光
as-cast finish铸态表面精整
bainite finish point贝氏体转变终点
baked vinyl organosol finish mechanism干乙烯基有机合成物涂层抛光机构
best bright finish高光亮光洁 (冷轧带钢表面的)
best bright finish高光亮光洁度
black finish黑化
black finish发黑处理
black finish表面发黑处理
black finish发黑
black finish黑精整
black oxide finish黑化
black oxide finish发黑
black oxide finish表面氧化发黑处理
black oxide finish氧化发黑处理
block finish混凝土表面磨光
blue finished发蓝处理的
blue finished蓝色回火的
blue finished plate发蓝处理的钢板
bright dipped finish光亮酸洗精整
bright dipped finish光亮酸洗
bright dipped finish光亮酸洗抛光
bright finished steel光亮精整钢
bright-finished steel bar银亮钢棒
bright-finished steel bar光亮精整钢棒
bright-finished steel product光亮精整钢材
buckle of finished steel product钢材瓢曲 (【技】钢板或钢带同时在长度方向和宽度方向上出现板【带】体翘曲,产生瓢形。其产生原因是:轧制时钢板纵横方向同时产生不均匀变形,钢板两面冷却条件不一致,冷却速度不均匀,钢板热态吊运等。)
buffed chrome finish磨光镀铬
buffed nickel finish磨光镀镍
butler finish板材表面的无光毛面精整
butler finish无光精整 (板材、轧辊表面的)
butler finish毛面精整 (板材、轧辊表面的)
butler finish擦亮银器
butler finish无光毛面精整
camber of finished steel product钢材镰刀弯 (【技】对钢板而言是指其长度方向在水平面上出现侧向弯曲的现象;对矩形断面钢材或型钢,是指在窄面一侧呈凹人曲线,另一相对的窄面形成相应的凸出曲线的现象。)
close-finish forging精密锻造
close-to-finish forging精密锻造
close-to-finish forging近形锻造
coarse finish粗加工
coarse finish粗精整
cold finished冷精轧〔整〕 的
cold-finished bar冷精整条材
cold-finished bar冷轧条材
cold-finished product冷轧材
cold-finished product冷精整产品
cold-finished products冷轧材
cold-finished products冷轧产品
cold-finished rod冷精轧棒材
cold-finished rod冷轧棒材
cold finished steel冷加工钢
cold-finished steel bar冷精整条钢
cold-finished steel bar冷轧条钢
cold-rolled finish冷轧精整 (度)
cold-rolled finish冷轧板材的光洁度
cold-rolled finish冷轧光洁度
cold-rolled finished product冷轧钢材
cold-rolled luster finish sheet镜面光亮冷轧薄板
cold-rolled lustre finish sheet镜面光亮优质冷轧薄钢板
cold-rolled lustre finish sheet镜面光亮优质冷轧薄板
colored mark of finished steel products钢材涂色标记 (【技】为了区别供货钢材的批号、炉号、钢号、质量等级以及其他差别,按标准规定在各种钢材上用不同颜色所做的标记。)
commercial finished steel product商品钢材
commercial rolled finished steel product商品轧制钢材
control of finished pipe length成品管长度控制
cooling zone of finished product成品冷却段
cross-section of semi-finished product钢坯断面
decorative finish表面涂饰
decorative finish装饰精整
defect-free finished steel products无缺陷钢材
degree of curvature of finished steel product钢材弯曲度 (【技】钢材沿长度或宽度方向呈弧形的现象称为弯曲。其弯曲的程度为弯曲度,可用数字表示。)
degree of finish光洁度
degree of finish精整度
delivery condition of finished steel product钢材交货状态 (【技】通过合同规定的交货状态有:不经热处理交货和以热处理状态交货。不经热处理交货的,有热轧(锻)状态和冷拉(轧)状态。经最终热处理交货的,有正火状态、调质状态等。)
delivery date of finished steel product钢材交货期
delivery length of finished steel product钢材交货长度 (【技】我国现行标准中有关钢材交货长度的规定有:不定尺长度、定尺长度、倍尺长度、短尺。)
demand for finished steel products钢材需求 (量)
die wall finish模壁光洁度
dry-finished plate麸糠干法擦净的镀锡薄钢板
dry-finished terneplate麸糠干法擦净的镀铅锡薄钢板
dry-rolled finish干辊冷轧光洁度
dry-rolled finish干辊冷轧精整 (板材的)
dull-finish sheet毛面薄板
dull finish sheet毛面钢板
dull-finish sheet无光薄板
dyed finish着色处理
dyed finish成品零件表面着色
dyed finish染色涂饰
economic section finished steels经济断面钢材
edge finish轧边
edge finish侧压下
edge finish侧轧
edge finish立轧
extrusion finish【压】 挤光
extrusion finish挤光
finish allowance切削余量
finish allowance加工余量
finish annealed tube经最终退火的钢管
finish annealing最终退火
finish blanking精密下料
finish blanking精密冲压
finish blow造铜期
finish blow work function造铜期工作函数
finish coater成品涂覆机
finish coating成品涂覆
finish curl die最终卷取成形模
finish curl die最终卷边模
finish draw精拉
finish draw精拉 【拔】
finish flush-off精炼扒渣
finish forge精锻
finish forging精密锻造
finish forging终锻
finish forging精锻
finish grinding精磨
finish groove成品孔型
finish groove精轧孔型
finish machining精切削加工
finish machining精机加工
finish pass精轧孔型
finish pass成品孔型
finish polishing bench拉孔模精抛光机
finish polishing bench精抛光机
finish rolling精轧
finish rolling arc of contact精轧接触弧
finish rolling cycle精轧周期
finish rolling defect精轧缺陷
finish rolling elastic-plastic curve精轧弹塑性曲线
finish rolling equipment精轧设备
finish rolling force精轧力
finish rolling force detector精轧力检测装置
finish rolling heat精轧热
finish rolling in protective atmosphere保护气氛精轧
finish rolling interruption精轧中断
finish rolling load精轧负荷
finish rolling lubricant精轧润滑剂
finish rolling mill精轧机
finish rolling mill control精轧机控制
finish rolling mill drive精轧机驱动装置
finish rolling mill gauge精轧机测厚仪
finish rolling mill guide精轧机导板
finish rolling mill motor精轧机电动机
finish rolling mill operator精轧机操作工
finish rolling mill press down system精轧机压下系统
finish rolling mill roll精轧机轧辊
finish rolling mill screwdown精轧机压下装置
finish rolling of section型钢精轧
finish rolling of section型材精轧
finish rolling of sheet薄板精轧
finish rolling pass精轧道次
finish rolling power精轧功率
finish rolling roll精轧辊
finish rolling size精轧尺寸
finish rolling speed精轧速度
finish rolling technology精轧技术
finish rolling technology精轧工艺
finish rolling temperature精轧温度
finish rolling texture精轧织构
finish rolling time精轧时间
finish rolling tolerance精轧公差
finish rolling with negative deviation负偏差精轧
finish sinter【团】成品烧结矿
finish symbol加工符号代号
finish temperature终了温度
finish temperature终点温度
finish to gauge按量规加工
finish to gauge按尺寸,按样板精确加工
finish to gauge按样板加工
finish to size按尺寸加工
finish to templet按样板加工
finish turning精车
finish turning光车
finished black plate成品黑钢板
finished black plate精轧黑钢板
finished coil成品带卷
finished dimension产品尺寸
finished dimension最终尺寸
finished goods成品
finished ingot成品锭
finished ironwork成品炼铁厂 (【技】其产品为熟铁成品的炼铁厂,以区别于其产品仅为生铁或熟铁坯的炼铁厂。)
finished machine drawing机械加工图
finished material成品
finished metal精炼金属
finished metal成品金属
finished metal powder金属粉末成品
finished nut精制螺母
finished ore精选矿
finished ore精选矿
finished pellet【团】 成品球团矿
finished pellet成品球团
finished plate成品板材
finished plate精轧薄钢板
finished plate精轧板材
finished plate and sheet成品板材
finished plate thickness成品板材厚度 (Of the slabs not continuously cast, 74 percent is not produced with continuous casting process because of limits in finished plate thickness and weight, and 22 percent is because of limits in casting excessively small lot sizes. 在非连铸生产的板坯中,由于受成品板材厚度和重量限制而不能用连铸方法生产的占74%,由于受连铸批量太小限制而不能用连铸方法生产的占22%。)
finished powder metallurgic product粉冶成品
finished powder metallurgic product粉末冶金成品
finished powder metallurgical product粉冶成品
finished powder metallurgical product粉末冶金成品
finished product最终产品
finished product产品
finished products【压】钢材
finished products storage area成品库
finished roll成品轧辊
finished roll光制轧辊
finished rolled products成品轧材
finished rolled products轧制钢材
finished rolled products钢材
finished rolled steel products轧制钢材
finished rolled steel products成品轧材 (Finished rolled steel products are classified according to the shape of their cross-sections as: section product, flat product, tube, and wire rod. 依据断面形状,轧制钢材可分为:型钢、扁平材、管材和线材。)
finished rolled steel products钢材
finished scrap bundle卷好的废边卷
finished section成品型材
finished section成品型材
finished section成品
finished section最终〔成品〕断面
finished section成品断面
finished section最终断面
finished sheet精轧薄板
finished sinter【团】 成品烧结矿
finished sinter成品烧结矿
finished sinter conveyer成品烧结矿带式输送机
finished sinter conveyer成品烧结矿皮带机
finished size最终尺寸
finished size成品尺寸
finished steel成品钢
finished steel钢材
finished steel成品钢 (Arsenic is not completely removed during the steel refining process and imparts brittleness to the finished steel. 神在钢的精炼期间未完全脱除,因而会使钢材发脆。)
finished steel精制钢
finished steel mill products成品轧材
finished steel mill products钢材
finished steel pipe成品钢管
finished steel product钢材
finished steel product size钢材尺寸 (【技】钢材公称尺寸和钢材实际尺寸的统称。)
finished steel section成品型钢
finished steel shape成品型钢
finished steel sheet精整过的薄钢板
finished steel sheet成品薄钢板
finished steel sheet and plate成品钢板
finished steel strip成品带钢
finished steel tube成品钢管
finished steels to crude steel ratio材钢比 (【技】 通常指一个年度内钢材产量与钢产量的比值。它反映了一个国家钢铁工业生产技术水平、金属有效利用程度和经济效果。)
finished strip成品带钢
finished strip成品带材
finished tube成品钢管 (The finished tubes shall be capable of withstanding the following bending test without showing any signs of fracture or failure. 成品钢管应能经受住下述弯曲试验而不出现任何破裂或失效的征兆。)
finished weld机械加工焊缝
finished welded pipe成品焊管
finished welded steel pipe成品焊接钢管
flat hot rolled finished strip热轧成品带材
flat hot rolled finished strip热轧成品带材
flush finish削平补强处理 (焊缝的)
flush finish焊缝削平补强处理
frosted finish霜白表面
frosted finish无光毛面光洁度
fully finished steel镇静钢
fully finished steel全脱氧钢
grinding finish研磨精加工光洁度
half-finished brick荒坯
half-finished brick半精砖坯
half-finished material半精制成品
hardware finish五金器皿精饰抛光
high efficient finished steel product高效钢材
high mirror finished sheet镜面光亮优质薄板
high-accuracy finished steel product高精度钢材
hot finished material热精轧材
hot finished material轧材
hot finished rod轧棒材
hot finished rod轧盘条
hot finished rod热轧棒材
hot finished seamless steel pipe轧无缝钢管
hot finished tube轧管
hot rolled breakdowns semi-finished strip热轧半成品带坯
hot rolled finish热轧光洁度
hot rolled finished sheet热轧成品薄板
hot-rolled finish热轧精整度
hot-rolled finished product热轧钢材
hot-rolled finished strip热轧成品带材
imported finished steel products进口钢材
ingot-to-finished product yield钢锭成材率 (【技】 合格钢材产量占钢锭总消耗量的百分比。它反映了钢从锭到材生产过程中原料利用程度。)
kerosene rolled finish煤油润滑的冷轧精整度
kerosene-rolled finish煤油润滑冷轧光洁度
lacquer finish漆面
lacquer finish涂漆
laser mirror finished steel sheet激光镜面抛光钢板
lime finish蘸石灰 (棒材和线材拉拔前进行的)
lime finish沾石灰
liquor finish湿法精 (指钢丝镀铜后进行的)
liquor finish drawing湿法精 (指钢丝镀铜后进行的)
machine finish机器光制
machine finish机械精加工
machine finish allowance机械加工余量
marbelized finish大理石样表面加工
matte finish无光【毛面】光洁程度
matte finish无光毛面光洁度
mill finish轧制表面光洁度
mill finish精整轧制
mirror finish镜面磨削
mirror finish镜面精整度
mirror finish镜面光洁度
mirror finish polished steel sheet镜面精整度抛光薄钢板
mirror-finish polishing镜面精抛光
nominal size of finished steel product钢材公称尺寸 (【技】指钢材有关标准中规定的名义尺寸,是钢材生产过程中希望获得的理想尺寸。)
no-twist finished stand无扭精轧机座
oil finished terne plate涂油的镀铅锡钢板
oil finished terne plate油浸镀铅锡合金钢板
oil finished terneplate油浸镀铅锡合金钢板
oiled finish成品涂油
oiled finish浸油或涂油处理 (线材拉拔或退火后的)
oiled finish浸油涂油处理
one-side bright mill finish sheet单面光亮精轧薄板
output percentage of plate-tube-strip to total finished products板管比 (【技】钢材总产量中板材、管材、带材所占的百分比称之为板管比。一个国家的板管比通常与其工业的发展水平有一定联系。工业发展水平较高,板管比通常也较高。)
ovality of finished steel product钢材不圆度 (【技】圆形棒材的横截面上出现两个相互垂直直径不等的现象时,这两个直径的差值为不圆度。但实际上最大直径与最小直径并不一定互相垂直,因此不圆度通常以最大直径与最小直径之差来表示。)
ovalness of finished steel product钢材不圆度
overall yield from ingot to finished product综合成材率 (【技】合格钢材重量与生产这些钢材所耗用的合格钢锭重量的百分比。)
patina finish表面绿锈处理
percentage of plate-and-pipe to finished products板管比
plain pickle finish普通酸洗
plate-and-pipe to finished-steel-product ratio板管比
plated finish镀层修整
programme control finish forging machine程序控制精密锻压机
protective finish表面防护层
protective finish保护性涂饰
protective finish防护层处理
qualified finished steel product合格钢材
qualified rolled finished steel合格钢材
quality finished mill product优质钢材
quality inspection of finished products成品质量检查
quality rolled finished steel优质钢材
quality standard for hot rolled finished steel热轧钢材质量标准
regular bright finish冷轧钢带的普通表面粗糙度 (Ra =25μm)
regular bright finish普通光亮光洁度
roll finish轧辊精整
rolled finished product轧制的钢材
rolled finished steel product轧制的钢材
roller finish轧辊精整
roller finish滚筒精整
sandblast finish喷砂修整
sandblast finish喷砂清理
satin finish无光精整 (板材、轧辊表面的)
satin finish机械抛光
satin finish毛面精整
satin finish缎面光
seal ground finish高精度磨削
semi-finished material半制品
semi-finished material半成品
semi-finished metal钢坯 (方坯、板坯、圆坯等)
semi-finished metal半成品轧材
semi-finished metal半成品
semi-finished metal
semi-finished product初轧坯
semi-finished product【压】 钢坯
semi-finished product连铸坯
semi-finished product铸坯
semi-finished product半制品
semi-finished product of square cross-section【压】方坯
semi-finished product quality铸坯质量
semi-finished product quality钢坯质量
semi-finished product quality for different bending modes不同顶弯模式下的铸坯质量
semi-finished product quality prediction铸坯质量预报
semi-finished product quality prediction钢坯质量预报
semi-finished product storage钢坯库
semi-finished products of rectangular cross-section矩形钢坯
semi-finished products of rectangular cross-section矩形坯
semi-finished rolled metal轧制的钢坯
semi-finished rolled metal轧制的金属坯
semi-finished rolled product轧制的钢坯
semi-finished steel铸坯
semi-finished steel钢坯
semi-finished steel半成品钢
semi-finished steel products铸坯 (Continuous casting is the primary mode of production of semi-finished steel products. 连铸是生产钢坯的主要方式。)
semi-finished steel products钢坯
semi-finished steel products of rectangular cross-section矩形钢坯
silver finish sheet冷轧光亮退火薄钢板
silver finish sheet冷轧并光亮退火的薄钢板
single-coat finish单面涂层
single-coat finish单层涂饰
size tolerance of finished steel product钢材尺寸公差 (【技】钢材有关标准中的允许正偏差和负偏差的绝对值之和称之为钢材的尺寸公差。)
soap-rolled finish肥皂水润滑冷轧的精整度 (板材的)
soap-rolled finish肥皂水润滑冷轧的光洁度
solderable finish可钎焊精整
solidified structure of semi-finished product铸坯凝固结构
soluble oil-rolled finish用乳化油润滑的冷轧精整度
soluble oil-rolled finish乳化液润滑冷轧光洁度
standard one-side bright finish sheet标准单面光亮精加工薄板
standard one-side bright finish sheet单面光亮加工的标准薄板
standard two-sides bright finish sheet标准两面光亮精加工薄板
standard two-sides bright finish sheet两面光亮加工的标准薄板
subsurface quality of semi-finished product铸坯皮下质量
super-finish galvanized steel sheet超精整镀锌钢板
superior surface finish超级表面精整度
superior surface finish高级表面光洁度
surface finish表面精整
surface finish表面精整度
surface finish表面光洁度
surface finish indicator表面光洁度检查仪
surface finished sheet表面精整薄板
thin-wall finished steel product薄壁钢材
turned finish光亮磨光
turned finish圆钢光亮加工
turned finish光亮加工
waviness of finished steel product钢材波浪 (【技】钢板或钢带沿长度或宽度方向呈现高低起伏的波浪形状。槽钢中也会出现波浪形变形。)
white finished sheet酸洗薄板
white finished sheet【压】 酸洗薄板
world apparent finished steel product consumption世界钢材表观消费量
yield from ingot to finished product钢锭成材率 (【技】合格钢材产量占钢锭总消耗量的百分比。它反映了钢从锭到材生产过程中原料利用程度。)
yield from liquid steel to continuously cast semi-finished product连铸钢水的金属收得率
yield of finished rolled product成材率
zero-defect finished mill product无缺陷钢材