
Terms containing finish | all forms | exact matches only
sport.A Warning red card Posting Board shall be placed on the course and near the finish应在比赛路线上靠近终点处设置一块显示严重警告红卡的公告牌
tech.acid-treated finish混凝土的处理整面法
tech.aluminium finish铝面
tech.aluminium finish铝表面处理
tech.aluminium finish铝材饰面
tech.aluminum finish铝表面处理
tech.aluminum finish铝面
tech.aluminum finish铝材饰面
tech.anodised finish阳极化抛光
tech.anodised finish阳极化表面处理
gen.anti-fume finish抗酸气整理
gen.anti-fume finish抗烟整理
tech.antique finish仿古装饰
tech.antique finish仿古加工
tech.antique finish仿古处理 (家具)
sport.assistant photo finish judge终点摄影助理裁判员
tech.baked enamel finish烤漆饰面
tech.baked enamel finish烧结搪瓷涂饰
tech.baked finish烤漆饰面
tech.baked finish烘干饰面
tech.baked finish烤漆处理
tech.baked finish烘漆
tech.baked-on enamel finish烤漆饰面
tech.baking finish烘漆
tech.baking finish烘烤涂料
tech.baking finish烤漆饰面
tech.baking finish考漆
tech.bar finish酒吧装修
mater.sc.barrel finish滚筒清理
mater.sc.barrel finish滚磨〔光〕
tech.baryte mortar finish重晶石砂浆抹面饰面
gen.be in at the finish目睹比赛、战斗等的最后情形
gen.be in at the finish射杀猎物时亲自在场
sport.blanket finish几乎同时到达终点
sport.blanket finish几乎同时到达终点的比赛
pack.bright finish electrolytic plate光面精整电镀铁
pack.bright finish electrolytic plate光面精整电镀锡板
tech.bulged finish凸口
tech.bulged finish胀口
tech.cabinet finish室内壁板装饰
tech.cabinet finish壁板装饰 (室内)
tech.cabinet finish细木壁饰
tech.cabinet finish细木工涂装
tech.cabinet finish精细装修
tech.cabinet finish细木工装饰
tech.carved decorative finish雕刻装饰面
tech.carved ornamental finish雕塑装饰
tech.casein finish乳酪涂饰剂
tech.casein finish揩光浆
tech.ceiling finish顶棚装修
tech.ceiling finishes顶板表层
tech.cement finish水泥饰面
tech.cement finish水泥护面 (层)
tech.cement finish水泥面层
tech.cement finish水泥罩面
tech.cement mortar finish水泥砂浆罩面
tech.cement plaster finish水泥抹灰
tech.cement plaster finish水泥抹面
tech.cement-based glazed finish水泥粉光面
avia.chemical processes & finishes化学工艺和表面处理
tech.chemically cured finish催化固化型涂层
tech.chemically cured finish化学反应性涂料
tech.chemically cured finish化学固化型涂层
sport.chief photo finish judge终点摄影主裁判
tech.clear finish清漆罩面
tech.clear finish透明面漆
tech.clear finish抛光处理
tech.clear finish光洁整理
tech.clear varnish finish透明清漆罩面
tech.clear woollen finish毛呢光面整理
sport.close finish几乎同时到达终点的比赛
tech.cocked finish瓶口歪斜
tech.cold finish冷矫直
tech.cold finish加工精整
tech.combed finish梳刷面饰
tech.combed-finish tile表面带槽纹的面砖
tech.combed-finish tile齿面瓦
tech.crash finish粗布纹装饰
tech.crimp-proof finish防皱整理
drag.cross the finish line穿过终点线
tech.crown cork finish冠形瓶口
tech.crown finish冠形盖瓶口
tech.cutting finish for parts without drawing无图零件切割面光洁度
tech.dash finish泼粉面
tech.dash finish泼凃饰面
tech.dash finish浇浆饰面
tech.dash finish浇泼饰面
desert.dead finish四棱叶金合欢
tech.decorative finish面层装饰
tech.decorative finish终饰
tech.decorative floor finish装饰性地板面层
avia.degree of finish表面粗糙度
tech.delayed finish延迟完成
tech.delayed finish延迟整修处理
avia.detail finish specification零件表面处理光饰规范
avia.detail finish specification零件表面处理规范
drag.did not finish未能完成比赛
tech.dipped finish斜口 (玻璃制品缺陷)
tech.double floor finish双层地板饰面
tech.double floor finish双层楼板饰面
tech.droplet under finish瓶口下液滴
tech.dull finish无光泽修饰
tech.dull finish消光修饰
gen.dull finish带材表面,冷轧板的无光毛面光洁度
tech.dull-finish lacquer消光整理喷漆
tech.dull finish paper无光纸
tech.dull-finish sheet毛面钢板
avia.earliest finish time最早完成时间
tech.early finish date最早结束时刻
tech.electric finish电学法表面加工
tech.electric finish电精饰
tech.electrical finish电学法表面加工
tech.electrical finish电精饰
tech.embossed finish压花涂饰剂
tech.enamel finish表层瓷漆
tech.enamel finish末道瓷漆
tech.enamel paint finish亮漆饰面
tech.enamel paint finish瓷漆饰面
tech.epoxy resin finish环氧树脂面漆
tech.external decorative finish外部装潢最后装修
tech.external mosaic finish外部锦砖精加工
tech.external mosaic finish外部马赛克精加工
tech.external ornamental finish外部装饰精加工
tech.external ornamental finish外部装饰最后装修
tech.external screw thread finish外螺纹瓶口
tech.face finish表面涂饰剂
tech.fancy finish美术涂饰剂
tech.field finish工地修整
gen.fight to a finish打〔战斗〕到底
gen.fight to a finish战斗到
sport.fight to the finish对决
avia.file finish精锉加工
avia.file finish锉削
avia.file finish锉刀光制
tech.final finish精整加工
shipb.finish annealing完工退火
gen.finish class下课
gen.finish classes放学
gen.finish cut完工切削
gen.finish doing做完
sport.finish exhibition不受时间限制的摔跤比赛
shipb.finish forge精密锻造
desert.finish furrow开垄
sport.finish judge终点裁判员
sport.finish line终极目标
sport.finish line judge终点裁判员
sport.finish line referee终点裁判员
nautic., tech.finish machining finished machining精加工精机加工
CNCfinish nail暗钉圆铁钉
sport.finish of a race赛跑的最后一段距离
sport.finish of weiqi match围棋比赛终局
gen.finish off干掉
gen.finish off结束
sport.finish off胜利结束
sport.finish off打败
sport.finish off胜利结束一局、一个回合等
sport.finish off最后击败
gen.finish off
gen.finish off杀死
gen.finish off完成〔结〕
sport.finish off a game胜利地结束一局
avia.finish specification光饰规范
shipb.finish surface精加工平面
gen.finish the work by Monday明天〔星期一〕以前完成这工作
gen.finish the work by tomorrow明天〔星期一〕以前完成这工作
gen.finish this so that you can start the next好开始下一个
gen.finish this so that you can start the next把这个做完
CNCfinish to size尺寸加工
CNCfinish turning精车
gen.finish two sides双面光制
gen.finish up结束
gen.finish up对…进行最后加工:
gen.finish up用完
gen.finish up耗尽
gen.finish up完成
gen.finish up as最后成为
gen.finish up as最后是
gen.finish up with最后有
gen.finish up with最后得出
gen.finish up with以…结束
gen.finish with截止
gen.finish with和…断绝关系
gen.finish with完成
gen.finish with以…结束
nautic., tech.finish with engine完车本机使用完毕
tech.flamboyant finish coating罩在光亮的底层漆或金属表面上的光亮清漆或有色透明漆
tech.flanged finish飞边瓶口
tech.flanged press finish飞边瓶口
tech.flat finish平光面漆
tech.flat finish无光饰面
tech.flat finish油漆无光饰面
tech.flat finish磨退饰面
tech.flat finish无光面漆
tech.flat finish无光泽面层
tech.flat finish paint无光泽面层油漆
tech.flat finish varnish本色清漆
tech.flecked surface finish斑纹饰面
tech.floating flooring finish夹层地板修整
tech.floating flooring finish夹层地板终饰
tech.floor finish地面平整材料 (material)
tech.floor finish地面最后加工材料 (material)
tech.floor finish楼板面层
tech.floor finish地面饰面
tech.floor finish楼板终饰材料 (material)
tech.floor finish楼板饰面找平材料 (material)
tech.floor finish楼面修整
tech.floor finish楼地面装修
tech.floor finish楼面材料
tech.floor finish楼面装修
tech.floor finish地板涂漆
tech.floor finish面层
tech.floor finish地板涂料
tech.floor finish室内地面
tech.floor finish coat地面终饰层
tech.floor finish coat楼板饰面层
tech.floor finish emulsion地面修整用乳胶
tech.floor finish emulsion楼板饰面乳化涂料
tech.floor finish hardboard地面修整用硬纸板
tech.floor finish hardboard楼板饰面硬质纤维板
tech.floor finish lino地面修整用油毡
tech.floor finish lino楼板饰面油地毡
tech.floor finish linoleum地面修整用油毡
tech.floor finish linoleum楼板饰面油地毡
tech.floor finish screed地面平整 (topping)
tech.floor finish screed楼板饰面找平 (topping)
tech.floor finish work楼板饰面工作
tech.floor finish work地面修整工作
tech.floor finish work楼面修整工作
sport.from start to finish一拼到底
gen.from start to finish彻头彻尾
gen.from start to finish从头到尾
gen.from start to finish自始至终
sport.Garrison finish后来者居上
sport.Garrison finish最后转败为胜
sport.garrison finish转败为胜
tech.general plane of finish construction竣工总平面图
tech.glazed chintz finish摩擦轧光整理
tech.glazed finish上光涂饰剂
tech.glazed finish喷塑彩色饰面
tech.glazed finish上釉彩色饰面
tech.glazed finish高光泽整理
tech.glazed finish挂釉面
sport.grandstand finish比分接近的紧张结局
sport.grandstand finish比分接近的结局
sport.grandstand finish紧张的结局
tech.ground finish磨光
tech.ground finish磨削精整加工
tech.ground finish抛光
tech.ground finish精整加工
tech.gypsum finish石膏抹灰饰面
tech.gypsum trowel finish石膏粉刷饰面
tech.gypsum trowel finish石膏抹面装饰
tech.hardwood finish硬木表饰
tech.hardwood finish硬木装修
tech.hide finish皮革面漆
tech.hide finish皮革涂饰剂
tech.high finish研磨
tech.high finish高度光泽
tech.high finish粘磨
tech.high finish光制
tech.high gloss finish高光泽面漆
tech.high gloss finish高光泽表面处理
tech.high grade finish高级整理
tech.high-temperature baked enamel finish高温烤漆饰面
sport.His sprint at the finish was really wonderful他的终点冲刺确实是了不起 (注释:sprint 作名词使用时主要的意义有两个。一是冲刺; 另一是短跑。具体的意义要根据它在句子中或上下文所起的作用而定。)
tech.honed finish珩磨面
tech.honed finish细磨加工面
tech.honed finish搪磨后的表面 (光洁度)
tech.honed finish磨制表面
tech.imitation stone finish抹假石
tech.imitation stone finish假石饰面
sport.In all races run in lanes, each competitor shall keep within his allocated lane from start to finish在分道内进行的所有的赛跑、每名运动员必须始终保持在指定给他的分道内进行赛跑
sport.In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿或头部的位置
tech.indoor finish paint室内饰面油漆
shipb.infrared stoving finish红外线烘干涂料
tech.insect-repellent finishes防蛀整理 (如地毯、织物)
tech.inside fiber board finish内部纤维板装饰
tech.inside fiber board finish内部纤维板装修
tech.inside finish装修
tech.inside hardboard finish内侧硬质板饰面
tech.instrument for determining surface finish表面光洁度测定仪
refrig.insulating finish隔热保护层
refrig.insulation finish隔热保护层
avia.interior finish specification内部光饰规范
sport.International Photo Finish Judge国际终点摄影裁判员
sport.International Photo Finish Judges国际终点摄影裁判员
gen.It takes half an hour to finish cleaning打扫房间一般需要半个小时
tech.japan finish日本罩面漆
tech.japanned finish日本罩面黑漆
tech.joint finish填缝涂料
sport.judge at the finish终点裁判
sport.judge of the finish line终点裁判员
sport.jump finish跳起撞线注释:胸撞线要用 breast the tape,这里 breast 用作动词,意即以胸部冲撞终点线
CNClapping finish研磨
shipb.latest finish date最迟的完工日期
tech.lead glazed finish铅釉 (条镶嵌玻璃)
avia.machine finish机械光饰
avia.machine finish机械修整
shipb.machine glazed finish机器抛光
tech.magnesium oxychloride tile floor finish氯氧化镁地板成品
tech.magnesium oxychloride tile flooring finish氯氧化镁地板成品
sport.make a sprint finish终点冲刺
tech.marked finish花纹饰面
tech.marked finish混凝土木质花纹饰面
tech.martensite finish point马氏体转变终止温度
tech.martensite finish point马氏体转变终止点
tech.martensite finish point下马氏点
tech.masonry finish砖石建筑面漆
CNCmatching finish机械修整
tech.matte finish磨退饰面
tech.matte finish油漆无光饰面
tech.matted finish无光的毛面
tech.matted finish闷火处理
CNCmedium finish中级精加工
CNCminute finish抛光至镜面光泽
tech.mosaic decorative finish马赛克装饰性整修
tech.mosaic decorative finish镶嵌装饰性整修
tech.mosaic exterior finish马赛克外观装饰
tech.mosaic exterior finish镶嵌外表最后加工
tech.mosaic external finish马赛克外观装饰
tech.mosaic outdoor finish马赛克外观装饰
tech.mosaic outdoor finish镶嵌室外表面的修整
tech.multicolor finish彩色饰面
tech.multicolor finish多色罩面
tech.multicolor finish复色面漆
tech.multicolor finish多彩涂层
tech.multicolor finish多色饰面
tech.multicolor novelty finish多彩美术漆
tech.multicolor paint finish多彩色涂料饰面
tech.multicolored finish多色饰面
tech.multi-colour paint finish多彩涂料饰面
avia.natural finish未涂漆的
tech.orange-peel finish橘纹漆
sport.order of arrival at the finish分组
sport.order of arrival at the finish名次排列
sport.order of arrival at the finish评定
sport.order of arrival at the finish分级
sport.order of finish决赛名次
sport.order of finish名次排列
sport.order of finish到达终点的次序
nautic., tech.other finishes其他表面涂料
tech.outdoor mosaic finish室外马赛克面层
tech.oxidized bronze finish氧化青铜饰面
tech.paint finish油漆罩面
tech.particle having a finish有包覆膜的颜料粒子
tech.pecked finish点凿琢面
sport.photo finish成绩十分接近的比赛结果
sport.photo finish摄影定名次
sport.photo finish成绩十分接近的比赛结局
sport.photo-finish camera终点摄影机
sport.photo finish camera终点照相机
sport.photo finish camera终点摄影机
drag.photo-finish operator终点摄像员
sport.photo-finish picture终点照片
sport.photo finish picture终点照片
sport., med.photochronograph at the finish终点摄影计时仪
tech.plane finish刨平饰面
tech.plane finish刨光
tech.plant ornament finish工厂装修终饰
tech.plant ornamental finish工厂装修终饰
tech.plate finish平板加工
tech.plated chromium finish电镀铬面
tech.plated finish电镀加工
tech.pointed finish点凿面
tech.porcelain enamel finish搪瓷涂层
tech.porcelain enamel finish搪瓷面层
tech.porcelain finish搪瓷饰面
pack.porous finish多孔漆
tech.protective finish表面处理
tech.protective finish保护镀层
tech.protective finish保护性饰面
tech.protective finish保护涂层
tech.protective finish保护处理
tech.protective finish mass面层保护物质
tech.protective finish of metals金属护面涂层
tech.protective finish of metals金属护面油漆
tech.Rabitz finish拉比兹灰浆饰面
tech.Rabitz finish拉比兹式最后加工
sport.reach the finish line到达终点线
tech.repellent finish防水表面处理
tech.ribbed rope finish麻绳处理的混凝土表面印花
tech.roof decorative finish屋顶装饰加工
tech.roof ornamental finish屋顶装饰处理
sport.Runner No. 113 collapsed before reaching the finish line.113 号赛跑运动员在到达终点线之前身体垮下来了
sport.Runner No. 8 ran too fast in the distance race, he collapsed before reaching the finish line8 号运动员在长跑比赛中跑得太快、他在到达终点之前虚脱了身体垮了
tech.sackrubbed finish麻布抛光
tech.sackrubbed finish混凝土表面上用布片涂抹水泥砂浆的饰面
shipb.sand cast finish铸件处理
CNCsatin finish锻面精加工
knit.goodssatin finish轧光整理
tech.schedule of room finishes房间做法表
avia.scheduled finish date进度完成日期
tech.scored-finish tile带槽砖
tech.scored-finish tile沟纹装饰面砖
tech.scratching finish of stucco杼痕饰面
tech.scratching finish of stucco抹彩色水泥砂浆
tech.scratching finish of stucco扒拉灰饰面
tech.scratching finish of stucco搔痕饰面
tech.scrubbing finish擦洗处理
tech.seam finish type接缝形式
tech.self-leveling floor finish自动找平饰面层
tech.self-leveling floor finish自动找平饰面剂
tech.self-levelling floor finish自动找平饰面层
tech.self-levelling floor finish自动找平饰面剂
tech.semi-rubbed finish半磨光面
sport.shrug finish肩撞线
tech.silk finish丝光涂层
knit.goodssilk finish缎光整理
tech.six-cut finish中等粗度凿石面
tech.sizing finish上浆整理
tech.slab floor finish无梁楼板终饰
tech.slab flooring finish无梁楼板终饰
avia.solvent resistant finish抗溶剂漆
tech.speckle finish斑纹装饰
tech.specular enamel finish强光泽的釉瓷饰面
tech.specular finish镜面加工
tech.specular finish表面平滑加工
tech.specular finish镜面面层
tech.sprayed on asbestos finish喷涂石棉终饰
sport.start and finish line起点与终点线
tech.steam finish蒸汽光泽
tech.steel finish钢表面处理
tech.steel floor finish钢楼面修饰
tech.steel floor finish钢地面修饰
tech.steel flooring finish钢楼面修饰
tech.steel flooring finish钢地面修饰
tech.stonework decorative finish石材表面装饰加工
tech.stonework ornamental finish石材表面装饰加工
tech.striated finish条纹饰面
tech.striated finish of concrete混凝土细条纹饰面
croq.successful finish有效撞柱
CNCsuper finish超精加工
shipb.super finish超级精加工
avia.surface finish表面粗糙度
avia.surface finish表面光饰
avia.surface finish表面光制
avia.surface finish system表面光洁度标准
tech.swirl finish漩涡形抹灰饰面
tech.swirl finish弯曲加工
tech.swirl finish盘绕加工
tech.swirl finish转动修整
tech.synthetic resin dispersion finish合成树脂分散体饰面
tech.tamped finish夯实整修面
tech.textured finish织纹状饰面
tech.textured finish花纹饰面
tech.textured finish织物状饰面
tech.textured finish花纹抹面
tech.textured finish织纹饰面
sport.The finish line is usually marked on the surface of a running track终点线标志通常是在跑道的表面上用线画出
tech.timber finish木面层
tech.timber floating floor finish木夹层地板终饰
tech.timber floating flooring finish木夹层地板终饰
sport.Two alternative methods of time-keeping shall be recognised as official:— Hand timing,— Fully Automatic timing obtained from Photo Finish system两种计时方法均应被承认为正式计时:—手计时、—以终点摄影系统为基础的全自动计时
tech.two-coat metallic finish两层金属饰面
tech.two-sided finish双面抛光
tech.two-tone finish双色
tech.two-tone finish双色调涂饰剂
avia.utility finish实用完成
tech.vehicle finish车辆面漆
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tech.wall finish墙面装修
tech.wall finish墙面终饰
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tech.wall surface finish墙面最后粉饰
tech.water finish湿润处理
tech.water finish水纹面饰
tech.water pigment finishes水溶性颜料涂饰剂
tech.water-base finish水基涂饰剂
tech.water-reducible finish水稀释性面漆
tech.water-repellent finish防水整理
tech.water-repellent finish防水加工
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tech.wire brush finish钢丝刷出面
tech.wire brush finish用钢丝刷进行表面抛光
tech.wood clear finish木材的清漆罩面
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tech.wood float finish混凝土路面的木镘抹光面
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tech.wrinkle finish皱纹漆
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tech.wrinkle finish波纹装修
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