
Terms for subject Business containing final | all forms | exact matches only
advance, preliminary and final estimate预先初步和最终估计
books of final entry结账账簿
condition final at shipment以装船时状况为准
court of final instance终审法院
current final report本期决算报告
domestic final buyer国内最终买主
domestic final consumption of commercial energy by industry按产业分的国内商业性能源最终消费者
domestic final demand国内最终需求
final acceptance trail最后验收试验
final account for completed capital construction基建项目竣工决算
final account of state revenue and expenditure国家收支决算
final account of the state国家决算
final accounting of revenue and expenditure决算
final act最后文件
final action最后行动
final address结案陈词
final agreement最后协定
final and conclusive最后决定
final annual income tax年度所得税
final annual income tax returns年度所得税申报表
final application最后申请
final as to quality品质的最后依据
final as to quality品质的最后依据指卖方货物品质证书中用语,意即此证明书为品质的最后依据,对双方具有约束力
final assessment最终估价
final authorization确定授权
final average remuneration最终平均报酬
final balance期末结余
final balance最后结金
final beneficiary最后受益者
final bill of goods产品报表
final carry digit终端进位数
final cash settlement最后现款偿付金
final cash settlements最后现金清算
final check最后确认
final clause最后条款
final completion最后建成
final consumer最终消费品供用户消费的商品
final consumer最终消费者用户
final consumer price最终消费价格
final consumer price用户消费的最终消费品价格
final consumption expenditure of households常住户的最终消费支岀
final cost最后成本终值
final cost objectives最终成本对象
final customer最终用户客户
final decision最后确定决策
final declaration最后声明
final decree判决书
final degree of utility最终效用度
final demand for commercial energy商业性能源最终需求量
final demand sector最终需求部门
final departure最后离境
final destination最終目的地目的港
final diameter终结直径
final distribution公司期末分配股利
final dividend期未股利
final dividend年终终结股利
final dividend期末股利
final effective最后生效
final entry结案记录
final entry决算分录
final equation最终方程
final evaluation最后评价
final evaluation and investment decision最后评价及投资决定
final fee专利权最后年费
final fee最后费用
final figure决算数字
final figure最后数值
final form终形
final form定型
final form equation终形方程
final form of equation system方程组的最终形式
final goods最终商品供用户消费
final goods制成品
final goods and services最终商品与劳务指消费的商品、劳务使用
final goods in process在制品
final hearing终审
final hierarchical solution最终递阶解
final inspection and acceptance最后验收
final inspection of product产品最后检验
final instance终审
final interview最终面谈
final inventory年终盘存
final inventory期终盘存
final investment期末投资额
final invoice正式发票意非临时发票
final invoice最后发票
final judgement终审判决
final judgement最终判决
final jurisdiction终审管辖
final landing提货物全部卸岸
final limit终极限
final maturities最后到期偿还期
final maturity最后偿还期
final money最终货币指银行的各种存款或银行贷款
final number of a continued fraction连分数的末数
final optimal simplex tableau最终最优单纯形表
final order最后命令
final output最终产出
final port of discharge最终卸载港
final product最后乘积
final productivity最终生产率
final products成品
final protocol最后协定书
final purchase最终购买
final purchaser最终购买者
final reading最后审读
final repayment期未清偿
final report年终报告
final return最后申报额
final review最终检查
final ruling最终裁决
final schedule最后配当表
final shipping instruction最后装运通知
final statement清算单
final statement of account决算表
final statement of receipts and expenditure收支决算书
final stowage plan运输实载图积载图
final sum终和
final sum总和
final supply sector最终供应部门
final test of products产品最后检验
final use最终用途
final use of goods and services商品与劳务的最终使用
final utility theory边际效用说
final utility theory最终效用说
final verdict最后裁决
final working drawings最后工作草图
final worth最终价值
final yield最终产量
freight on final outturn按最后卸货量计算的运费
full and final delivery全部和最后交货
full-and-final delivery全部和最后交货
give a final ruling作出最后裁定
Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation我们给出的是船上交货价格,价目表中的价格需经我方最后确认
home final demand国内最终需求
index number of domestic final consumption of commercial energy国内商业性能源最终消费指数
merchandise final inventory期末商品盘存
national final product国民最终产品
net final worth最终净值
offer subject to seller's final confirmation发盘以卖方最后确认为准
rate of final product最终产品率
subject to our final confirmation须经我方最后确认
trial of final instance终审
uniform series final worth factor年金终值因子