
Terms for subject Figure skating containing figure | all forms | exact matches only
advanced figure特种图形
compound figure变刃圆形
compound figure变刃图形
compulsory figure规定图形
correctness of the shape of figure图形准确性
cut a figure滑图形
cut a figure滑圆形
elementary school figure基本规定图形
elementary school figure基本图形
feeling for the geometry of the figure几何图形感
figure dance冰上舞蹈
figure dancing冰上舞蹈
figure eight八字形
figure ice dance冰上舞蹈
figure of eight8字形
figure of eight八字形
figure six6字形圆形完成不好
figure six六字形
figure skate花样冰刀
figure skate花样滑冰鞋
figure skater花样滑冰运动员
figure skates花样滑冰鞋
figure skates花样冰刀
figure skating spectacular花样滑冰表演赛
figure skating star花样滑冰明星
figure three3字形
figure three三字形
figure three jump前外3字跳
figure three step3 字步
geometric figure feeling几何图形感
incorrect figure错误图形
inside figure内刃图形
largeness of the shape of the figure图形大小
one-foot figure单脚图形
outside figure外刃图形
roller figure skating花样轮滑
school figure规定图形
special figure自选动作
special figure特种动作
special figure特种图形
spiral figure环绕图形
spiral figure环绕圆形
symmetry of figure图形对称性
United States Figure Skating Association美国花样滑冰协会
World Roller Figure Skating Championships世界花样轮滑锦标赛