
Terms for subject Agriculture containing feeding | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition feeding获毒饲育
ad libitum feeding无限制给饲
ad libitum feeding自由给饲
animal feeding家畜动物饲养
animal feeding stuff动物性饲料
augerized feeding螺旋送料喂饲
automatic feeding自动给饲
automatic feeding自动喂饲
automatic feeding device of seedling box苗箱自动供给装置
barley for feeding饲用大麦
barn feeding畜舍饲养
bed in feeding stage of an instar中除{蚕}
box feeding箱饲
box-feeding shooter箱饲射击器
box-feeding slider箱饲滑动器
cafeteria feeding method自由采食法
calf feeding犊牛饲育
calf feeding犊牛饲养
carrot for feeding饲用胡萝卜
chicken feeding小鸡饲养
computer controlled feeding gate计算机控制饲养门
computer controlled feeding gate计算机控制进料门
computer controlled feeding system计算机控制饲养系统
computer controlled feeding system计算机控制进料系统
continuous feeding继续进料
controlled feeding限制饲喂
creep feeding幼畜补饲
creep feeding幼畜饲喂
dairy farm with food wastes feeding in the suburbs郊区用食品废物饲养的乳牛场
dairy farm with grass feeding in hilly areas山区用牧草饲养的乳牛场
dairy farm with straw feeding in paddy areas稻田区用稻草饲养的乳牛场
double-reversal feeding双互换饲育{蚕}
double-reversal feeding二回反转饲育
equalized paired feeding并列饲养
extensive feeding大规模饲养
feed and feeding饲料与饲养
feeding ad libitum随意投喂
feeding adaptation摄食适应
feeding alley饲养通道
feeding and management饲养管理
feeding area饲养地
feeding area饲养区
feeding barley饲料大麦
feeding barley饲用大麦
feeding barley meal饲用大麦粉
feeding basket给桑笼{蚕}
feeding beater喂人轮
feeding beet饲用甜菜
feeding behavior摄食行动
feeding block营养方
feeding block营养杯
feeding block育苗用营养块、营养钵
feeding bone meal饲用骨粉
feeding bottle哺乳瓶
feeding box mover移箱机构
feeding cabbage饲用甘蓝
feeding cake饲用油饼
feeding cake饲用油粕
feeding cake meal饲用油饼粉
feeding canal给水渠
feeding carrot饲用胡萝卜
feeding cattle肥育牛
feeding center饲养中心、饲养站
feeding consumption饲养消耗量
feeding corn饲用谷物
feeding corn饲用玉米
feeding corn meal饲用谷粉
feeding corn meal饲用玉米面
feeding cylinder喂人轮
feeding deterrent拒食物质
feeding deterrent拒食剂
feeding deterrent昆虫摄食阻碍物质
feeding dose给饲定额
feeding energy饲料能量价值
feeding equipment饲养设备
feeding floor饲养场
feeding for fat production脂用型肥育
feeding for fattening育肥饲养
feeding for maintenance保持饲养
feeding for meat production肉用型肥育
feeding for performance生产性饲养
feeding for production生产性饲养
feeding governor喂人 [量]调节器
feeding grains饲用玉米
feeding grains饲料谷物
feeding grains饲用谷类作物
feeding ground饲养场
feeding ground育肥场
feeding hair食毛
feeding intensity摄食强度
feeding level投饲率
feeding lime饲用石灰
feeding manger牛马槽
feeding manger牲口槽
feeding manger饲料槽
feeding mechanism喂料机构
feeding mechanism排种机构
feeding method饲养方法
feeding mood摄食不振
feeding oat饲用燕麦
feeding oilcake饲用油饼
feeding oilcake饲用油粕
feeding on pasture牧场饲养
feeding on pasture放牧饲养
feeding on plant食植物的 (phytophagus)
feeding on plants食植[物]的
feeding on plants植物饲养法依靠植物来饲养的
feeding panel饲养栅栏
feeding pathway饲养途径
feeding period饲养期
feeding pig肥育猪
feeding plan饲养计划
feeding potato饲用马铃薯
feeding program饲养计划
feeding pump供油泵
feeding pump给水泵
feeding quality饲养质量
feeding quality饲用品质
feeding rake饲喂架
feeding rake饲槽挡栏
feeding rate投饲率
feeding ring a投饲圈a
feeding roll进料滚筒
feeding roots饲用块根作物
feeding rye饲用黑麦
feeding schedule投饵计划
feeding schedule投饵安排
feeding screen饲料筛
feeding season饲养期
feeding season饲养季节
feeding stand给桑台
feeding stimulant摄食刺激物质
feeding stimulant昆虫摄食刺激剂
feeding stool给桑台
feeding straw饲用稿秆
feeding stuff costs饲料费用
feeding stuffcuber饲料制粒机
feeding stuffs饲料
feeding sugar饲料糖分
feeding sugar饲用糖
feeding sunflower饲用向日葵
feeding syrup饲用糖浆
feeding system饲料分配系统
feeding system压捆机喂人系统
feeding table喂人台
feeding table饲养台
feeding time饲养时间
feeding tissue饲养组织
feeding to appetite自由采食
feeding trolley饲料分送小车
feeding unit饲料单位
feeding up舍饲肥育
feeding value投喂价值
feeding wagon给饲车
feeding wagon供饲车
feeding with mulberry leaves smeared with something添食指养蚕
feeding yeast饲用酵母
fertilizer feeding device排肥装置
floor feeding就地饲喂
floor feeding地面饲喂指鸡
fluid mash feeding糊状饲料
foliage-feeding insect食叶害虫
foliar feeding叶面追肥
foliar feeding叶面喷肥
full feeding肥育饲养
group feeding分组饲养
group feeding集体饲养
group feeding and management分组公司养与管理
group feeding and management集体饲养与管理
hand feeding人工饲养
hand feeding type thresher人工喂人型脱粒机
hog feeding猪肥育
hog feeding猪饲养
individual feeding单饲
individual feeding单个饲养
indoor feeding舍饲
indoor feeding畜舍饲养
infection feeding侵染试验
intensive feeding精细饲养
intensive feeding集约饲养
lamb feeding羔羊饲养
last feeding停食
last feeding止桑
leaf feeding树叶饲养
leaf feeding叶面喷肥
livestock feeding家畜饲养
livestock feeding adviser家畜饲养顾问
livestock feeding value家畜饲养价值
mechanical feeding thresher自动脱粒机
mechanical feeding thresher机械喂人式脱粒机
milk feeding牛奶饲喂
milk feeding奶饲
mixed feeding animal杂食性动物
mixed feeding trough混喂槽
mobile feeding rack移动式饲喂架
mobile feeding rack移动式挡栏饲槽
moderate feeding period中食期{蚕}
mulberry leaves for first feeding呼出桑指收蚁后第一次喂的桑叶蚕桑
one side feeding type单侧喂人型
on-floor feeding地面饲养
open-yard feeding露天畜栏饲养
open-yard feeding放牧饲养
outroot feeding根外施肥
parenteral feeding胃肠外给养
parlor feeding equipment挤乳室饲喂设备
pasture feeding牧场饲养
phase feeding阶段饲养法指产蛋鸡
poultry feeding家禽饲养
random feeding随机食性
random feeding非选择食性
ratio of egg laying to feeding产卵与饲料比
ratio of milk production to feeding乳饲比率指产乳与饲料的比率
restricted feeding限制饲养
restricted feeding限量饲养
selective feeding选择性追肥 (指重点追肥)
selective feeding选择性的投饲
self-feeding barn自动饲喂棚
self-feeding barn自喂棚
self-feeding silage barn自动饲喂青贮库
self-feeding thresher自喂式脱粒机
sham feeding假摄食
silent feeding断续送料
stable feeding舍饲
stable feeding畜舍饲养
station feeding固定投饲
stimulative feeding奖励饲养
stimulative feeding适口性饲养
stimulative feeding刺激性饲养
stubble feeding留茬地放牧
stubble feeding留茬地饲养
stuffy feeding costs饲料费用
summer feeding夏季饲养
supplemental feeding补桑{蚕}
supplementary feeding补加饲养
supplementary feeding stuffs补加饲料
testing of feeding stuffs饲料检验
three-in-one feeding system三牛一栏饲养法
two-in-one feeding system二牛一栏饲养方式
winter feeding冬饲
winter feeding冬季饲养