
Terms for subject Name of organization containing federal | all forms | exact matches only
Board of Government of the Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统管理委员会
Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and TechnicalInformation<-> 美国联邦科技情报交换中心
Federal Aviation Administration联邦航空局
Federal Communications Commission联邦通讯委员会
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation联邦农作物保险公司
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation联邦储蓄保险公司
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation联邦储蓄保‘公司
Federal Election Commission联邦选举委员会
Federal Emergency Management Agency联邦紧急管理局
Federal Home Loan Bank Board联邦住宅贷款银行委员会
Federal Home Loan Bank System联邦住宅贷款银行系统
Federal Housing Finance Board联邦住房融资委员会
Federal Intermediate Credit Banks联邦中间信贷银行
Federal Labor Relations Authority联邦劳工关系局
Federal Maritime Commission联邦海事委员会
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service联邦仲裁与调解局
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission联邦矿业安全和医疗检查委员会
Federal National Mortgage Association联邦全国抵押协会 ("Fannie Mae")
Federal Open Market Committee联邦公开市场委员会
Federal Reserve System联邦储备委员会
Federal Reserve System联邦储备系统
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board联邦退休储蓄投资委员会
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation联邦储蓄和贷款保险公司
Federal Savings and Loan System联邦储蓄和贷款系统
Federal Service for Financial Markets of Russia俄罗斯金融市场联邦服务局
Federal Statistical Office联邦统计局
Federal Statistics Users' Conference联邦统计资料用户联合会
Swiss Federal Banking Commission瑞士联邦金融委员会 (Commission f6d6rales des banques)