
Terms for subject Basketball containing fake | all forms | exact matches only
double fake连做两次假动作
double fake连续两次假动作
fake a shot做投篮假动作
fake a shot假装投篮
fake a shot投篮假动作
fake action假动作
fake backdoor做背切假动作
fake backdoor背切假动作
fake crossover做换手运球假动作
fake drive and shot做过人的假动作后投篮
fake drive and shot虚晃过人投篮
fake drive and shot过人假动作投篮
fake left drive right向左做假动作后向右面突破
fake pass假传球
fake play假动作
fake shot and drive做投篮假动作后运球过人
fake shot and drive假投篮运球过人
fake-shot pass假装投篮的传球
fake-shot pass假装投篮传球
realistic fake逼真的假动作
realistic fake逼真假动作
rocker fake虚晃假动作
rocker fake虚晃步
snap fake抖动假动作