
Terms for subject China containing facts | all forms | exact matches only
adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线
ascertain the facts认定事实
ascertain the facts查清事实
base on facts and law根据事实和法律
basis on which to confirm the facts认定事实的根据
be based on facts以事实为依据
be faithful to the fact忠实于事实真相
clear fact事实清楚
conceal facts隐瞒事实
conceal important facts隐瞒重要事实
conceal the fact about瞒报
criminal facts犯罪事实
evidence inconsistent with the facts证据失实
expose major criminal facts揭发重大犯罪事实
fabrication or distortion of facts for purposes of libel or false incrimination捏造或者歪曲事实进行诬告陷害
fact and cause事实及成因
fact and evidence事实和证据
fact and reason事实和理由
fact has been clearly ascertained事实清楚
fact has been fully proved事实清楚
fact of dishonor被拒绝事由
facts and evidence of the illegal act committed违法事实和证据
facts and reasons事实根据和理由
facts of the case案情真相
facts of the case案件的事实
facts of the crime犯罪事实
facts of the dispute纠纷事实
important facts重要事实
important facts重大事实
inconsistent with the facts失实
intentionally run counters to the facts and laws故意违背事实和法律
main facts of the crime主要犯罪事实
major criminal facts重大犯罪事实
mater-of-fact approach实事求是
not true to fact不实
omit certain fact漏报
on the basis of the facts being clear在事实清楚的基础上
principal facts主要事实
question of facts事实问题
report about the facts of the crime报案
revise the judgment after ascertaining the facts査清事实后改判
right to knowledge of the true facts知悉真实情况的权利
same fact and reason同一事实和理由
seek truth from the facts实事求是
seriously inconsistent with the facts严重失实
take facts as the basis以事实为根据
take into consideration all the facts结合实际
the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts解放思想、实事求是的思想路线
true facts真实情况
true to facts实事求是