
Terms for subject Construction containing factors | all forms | exact matches only
abrasiveness factor磨损系数
adhesion factor黏着〔附〕系数
area factor面积系〔因〕 数
augmenting factor增大系数
augmenting factor度因子
blockage factor遮蔽〔阻挡〕系数
bulk factor密度系数
bulk factor体积比〔因素〕
bulk factor松厚率〔因子〕
carryover factor传递系数 (因子)
cement factor水泥系数单位体积混凝土中的水泥用量
compacting factor压实〔致密〕 系数
compacting factors test of concrete混凝土捣实因数试验
cut-off amplification factor极限〔截止〕放大因数
cutter change factor齿轮刀具变位〔移距〕系数
daylight factor日光照明率
diversity factor发射因数
diversity factor电力不同时率
equipment capacity factor设备利用率〔利用因数〕
factors affecting workability of concrete影响混凝土和易性的因素
factors influencing concrete strength影响混凝土强度的因素
fidelity factor传真度
fidelity factor保真度因数
fidelity factor保真〔逼真,重现〕率
fidelity factor保真率〔度〕
fixed-cement-factor method水泥系数法
flexibility factor挠曲〔度〕系数
gap factor间隙因数
gap factor隙压比
gap factor隙压系数
gauge factor应变灵敏度系数
governing factor控制〔决定,支配〕因素
gradation factor粒度分级系数
hourly variation factor时变化系数
merit factor优良指数
merit factor佳度
merit factor灵敏〔工作〕值
merit factor优值
merit factor质量〔品质,性能〕因数
noise-factor nomograph噪声指数列线图
noise insulation factor声透射损失
noise insulator factor隔声系数
noise insulator factor隔声度
plant factor发电设备利用率利用系数
pondage factor水库,蓄水池调节系数
reactance factor电抗〔无效,无功功率〕因数
reduced factor对比〔折合〕因子
reproduction factor重现〔再生〕 因数
resolution into factors因子〔数,式〕分解
resonance-escape factor逃脱共振俘获因数
space factor空间〔占空,线圈间隙,方向性〕 系数
speed factor速率因数
speed factor速度系数〔因素〕
station load factor发电站负载系数
station plant factor发电站设备利用率
synchronization factor同步因数〔系数〕
work done factor耗功系数
work done factor做功因数