
Terms for subject Dermatology containing factors | all forms
antinuclear factor抗核因子
antinuclear factor test抗核因子试验
B factorB 因子
chemotactic factor inhibitor趋化因子抑制剂
clastogenic factor诱裂因子
clastogenic factor致染色体畸变因子
clotting factor凝血因子
complement factor补体因子
complement-dependent lymphocytotoxic factor补体依赖淋巴细胞毒素因子
eosinophil chemotactic factor嗜酸性细胞趋化因子
eosinophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis过敏性嗜酸性细胞趋化因子
genetic restricted factor遗传限制因子
Hageman factor凝血第十二因子
Hageman factor阿热曼因子
immune defect with lymphotoxic factor免疫缺陷伴淋巴毒性因子
inflammatory factor炎症因子
initiating factor起始因子
leucocyte migration inhibitory factor白细胞游走抑制因子
leukocyte migration inhibition factor白细胞移动抑制因子
lymphocyte activating factor淋巴细胞激活因子
lymphocyte chemotactic factor淋巴细胞趋化因子
lymphocyte proliferation inducing factor淋巴细胞增生诱导因子
lymphocyte transformation factor淋巴细胞转化因子
macrophage activating factor巨噬细胞活化因子
macrophage chemotactic factor巨噬细胞趋化因子
macrophage inhibitory factor巨噬细胞抑制因子
migration inhibitory factor移动抑制因子
migratory inhibitory factor游走抑制因子
mitogenic factor有丝分裂因子
natural moisturizing factor天然保湿因子
neutrophil chemotactic factor中性白细胞趋化因子
neutrophil chemotactic factor of anaphylaxis过敏性中性白细胞趋化因子
neutrophil immobilizing factor中性白细胞制动因子
neutrophilic releasing factor中性白细胞释放因子
nonspecific suppressor T cell factor非特异性 T 抑制细胞因子
plasma coagulation factors血浆凝血因子
platelet aggregating factor血小板凝集因子
platelet-activating factor血小板激活因子
polymorphocyte chemotactic factor多形核白细胞趋化因子
potentiating factor加效因子
provocative factor激发因素
provocative factor激发因子
rheumatoid factor test类风湿因子试验
rheumatoid-like factor类风湿样因子
rosette inhibitory factor玫瑰花环抑制因子
serum IFN-neutralizing factor血清干扰素中和因子
skin reaction factor炎症因子
skin reaction factor皮肤反应因子
specific antigenic macrophage inhibitory factor抗原特异性的巨噬细胞抑制因子
specific macrophage arming factor特异性巨噬细胞武装因子
T cell replacing factorT 细胞替代因子
T suppressor factorT 抑制细胞因子
thermolabile serum factor不耐热的血清因子
thymic factor胸腺因子
triggering factor激发因素
Ts factor T抑制细胞因子
tumor angiogenic factor肿瘤血管原性因子