
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing factors | all forms | exact matches only
alkali resistant factor耐碱度
amortization factor抑制因数
amortization factor阻尼因数
application factor灌溉系数
application factor利用系数
area correction factors面积订正系数
areal reduction factor面积折减系数
assessment factor评估要素
assessment factor评估因子
atomic packing factor原子填充因子
atomic scattering factor原子散射因素
basal area factor底面积系数
basic orifice factor基本孔板系数
basin response factor基本响应因子
bidirectional reflectance factor双向反射率因子
bioaccumulation factor有毒化学物质的生物富集因素
bioaccumulation factors生物累积系数
biological accumulation factor生物积聚因素
brake-specific fuel consumption factor制动油耗系数
capacity factor利用〔负载〕系数
capacity factor〔设备〕利用率
capital recovery factor资本回收费用
class-determining factor等级决定因子【土】
common factor共性因子
complexity factor复杂度系统
condition factor条件因子
corey shape factor科里形状系数
correction factor校正系统
correspondence factor analysis对应因子分析
dead valley factor干谷系数
decision factor决策因子
depreciation factor折旧系数〔因数〕
diagnostic factor评价因子 【土】
diagnostic factor参评因子
dilution attenuation factor稀释-衰减因素
discount factor贴现因子
dispersion factor色散系数
dispersion factor弥散系数
dispersion factor扩散系数
dominant factor主导因子
dose reduction factor剂量减少系数
dry valley factor干谷系数
dynamical load factor动〔力〕荷载系数
dynamical load factor动〔力〕荷载因数
ecological factor生态因子
enlargement factor放大倍数〔系数〕
factor analysis chart technique作业因素分析图示法
factor of safety index安全系数指数
factor rating评价因子分级【土】
factor relative palawija method〔配水的〕相对因子帕拉威杰法
fast fission factor快中子裂变因子
flow factor流量系数
flow temperature factor流动温度系数
form factor波形系数
formation volume factor岩层容积系数
fractural structure factor破裂构造因素
friction factor in annulus环空内摩擦系数
friction factor in pipe管内摩阻系数
fundamentally different factors基本异常因子
greatest common factor最大公因子{数}
gross decontamination factor总纯化 〔净化〕系数
groupiness factor成组因子
heating seasonal performance factor供暖季节性能系数
highest common factor最大公因式
human factors engineering人为因素工程
impedance factors阻抗因数
infiltration factor下渗率
infiltration factor下渗系数
intensification factor强化系数
International Committee for Research and Study on Environmental Factors国际环境因素调查研究委员会
Jenike flow factor tester詹尼凯流量系数测试仪
kinetic factor动力因素
load and resistance factor design method荷载和阻力系数设计法
macroscopic duty factor低倍放大负载因子
main sedimentary trend factor主沉积趋势因子
maximum friction factor最大摩阻系数
maximum friction factor最大摩阻率
melt factor融雪系数
metal factor感应极化异常参数
metallic conduction factor金属传导因数
metallic conduction factor金属导电因数
microscopic factor显微〔镜〕因素
model confidence factor模态置信系数
moisture adjustment factor水汽改正因数
net capacity factor净容量因子
optimum index factor最佳指数因子
orthogonal factor analysis正交因子分析
overall modal confidence factor模态总体置信因子
percolation factor渗透系数
plant capacity factor电站容量系数
plant load factor电厂负荷因数
plunger overtravel factor柱塞超冲程系数
pressure base factor压力基系数
principal components factor analysis主组分因子分析
quality factor品质 〔质量〕因数
quality factorQ 因数
quality factor Q品质因数
quality factor Q因数
ratio of nuclear factors核系数比
reduction factor缩小因数
reduction factor折算因数
relative sensitivity factor相对灵敏度因子
reliability factor可信系数
response factor反应系数
response factor响应系数
retention factor滞水系数
runoff factor径流因子
scale factor尺度因素模型特征对原型特征之比
scale factor标度因素
scale factor比例因数
scale factor比例常数
scaling factor标度因数
seasonal performance factor季节性性能因素
sediment enrichment factor泥沙富集系统
sediment enrichment factor沉积物富集系统
shear friction factor剪摩系数
shear-friction factor of safety剪摩安全系数
simple environment factor单一环境因素
smoothing factor光滑系数
snow correction factor雪相关因素
snow correction factor雪相关因子
soil constraint factor土壤约束因素
soil environment factor土壤环境因子
soil fertility factor土壤肥力因子
soil forming factor土壤形成因素
soil moisture factor with growing degree-days对作物生长期有效积温的土壤水分因子
stiffness factor刚劲 〔陡峭,倔强〕因数
storage factor蓄水系数
storage factor库容系数
stress susceptibility factor应力磁化率系数
stress-intensity factor应力强度因子
temperature base factor基本温度系数
time factor时间〔利用〕系数
uncertainty factor不精确性系数
uncertainty factor误差系数
uncertainty factor不确定性系数
uniform annual series factors均匀年系列系数
uniform-gradient-series factor均等梯度系列系数
variable factor programming可变因素规划
velocity factor速率
water-quality factor水质因子
water-quality factor水质因素
wind factor simulation风因素模拟
yield safety factor屈服安全系数
yield safety factor屈服安全因数