
Terms for subject General containing extreme | all forms | exact matches only
extreme case极端〔极罕见〕的例子
extreme conditions极端情况
extreme high vacuum极高真空 '
extreme infra-red超红外线波长为15〜1500微米
extreme low water极低水位
extreme out position滑阀完全进人离开极端位置
extreme ultraviolet超紫外线波长为200〜2000埃
extremes of fortune盛衰荣枯
extremes of heat and cold冷热的悬殊
go from one extreme to the other一极端转到另一极端
go to extremes趋于极端
go to extremes过分
go to extremes用激烈手段
go to extremes过于
go to extremes走〔趋于〕极端
go to the extreme of采取极端的手段
go to the extreme of达到…的极端
in the extreme达于极点
in the extreme非常
in the extreme极端
in extreme cases在极个别情况下
lie at the extremes位于…的两端 (of)
multiple extreme多重极值
prevent extremes of temperature防止温度过高过低
run to an extreme过于
run to an extreme用激烈手段
run to an extreme走〔趋于〕极端
take extreme measures采取激烈措施