
Terms for subject Pharmacology containing extract | all forms | exact matches only
aged garlic extract陈大蒜提取物 (抗氧化剂;心肌细胞保护药)
allergenic extract变应原浸出物 (诊断用药)
allergenic extract变应原提取物
allergenic extracts变应原提取物
anthocyanosidic extract of vaccinium myrtillus and β-carotene欧洲越橘花青苷提取物-β胡萝卜素
artichoke leaves extract洋蓟叶提取物
belladonna extract颠茄浸膏 (解痉药)
calf lung surfactant extract小牛肺表面活性物质提取物 (卡尔法坦 (calfactant) 的别名;肺表面活性药)
calf spleen extract小牛脾提取物 (免疫增强剂)
centella asiatica extract积雪草提取物 (皮肤科用药)
codeine phosphate and platycodon fluid extract磷酸可待因-桔梗提取液
devil's claw extract魔鬼爪提取物 (抗炎镇痛药)
devil's claw extract钩果草提取物
extract from inflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbit inoculated with vaccina virus牛痘疫苗接种家兔炎症皮肤提取物
extract from inflammatory cutaneous tissue of rabbit inoculated with vaccina virus牛痘免疫病毒疫苗接种家兔炎症皮肤提取物 (从牛痘疫苗接种致炎兔皮肤真皮中提取的一种非蛋白性生理活性物质;抗炎镇痛药)
extract of fruit sabal serrulata锯叶棕果实提取物
extract of ginkgo boliba leaf银杏叶提取物 (银杏叶提取物 (ginkgo biloba leaf extract) 的别名;血管舒张药)
extract of glycyrrhizia甘草浸膏 (镇咳药)
extract of harpagophytun procumbens root魔鬼爪根提取物 (由烃糖苷类、β-谷固醇类及多碳不饱和酸类组成;抗炎镇痛药)
extract of hederae常青藤属植物提取物 (利胆药)
extract of hederae常青藤植物提取物
extract of horse chestnut seeds马栗树籽提取物
extract of leave of ginkgo biloba银杏叶浸膏 (银杏黄酮苷 (ginkgo biloba flavonol glycosides) 的别名;抗心绞痛药)
extract of red rice红曲提取物 (降血脂药)
extract of sabale fruit沙巴棕果实提取物 (抗前列腺增生药)
extract of st. john, s Wort圣约翰草提取物
extract of St. John's Wort圣•约翰草提取物
extract of St. John's wort圣约翰草提取物
extract of St. John's Wort圣・约翰草提取物 (抗抑郁药)
extract of viscum album欧寄生提取物 (血管舒张药)
extract scilla maritima liquidum etc.海葱流浸膏等中西药
extract scilla maritima liquidum etc海葱流浸膏等中西药 (镇咳药)
ginkgo biloba leaf extract冠心酮
ginkgo biloba leaf extract银杏叶浸膏
ginkgo biloba leaf extract银杏 叶提取物
ginkgo biloba leaf extract银杏叶制剂 (含黄酮苷 (24%) 和萜烯 (6%)。黄酮苷主要是山柰子酚和槲皮素的葡萄糖鼠李糖苷,萜烯包括银杏内酯 (3.1%) 和白果内酯 (2.9%);血管舒张药)
ginkgo biloba leaf extract银杏叶标准化萃取物
ginkgo biloba leaf extract银杏叶提取物
ginseng extract G115 人参提取物G115 (营养药)
ginseng extract G115人参提取物
grape seed proanthocyanidin extracts葡萄籽原花青素提取物 (抗氧化剂;心血管保护药)
hyperforin extract贯叶连翘提取物
Hypericum extract圣•约翰草提取物 (圣•约翰草提取物 (extract of St. John's Wort) 的别名;抗抑郁药)
japanese ardisia extract and purple bergenia抗结核1号片 (抗结核药)
japanese ardisia extract and purple bergenia复方抗结核片
japanese ardisia extract and purple bergenia矮地茶醇提取物-岩白菜素
lipid sterol extract of serenoa repens蓝棕植物固醇脂提取物 (抗前列腺增生药)
lipid sterol extract of serenoa repens塞润棕榈醇脂提取物
lipido sterol extract of serenoa repens塞润棕榈醇脂提取物 (抗前列腺增生药)
liquorice liquid extract甘草流浸膏 (甘草流浸膏 (extractum glycyrrhizae liquidum) 的别名;镇咳药)
liver extract肝浸膏 (由维生素、叶酸及其他营养成分组成;抗贫血药)
liver extract肝精
malt soup extract麦芽汤浸膏 (缓泻药)
malt soup extract麦芽提取物
melilotus extract草木犀流浸液 (肛肠科用药)
melilotus extract and coumarin零陵香精-香豆素 (肛肠科用药)
melilotus extract and coumarin草木犀流浸液-香豆素
mulberry twig extract桑枝提取物 (降血糖药)
opium alkaloid extract阿片生物碱 (阿片全碱 (papaveretum) 的别名;镇痛药)
orotic acid carnitine and vitamin B and hepar extract乳清酸肉毒碱-维生素B族-肝浸出物 (保肝药)
orotic acid carnitine, vitamin B and hepar extract乳清酸肉毒碱-维生素 族-肝浸出物
ovarian extract牛卵巢提取物 (雌激素类药)
phenobarbital and belladonna extract苯巴比妥-颠茄提取物
platycodon fluid extract桔梗提取液 (祛痰镇咳药)
prunus yedoensis extract东京樱花提取物
pygeum africanum extract非洲臀果木提取物
quercus salicina extract柳栎浸膏 (排尿路结石药)
rauwolfia serpentina alkaloidal extract印度萝芙木生物碱提取物 (降血压药)
rauwolfia serpentina and veratrum viride extract印度萝芙木-绿藜芦提取物
saint. John,s wort extracts圣•约翰草提取物 (圣•约翰草提取物 (extract of St. John's Wort) 的别名;抗抑郁药)
scopolia extract莨菪膏 (解痉药)
scopolia extract莨菪浸膏
south european climbing groundsel and north hamamelis extract南欧千里光-北美金缕梅提取物
St. John's wort extract圣•约翰草提取物 (圣约翰草提取物 (extract of St. John's wort) 的别名;抗抑郁药)
xiaoyerong powdered extract and chlorphenamine maleate小叶榕干浸膏-马来酸氯苯那敏