
Terms for subject Economy containing external | all forms | exact matches only
an external aid外部援助
coefficient of external independence外部互相依存系数
common external tariff对外统一运费
common external tariff共同对外关税
common external tariff欧共体共同对外关税
contact with external substances触及外来物体致污染
contact with external substances与其他物质相接触
cover for re-export and external transactions再出口与对外交易保险
excess external liquidity过剩外部流动资金
external aid外部支援
external aid外部援助
external analysis外部分析
external analyst外聘分析员
external analyst外界分析员
external audit独立审计 (independent audit)
external audit外界审计
external audit外部审计 (independent audit)
external auditing外部审计
external benefit外部受益
external benefit正外部性
external benefits外部效益
external benefits外部收益收入
external bill外国付款票据
external bond外国的债券
external borrowing外国借款
external borrowing transactions国外借款交易
external capital外部资本
external capital外部资本
external causes外部原因
external condition of packing外包装情况
external connection外围环节
external connections外围环节
external consumption effects外部消费影响
external contribution外来捐赠
external control外部监督
external cost负外部性
external credit国际信用
external currency在发行国境外的该国货币
external data外部资料
external data外来资料
external debt国外债务
external debt limit外债限额
external debt servicing支付外债
external diseconomies外部经济负效果
external diseconomies外部不经济
external diseconomy负外部性
external diseconomy and economics外在不经济与外在节省
external diseconomy of production生产的外界不利因素
external distribution公司外分配
external donor外部捐赠者
external drain国外枯竭 (由黄金外流引起的现金枯竭)
external drain外流因素
external drains外流因素
external economic cooperation对外经济合作
external economics外在经济
external economics外部经济指对有关生产发展的公用设施,如交通运输、电力、给排水等以及教育、社会福利及金融保险等各种城市设施的投资总称为外部经济
external economics外围经济
external economics of production生产的外部有利因素
external economy外部经济节约
external economy外国经济
external economy正外部性
external economy外部经济效果
external economy industries外部经济产业部门
external effect外部效应
external environment外界
external evidence外部证据
external expression of value价值的外在表现
external factors外在因素
external financial requirement所需外来资金
external financing向外部借入资金
external financing对外筹措资金
external financing外来资金供应
external financing向外筹资
external financing外部筹资
external financing position对外资金来往地位
external food aid对外食品援助
external food assistance对外食品援助
external funds外来资金
external idle time由于外部原因造成的停工时间
external independence对外独立
external interest rate境外货币适用的利率
external investment principal insurance国外投资本金保险
external loan对外借款
external margin外部边缘边际
external matching remuneration外界的相应薪酬
external of wealth财富的外形
external payment对外支付
external payments balance国际收支差额
external payments position国际收支情况
external price国外价格
external public debt官方债务
external public indebtedness对外公共债务
external publication外部出版物
external purchasing power of money货币的对外价值
external purchasing power of money用外汇表示的货币购买力
external purchasing power of money用外汇表示的贷币购买力
external rate of return外部收益率
external relation对外关系
external reporting对外公布的财务报告
external reporting对外表报
external representation对外代表权
external reserve国外储备
external reserves外汇储备金
external resource flow外来资金流动
external sale外销
external short term liabilities对外短期负债
external sources外来资金
external tariff欧洲共同体共同对外税则
external trade对外交易
external trade unit value index对外贸易单位价格指数
external transaction企业外部交易
external valuation外部估价
external value外部价值
external value对外价值
external value of currency货币对外价值
external value of currency货市的对外价值
external value of money货币的对外价值
fiscal trust accounts for payments of principal and interest of external bonded debts备付外债本息的财政信托账户
floatation of external loan外债的发行募集
fund for payment of principal and interest on external debts外债还本付息基金
fund secured from external sources向夕卜筹措资金
internal and external vertification内査外调验证核实
Japan External Trade Organization日本外贸组织
Japan External Trade Organization日本对外出口贸易振兴会
Japan External Trade Organization日本外贸振兴会
large external deficit巨额的对外赤字
net external assets外国资产的净值
pecuniary external economics金融性外围经济
pecuniary external economies金融性外部经济
risk efficient external financing strategies减少风险的国外筹资战略
the absorptive capacity for external assistance吸收外援的能力
the excess external liquidity过剩外部流动资金
the external liquidity对外的流动性资金
the external liquidity对外清偿能力
the external margin国外经营盈余
the external publication外部出版物
the external solvency有对外偿付能力
the undue recourse to external assistance过分求助外国援助
This company doesn't pay enough attention to external trade该公司不太关注对外贸易
undue recourse to external assistance过分求助于外国援助
weak external reference不充分的外部参考
without external debt外债