
Terms for subject Business containing external | all forms | exact matches only
absorptive capacity for external assistance吸收外援能力
accounting for external reporting外部报告会计
coefficient of external interdependence外部互依存系数
common external tariff共同对外税率
common external tariff共同对外关税欧共体统一进口关税
contact with external substances触碰外来物体
cover for re-export and external transaction再出口与对外交易保险
external account境外账户
external accounting外部会计学
external accounting外部会计财务会计
external affairs外交
external affairs对外事务
external aid国际援助
external aid外援
external analysis外界分析
external appearance外在仪表
external asset国外资产
external bill外国汇票
external bond外国债券
external borrowing transaction国外借款业务
external cable室外天线
external capital国外资本
external capital外来资本
external cause外来原因
external cause外部原因
external causes外因
external circulation外部流通
external commercial policy外贸政策
external conceptual napping外模式概念映射
external condition of packing外部包装情况
external conditions of equilibrium外部均衡条件
external consumption effect外部消费影响
external consumption effects外部消费倾向
external control外来控制
external control外加管制
external convertibility对外兑换
external coordination外部协调
external cost外地费用
external custom tariff of the European Common Market欧共体市场对外关税率
external data外在数据
external debt ceilings外债最高限额
external debt servicing外债偿还
external deficit外贸逆差
external determinant of behavior行为的外部决定因素
external dimension外部尺码
external diseconomies of production生产的外在不经济
external diseconomy外部经济反效果
external diseconomy外部不经济要素
external distribution外销
external distribution外部分配
external division外分
external economic assistance program对外经济援助计划
external economic conditions外部经济条件
external economic relations对外经济关系
external economic variable外部经济变量
external economies of production生产的外在经济
external economy外部经济要素如改善管理,加强推销等
external effect外部效果
external equilibrium对外平衡
external equity capital外部股本资本
external evaluation外部评价
external financing对外融资
external financing外部筹措资金
external financing position国外资金地位
external financing position对外筹资地位
external flows对外流量
external force外部力量
external growth外部成长
external idle time外因导致的停工时间
external imbalance外部不平衡
external imbalance对外收支不平衡
external income国外收入
external indebtedness对外负债
external interdependence对外依存关系
external invest decisions对外投资决策
external investment principal insurance对外投资本金保险
external liability外部负债指对公司外个人负债
external liability对外负债
external loan国外贷款
external margin国外经营盈余
external mark外部标志
external mercantilism对外重商主义
external packing外部包装
external perturbation外部摄动
external public debt对外公共债务
external public debt宫方外债
external public debt outstanding未偿还对外公共债务
external publication国外出版物
external purchasing power of money货币对外购买力
external rate外在利率指在计算借贷外在通货时所用的利率
external realty客观现实
external representation对外代表权
external reserve外币储备金
external saving外部储蓄
external scheme外模式
external short-term liability对外短期负债
external solvency对外清偿能力
external source hypothesis外源论
external sources外来资金来源
external sovereignty对外主权
external spending对外支出
external standard ratio外界标准比率
external sterling对外英镑指对英镑区外英镑
external stimuli外部促销因素
external storage储料场
external storage外部储存如贮油池
external store外存储器
external surplus外贸顺差
external surplus国际收支顺差
external surplus对外收支盈余
external transaction对外贸易业务
external transactions account对外交易账户
external transfer对外转让
external unit外部单位
external value of currency货币对外价值即汇价
external value of money货币对外价值
external variance外方差
external work外围工程
fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书
fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书
floatation of external loan外债募集
fund for payment of principal and interest on external bonded debts用于对外债务的本息支付基金
fund secured from external sources来自外部的资金
heat of vaporization, external latent汽化外潜热
interest on external bond外债利息
large external deficit巨额对外赤字
limitation of external standards外在标准局限性
Ministry of External Affairs外交部
net external balance对外贸易净差额
out to in external bond为国内筹资的国外债券
out to out external bond国外就地筹资债券
publicly guaranteed external debt由政府担保的对外债务
theory of external interdependence外部相互依存理论
theory of the external origin外因论