
Terms containing explosive charges | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
met.cast explosive charge浇铸用药包 (指保护渣或发热剂)
met.cast explosive charge浇铸药包
expl.charge explosives density炸药装填密度炸药在钻孔中的质量和钻孔装药部分体积的比值,单位为 kg/m³
tech.charge of an explosive炸药装填量
expl.corrected weight of explosive charge per blasthole校正后的单孔装药量
expl.designed weight of explosive charge per blasthole单孔设计装药量
avia.detonating charge explosive起爆药
expl.detonation charge weight to initiate an explosive雷管起爆炸药的装药重量
spaceelectrically fired explosive charge电燃爆炸装药
expl.energy distribution of an explosive charge药包能量分布
spaceenhanced explosives charge增强型炸药
expl.Even considering the uncertainties in determining a correct equation of state for the reaction products, the expansion work is one of the most realistic measures of explosive power as it approximates the amount of work the gaseous products of the explosion can do on the rock surrounding the charge as they expand from the initial detonation conditions to atmospheric conditions即便考虑到确定爆后产物的正确状态方程时有诸多不定因素、膨胀功却是衡量爆炸威力的最为现实的因素之一、因为在爆炸后的气体物质由初始爆轰状态向大气状态膨胀时、膨胀功接近爆炸后的气体物质对药包周边的岩石所做的功
expl.explosive charge mass炸药量装填到炮孔或装药平硐中的炸药的数量
eng.geol.explosive charge炸药包
spaceexplosive charge爆炸套药
spaceexplosive charge炸药装药
avia.explosive charge发射药
railw.explosive charge安全炸药
met.explosive charge药包
tech.explosive charge炸药装填量
tech.explosive charge爆炸药量
tech.explosive charge炸药 (费)
avia.explosive charge射孔弹
avia.explosive charge抛射药
expl.explosive charge炸药费 (mass)
avia.explosive charge爆炸装药
bridg.constr.explosive charge being misfired瞎炮
expl.explosive charge concentration炸药装药集中
expl.explosive charge for buffer holes缓冲炮孔炸药装填
tech.explosive charge method药方法
expl.explosive charge production technology药卷生产工艺
expl.explosive charge weight design炸药装填量设计
bridg.constr.explosive charges炸药
auto.explosive mix and charge truck炸药混装车
tech.explosive specific charge单位炸药消耗量
tech.explosive specific charge单位药耗
expl.F-bursting occurs when explosive charges intersect or are in close proximity to major geological structures or zones of weakness in the face region当药包与自由面区域内的主要地质结构交叉或接近软弱面时、发生自由面破裂现象
expl.fire a row of charges of explosive引爆一排炸药包
expl.For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution就某些类型的爆破而言、考虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义
tech.heavy explosive charge大量装药
expl.In addition to factors that are related to geology and distance are those factors that are related directly to the design of blasting operations. The most important of these is the maximum charge weight per delay: that is, the maximum quantity of explosive that detonates at one time sometimes specified as being that which detonates within any eight millisecond period of time除了与地质和距离有关的因素外、还有一些因素与爆破作业设计直接相关。其中最重要的是每次延迟的最大装药量、即每次要爆炸的炸药最大量有时标明为每8毫秒间隔爆炸的炸药量
expl.length of explosive charge in the base底部药包长度
expl.length of explosive charge intermediate辅助药包长度
expl.main explosive charge主炸药量在爆破中预期执行爆破工作的炸药装药量。主要包括 ANFO,硝化甘油炸药、水胶炸药、乳化炸药和爆破剂等
expl.mass of explosive charge装药量包括底部和柱状装药量的装药量总称
expl.maximum explosive charge per delay每次延迟最大装药量
tech.quantity of explosive charge炸药量
expl.radius of explosive charge装药半径
tech.sand-stemming between the charge of explosives炸药之间的砂夹层
expl.Section explosive charge起爆锁
expl.surface explosive charge裸露装药
expl.surface explosive charge裸露药包
expl.The stimulus to which an explosive is exposed must be included in any reference to the sensitivity, whether shock, low-velocity impact, friction, electrostatic charge, lightning, or other source of energy炸药感度根据所受外界能量作用的不同、可分为冲击波感度、撞击感度、摩擦感度、静电感度、雷电感度或其他能量形式的感度
expl.weight of explosive charges per blasthole单孔装药重量
expl.When an explosive charge is detonated in rock, the charge is converted instantly to a hot gas at intense pressure当药包在岩体中爆炸时、炸药在高压力下瞬间转化为高温气体