
Terms containing exploit | all forms | exact matches only
textilecooperative exploit合作开发
textileeconomic exploit经济剥削
China, lawexclusive right to exploit the patent独占的实施权
busin.exploit a discovery of gold开发金矿
busin.exploit a mine开矿
busin.exploit a patent实施专利
busin.exploit an oilfield开发油田
cryptogr.exploit code漏洞检测代码
busin.exploit colonies压榨殖民地
econ.exploit natural resources开发自然资源
China, lawexploit natural resources开发资源
proj.manag.exploit of HR人力资源开发
commer.exploit offshore oil resources开发海洋石油资源
athlet.exploit one's speed reserves利用速度储备
agric.exploit potentialities挖掘潜力
busin.exploit resources开发资源
commer.exploit the advantages发挥优势
busin.exploit the coal and iron fields开发煤铁矿
gen.exploit the full power of the engine发挥发动机的满功率
tech.exploit the natural resources开发资源
tech.exploit the particular advantages of each region发挥各地优势
China, lawexploit the patent实施专利
fin.exploit the prerogatives滥用特权
busin.exploit the virgin land开荒
tech.exploit the virgin land开垦荒地
comp., net.exploits block list拓展遏制列表
China, lawinappropriately exploit不正当地使用
China, lawindependently exploit单独实施
spaceprocessing, exploit and disseminate使用与分发
spaceprocessing, exploit and disseminate处理
avia.tactical reconnaissance exploit demonstration system战术研究演示验证系统
avia.tactical reconnaissance exploit demonstration system战术侦察研究验证系统
econ.This might be a line with which we could profitably exploit our market这可能就是我们赖以开拓市场而获利的一种行业
econ.We have to rationally exploit our natural resources我们必须合理开发我们的自然资源
econ.We hope to exploit the oil resources in the Middle East我们希望利用中东的石油资源
ecol.who exploit, who pays谁开发谁保护
cryptogr.zero day exploit零日攻击