
Terms for subject Economy containing expert | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc Group of Experts of Housing and Urban Development住房与城市发展问题特设专家小组
Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices限制性商业惯例问题特设专家小组
Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Tax Treaties税务条约特设专家小组
All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达前完成
an associate expert scheme助理专家办法
An authorized expert may examine drawings and specifications as well as contract documents一权威专家除了审核合同文件,还必须审核图纸及规格说明书
an expert on international trade国际贸易专家
expert conclusion鉴定意见
expert conclusion鉴定结论
expert evidence鉴定人证明
expert group on tax treaties税务条约专家组
expert manager专家经营人
expert power专家权力
expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods第三人所开的货物符合合同证明书
Experts invited by our country will form an advisory board as a consultative body for our special zone我国聘请的专家将组成顾问委员会,作为我们特区的咨询机构
He's an expert in the field of business management他是商业管理方面的一位专家
Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on an International Code of Conduct on Transfer of Technology政府间国际技术转让行动守则专家组
Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices政府间限制性商业做法专家
Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on Tariff Reclassification政府间重订海关税则类别专家组
Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on the Concepts of the Present Aid and Flow Target政府间关于当前援助和流动指标概念问题专家组
medical expert法医
the expert advice专家的意见
the expert advice专门的技术指导
The joint venture company should select expert accountants and agents to check the books, paper n., property and business of the partners联营公司应选定专业会计师和代理人来检査各位合伙人的账册、票据、财产和业务
We must call in a financial expert to advise us我们必须聘请一位金融专家帮助我们