
Terms containing expert | all forms | exact matches only
met.abnormal furnace condition diagnosis expert system【铁】炉况失常诊断专家系统
commer.accomplished expert有造诣的专家
busin.accountant expert会计专家
tech.acoustics expert声学专家
horticult.acquisition expert知识采集专家
org.name.Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel for Assessment of Proposals to CITES《濒危物种公约》提案评价工作特设专家咨询小组
org.name.Ad hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend CITES Appendices I and II《濒危物种公约》提案评价工作特设专家咨询小组
interntl.trade.ad hoc expert group特设专家小组
telecom.ad hoc expert group特设专家组
busin.ad hoc expert group临时专家小组
tech.ad hoc expert group特别专家小组
UN, policeAd hoc Expert Group Meeting in Conceptualizing New Approaches to Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in the Context of Development and the New International Economic Order构思发展和新的国际经济秩序形势下预防犯罪和刑事司法的新做法特设专家组会议
UN, biol., sec.sys.Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Change生物多样性和气候变化问题特设技术专家组
UN, biol., sec.sys.Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the Biodiversity of Dry and Sub-humid Lands旱地和半湿地生物多样性特设技术专家组
multimed.Adobe certified expertAdobe 认证专家
AI.agricultural expert system农业专家系统
org.name.Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences Expert农艺和农业科学专家
avia.air combat maneuvering expert systems trainer空战机动专家系统教练员
AI.Al Cartographic Expert ACES专家系统用于 System (ACES)完成标注地图任务
econ.All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达前完成
expl.all-weather expert-merit全天候实验
econ.an associate expert scheme助理专家办法
econ.An authorized expert may examine drawings and specifications as well as contract documents一权威专家除了审核合同文件,还必须审核图纸及规格说明书
econ.an expert on international trade国际贸易专家
AI.analysis expert system分析专家系统
tech.architectural expert建筑专家
AI.articulate expert解释专家系统
org.name.Associate Expert助理专家
manag.associate expert协理专家
busin.associate expert scheme助理专家办法
auto.autodiagnosis car expert汽车自动诊断专家程序
auto.automobile expert汽车专家
auto.automotive expert汽车专家
auto.automotive expert汽车行家
avia.avionics expert system definition study航空电子专家系统定义研究
avia.avionics integrated maintenance expert system综合航空保养专门系统
busin.be engaged in expert从事出口贸易
shipb.be expert in擅长
shipb.be expert in shipbuilding technique擅长造船技术
met.BF operation control expert system高炉操作控制专家系统
earth.sc.Bhadra drought management expert system印度巴德拉干旱管理专家系统
met.blast furnace expert system高炉专家系统
tech.building construction expert建筑工程专家
tech.building construction expert房屋建筑专家
tech.building expert system建立专家系统
desert.cartographic expert system制图专家系统
tech.cartographical expert system制图专家系统
UN, account.Committee of Experts on Salary Differentials, Cost of Living Adjustments and Dependency Allowances薪差、生活费调整数和扶养津贴专家委员会
AI.complexity of expert system专家系统的复杂性
tech.computer-assisted expert interrogation计算机辅助专家咨询
tech.construction expert建筑专家
consult.consultancy expert咨询专家
busin.consultant expert咨询专家
UN, account.consultants and experts顾问和专家
met.continuous casting expert system连铸专家系统
met.continuously cast semis defect diagnostics expert system连铸坯缺陷诊断专家系统
AI.cooperating expert system合作专家系统
horticult.cooperating expert system协同[操作]的专家系统
consult.cost expert成本专家
milk.dairy expert乳品专家
agric.dairy expert乳品专业人员
agric.dairy expert乳业专家
met.defect diagnostics expert system for strand连铸坯缺陷诊断专家系统
AI.deterministic expert system确定性专家系统
refrig.development of knowledge-based systems KBS and expert-systems知识系统和专家系统的发展
telecom.diagnostic expert system专家诊断系统
AI.difficulty of expert system专家系统困难性
proj.manag.disputes review expert争议审议专家
AI.domain-independent expert system域独立性专家系统
dril.drilling expert钻井专家
dril.drilling expert system钻井专家系统
manag.efficiency expert效率专家
busin.efficiency expert工作效率专家
tech.efficiency expert工效专家
commer.efficient expert T作效率高的专家
AI.embedded expert system嵌人式专家系统
AI.Emergency Posture Expert System紧急情况专家系统
earth.sc.energy management and maintenance analysis expert system能源管理与维修分析专家系统
tech.environmental expert system环境专家系统
UNESCAP/FAO/UNEP Expert Group Meeting on Fuelwood and Charcoal亚太经社会/粮农组织/环境规划署薪材和木炭专家组会议
UN, ecol.ESCAP-POPIN Expert Working Group on the Development of National Population Information Centres and Networks亚太经社会-人口信息网发展国家人口信息中心和网络专家工作组
tech.examples of geologic expert system地质专家系统实例
tech.examples of geological expert system地质专家系统实例
fin.expert accountant会计专家
fin.expert advanced system输出预付制
consult.expert advice专家意见
consult.expert advice专门的技术指导
mining.expert adviser program-pumping diagnostics抽油井井况诊断专家咨询系统
org.name.Expert Advisor to the ISWG闭会期间工作组专家顾问
busin.expert advisors group专家顾问团
China, polit.expert advisory system专家咨询制度
AI.expert agriculture information system农业信息专家系统
busin.expert appraisal专家评价鉴定
commer.expert appraisal专家鉴定
consult.expert appraisal专家的鉴定
consult.expert appraisal专家评价
tech.expert appraisement专家鉴定
agric.expert approach专家法{智能}
agric.expert architecture专家结构
agric.expert assistant专家辅助[人员]
agric.expert assistant专家助手
libr.expert-assisted system专家辅助式
gen.be expert at是…方面的专家能手
libr.expert authentication专家鉴别
AI.expert-based coach基于专家的教练
busin.expert capacity专家资格
consult.expert capacity专家身份
telecom.expert command扫雷游戏高级命令MS
tech.expert committee专家委员会
UNExpert Committee on Determinants of Healthy Ageing健康老龄的决定因素专家委员会
anim.husb.Expert Committee on Food Additive食品添加剂专家委员会
consult.expert committees专家委员会
econ.expert conclusion鉴定结论
econ.expert conclusion鉴定意见
busin.expert conclusion鉴定人结论
AI.expert confidence专家可信度
tech.expert consultancy services system专家咨询系统
busin.expert consultant专家咨询
consult.expert consultant咨询专家
org.name.Expert Consultation of Regional Fishery Management Bodies on the Harmonization of Catch Certification区域渔业管理机构协调产量认证专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Assessment of Socio-Economic Impacts of Aquaculture水产养殖业社会经济影响评估专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Best Practice Technical Guidelines for IPOA/NPOA - Seabirds海鸟问题国际/国家行动计划最佳规范技术准则专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Best Practices for Safety at Sea in the Fisheries Sector渔业部门海上安全最佳规范专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Development of Community-based Coastal Fisheries Management for Asia and the Pacific促进亚太地区以社区为基础的沿海渔业管理专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Implementation of Codex and OIE Standards on Diseases of Importance to Human and Animal Health with regard to Zoonotic and Food-Borne Diseases食品法典和世动卫组织关于严重威胁人类和动物健康的人畜共患病和食源性疾病标准的实施问题专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Improving Planning and Policy Development in Aquaculture改进水产养殖规划和政策制定专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Pest Management有害生物防治专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Regional Review of Draft ISPM植物检疫措施标准草案区域审查专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Risk Characterization of Campylobacter spp. in Broiler Chickens and Vibrio spp. in Seafood关于带骨鸡中的弯曲菌和海味中的弧菌的风险特性描述联席专家磋商会
UN, polit.Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women儿童和妇女社会统计和指标专家协商
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Development of a Comprehensive Global Record of Fishing Vessels编制渔船全面综合记录专家磋商会议
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Development of a Comprehensive Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels编制全球渔船、冷藏运输船和补给船综合记录专家磋商会议
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Harmonization of Catch Certification区域渔业管理机构协调产量认证专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks鱼类共享资源管理专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Management of Small, Income-generating Community Projects关于小型社区创收项目管理专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Marking of Fishing Gear渔具标识专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on the Proposed COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture关于拟议渔业委员会水产养殖分委员会的专家磋商会
org.name.Expert Consultation on Wood-based Energy木质能源专家磋商会
tech.expert consulting system专家咨询系统
AI.expert control专家控制
AI.expert controller专家控制器
busin.expert council专家委员会
AI.expert data base system专家数据库系统
avia.expert data mining system专家数据挖掘系统
agric.expert database designer专家数据库设计器
telecom.expert database system专家数据库系统
tech.expert decision-making专家决策
auto.expert driver熟练驾驶人
auto.expert driver有经验的驾驶人
tech.expert engineer专业工程师
ecol.expert estimation专家打分
China, lawexpert evaluation专家评审
horticult.expert evaluation system专家评审系统
China, lawexpert evaluator鉴定人
lawexpert evidence鉴定人证明
econ., int. law.expert evidence鉴定人证明
archit.expert evidence鉴定
tech.expert evidence鉴定 (人证明)
tech.expert examination专家鉴定
horticult.expert experience专家经验
agric.expert experience of agricultural production农业生产的专家经验
agric.expert experience of crop production作物栽培的专家经验
tech.expert fee专家酬金
proj.manag.expert finding专家认定
earth.sc.expert group专家组
agric.expert group专家[小]组
UN, policeExpert Group Meeting on Adolescence, Crime and Crime Prevention in the ESCAP region亚太经社会区域青少年、犯罪与预防犯罪专家组会议
UNExpert Group Meeting on Biodiversity in the Arab World阿拉伯世界生物多样性专家组会议
UNExpert Group Meeting on Caregiving and Older Persons: Gender Dimensions老年人照料专家组会议:性别问题层面
UN, policeExpert Group Meeting on Community Involvement in Crime Prevention社区参与预防犯罪专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products东南亚国家热带木材产品销售合作专家组会议
UN, policeExpert Group Meeting on Criminal Justice Management and Information Projects: Improving National and International Data Collection and Exchange刑事司法管理和信息项目专家组会议:改进国家和国际数据收集和交换
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Elimination of Social Barriers to the Integration of Disabled Persons into Community Life消除社会障碍帮助残疾人参与社区生活专家组会议
UNExpert Group Meeting on Environmental Management of Transnational Corporations in Pollution-Intensive Industries in the ESCAP Region关于亚太经社会区域跨国公司对高污染工业的环境管理问题专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Forward-looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women提高妇女地位前瞻性战略专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Human Resources Development on the ESCAP Region亚太经社会区域人力资源开发专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Intraregional Trade in Rice and Cereals and Harmonization of National Plans国际大米谷物贸易和统一国家计划专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Measuring the Social and Economic Benefits of Projects for Small Farmer Development计量小农发展项目的社会和经济效益专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on National Poverty Concepts and Measurement各国贫穷概念和衡量尺度专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Non-handicapping Environments for Disabled and Elderly Persons残疾人和老年人无障碍环境专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Port Tariff Structure港口税则结构专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific亚太空间技术应用促进可持续发展专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on the Development and Utilization of Local Manpower and Technology for Disability-related Services in Rural and Poverty Areas of the Asia-Pacific region亚太区域农村和贫穷地区开发利用当地人力和技术为残疾人提供服务专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on the Interaction between Clients and Grassroots Family-Planning Workers客户和基层计划生育工作人员相互影响问题专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on the Measurement of the Economic Impact of Tourism by Input-Output Analysis使用投入产出分析计量旅游业的经济影响专家组会议
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting to Review the Jakarta Plan of Action for Human Resources Development in the ESCAP Region审查亚太经社会区域人力资源开发雅加达行动计划专家组会议
UN, ecol.Expert Group on Cooperation Among Southeast Asian Countries in the Marketing of Tropical Timber Products东南亚国家合作销售热带木材产品专家组
UNExpert Group on Environmental Law环境法专家组
UN, ecol.Expert Group on Progress Evaluation进步评价专家组
UN, ecol.Expert Group on Rice and Cereals大米和谷物专家组
UN, ecol.Expert Group on Statistical Education and Training统计教育和训练专家组
econ.expert group on tax treaties税务条约专家组
fin.expert hiatus financing专家职务中断期间费用
gen.be expert in是…方面的专家能手
gen.expert in
sport.expert in, be擅长
busin.expert in third party certificate of confirmation of the goods货物符合合同的第三方鉴定人证明书
AI.expert interface专家界面
proj.manag.expert judgment专家评审
avia.expert judgment专家判断
textileexpert knowledge专门知识
manag.expert knowledge专业知识
agric.expert knowledge of agricultural production农业生产的专家知识
agric.expert knowledge of crop production作物栽培的专家知识
textileexpert management专家管理
econ.expert manager专家经营人
busin.expert manager内行经理
manag.expert manager有经验熟练的管理人员
busin.expert manager有专长的经理
busin.expert manager老练的经理
tech.expert manager熟练的管理人员
busin.expert medical opinion医疗鉴定
tech.expert meeting专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Bioenergy Policy, Markets and Trade and Food Security生物能源政策、市场和贸易与粮食安全专家会议
UN, polit.Expert Meeting on Capacity-Building for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Small Island Developing States小岛屿发展中国家可再生能源和能效领域能力建设专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation适应和减缓气候变化专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture气候变化与粮食和农业生物多样性专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management气候变化与灾害风险管理专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Fisheries and Aquaculture气候变化与渔业和水产养殖专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Climate Change, Water and Food Security气候变化、水和粮食安全专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Climate-related Transboundary Pests and Diseases, including Relevant Aquatic Species与气候有关的跨界病虫害包括相关水生物种专家会议
UNExpert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in Central America and the Caribbean关于中美洲和加勒比可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议
UNExpert Meeting on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management in the Near East近东可持续森林管理的标准和指标专家会议
UN, ecol.Expert meeting on desertification and reforestation of degraded forest lands退化林地的荒漠化和再造林问题专家会议
org.name.Expert Meeting on Global Perspectives and Food and Fuel Security全球粮食和燃料安全前景专家会议
UNExpert meeting on information systems on environmentally sound technologies无害环境技术信息系统专家会议
UN, polit.Expert Meeting on Railroad Computerization with Special Emphasis on Wagon Control Systems特别着重于货车控制系统的铁路计算机化专家会议
agric.expert mode专家方式
expl.expert multi-variable control专家多变量控制
AI.expert navigator导航专家
tech.expert opinion专家评价
busin.expert opinion鉴定意见
tech.expert opinion专家主张
plast.surg.expert opinion司法判断
avia.expert opinion专家意见
busin.expert opinion method专家意见法
tech.expert panel专家团
tech.expert panel专家
org.name.expert panel专家委员会
tech.expert panel专门小组委员会
textileexpert power专门知识
textileexpert power专家权威
proj.manag.expert power专长权
econ.expert power专家权力
agric.expert problem solver专家问题求解
telecom.expert problem solving专家问题求解
libr.expert recommendation专家荐购
textileexpert remark专家评论
interntl.trade.expert remark行家话
busin.expert report鉴定书
tech.expert report专家报告
libr.expert review同行评估
libr.expert review同级评价
libr.expert review专家评审
met.expert rule专家规则
tech.expert's appraisement专家鉴定
commer.expert's credentials专家的资历
tech.expert's examination专家鉴定
auto.expert's opinion专家鉴定证明书
auto.expert's opinion专家意见鉴定报告
auto.expert's report专家意见鉴定报告
auto.expert's report专家鉴定证明书
tech.expert's report鉴定报告
interntl.trade.expert's statement专家鉴定书
archit.expert's survey专家评价意见
tech.expert's survey专家报告
food.serv.expert scientific advice专家科学建议
manag.expert skill专门技能
textileexpert skill专业技能
tech.expert skill专门技术
sport., med.expert stage of learning学习的精湛阶段
interntl.trade.expert statement专家鉴定书
tech.expert sub-group专家小组
earth.sc.expert support system专家支持系统
environ.expert system A computer configuration of hardware and software that simulates the judgment and behavior of a human or an organization with extensive knowledge in a particular field, often by giving answers, solutions or diagnoses专家系统 (计算机软硬件的配置,模拟人类或组织的判断力和行为,侧重于某一领域的深入知识。一般可以给出答案,解决方案或诊断。)
telecom.expert system决策支持系统
math.expert system专家系统体系
textileexpert system专家系统 (ES)
nautic., econ.expert system专业知识系统
met.expert system based on artificial network网络型专家系统
AI.expert system development专家系统开发
telecom.expert system environment专家系统环境
avia.expert system for avionics simulation航空电子设备模拟专家系统
earth.sc.expert system for control curve analysis and reservoir tracking控制曲线分析与水库跟踪专家系统
dril.expert system for horizontal well水平井专家系统
chem.expert system for separation synthesis开发化工分离流程用分离综合专家系统
mil., air.def.expert system for situation assessment情况评估专家系统
met.expert system for strand quality diagnostics铸坯质量诊断专家系统
geol.expert system for stratigraphic interpretation地层解释专家系统
earth.sc.expert system for the landslide identification and classification滑坡鉴定和分类专家系统
dril.expert system for well control井控专家系统
tech.expert system module专家系统模块
earth.sc.expert system of comprehensive earthquake prediction综合地震预报专家系统
tech.expert system of image interpretation图像判读专家系统
agric.expert system of multimedia intellectualization多媒体智能化专家系统
earth.sc.expert system of soil and water conservation水土保持专家系统
telecom.expert system tool专家系统工具
AI.expert-system-building tool专家系统构建工具
avia.expert systems专家系统
refrig.expert systems rule-based diagnostics基于规则的专家诊断系统
China, lawexpert team专家组
tech.expert testimony专家证据
busin.expert testimony专家证词
China, lawexpert testimony司法鉴定
tech.expert testimony专家证明
interntl.trade.expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods第三方所开的货物符合合同证明书
interntl.trade.expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods货物符合合同第三者证明书
econ.expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods第三人所开的货物符合合同证明书
busin.expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods第三方所开的货物符合合同的证明书
horticult.expert tool专家工具
AI.expert tuner专家调节器
AI.expert type专家类型
libr.expert user专家学者用户
fin.expert variance account专家费用差异帐目
gen.be expert with是…方面的专家能手
tech.expert witness鉴定员
tech.expert witness鉴定人
tech.expert witness专家证人
plast.surg.expert witness司法证据
China, lawexpert witness of an insured accident保险事故的鉴定人
org.name.Expert Working Group专家工作组
auto.expert workman熟练工人
org.name.Expert Workshop on Climate Change Implications for Fisheries and Aquaculture气候变化对渔业和水产养殖影响问题专家研讨会
UNExperts Group on Environmental Law环境法专家组
org.name.FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Functional Foods粮农组织/世界卫生组织功能食品专家磋商会
org.name.FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Human Vitamin and Mineral Requirements粮农组织/世界卫生组织人体维生素及矿物质需求专家磋商会
org.name.FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Salmonella and Campylobacter in Chicken Meat粮农组织/世卫组织关于鸡肉中沙门氏菌和弯曲菌的专家会议
mining.fault diagnosis expert system故障诊断专家系统
tech.fee for expert opinion专家咨询费
tech.fire service expert消防工作专家
ecol.fisheries expert水产专家
fisheryfisheries expert渔业专家
navig.fishing operations expert system打捞作业专家系统
org.name.Follow-up to the Expert Meeting on Harmonizing Forest-related Definitions for Use by Various Stakeholders关于协调与森林相关的定义供有关方使用的专家会议后续工作
AI.frame-based expert system基于框架的专家系统
met.fuzzy expert system模糊专家系统
met.fuzzy expert system for continuous casting diagnostics连铸诊断用模糊专家系统
AI.general expert system tool通用型专家系统工具
AI.general purpose expert GUESS/1语言一种 systen shell/1 language 基于规则的通用性知识工程语言
mil., air.def.generic expert system tool通用专家系统工具
earth.sc.geographic expert system地理专家系统
tech.geologic expert system地质专家系统
tech.geological expert system地质专家系统
earth.sc.geometric rectification expert system几何校正专家系统
earth.sc.geothermal expert modeling system地热模拟专家系统
geol.geothermal expert modeling system地热专家模拟系统
AI.goal-driven expert system目标驱动专家系统
UNGovernment Expert Group on Health-Related Monitoring与健康有关的监测问题政府专家组
UNGroup of Economic Experts on Air Pollution空气污染问题经济专家组
UN, policeGroup of Experts on Crime Prevention预防犯罪专家组
UN, ecol.Group of Experts on Marine Surveying Technologies海洋测量技术专家组
UN, ecol.Group of Experts on Maritime Legislation海洋立法专家组
textilehard expert硬专家
proj.manag.He is a recognized expert in open source architecture, whose experience includes enterprise computing他是公认的开放源代码体系结构专家、具有企业计算方面的经验
econ.He's an expert in the field of business management他是商业管理方面的一位专家
org.name.High-Level Expert Forum on How to Feed the World in 2050高级别专家论坛:2050年如何养活世界
busin.homegrown expert土专家
horticult.implementation expert执行专家
China, polit.improve the policy-making process by integrating public participation, expert evaluation and government decision-making完善公众参与、专家论证和政府决策相结合的决策机制
gen.in an expert capacity以专家身份
UN, h.rghts.act.Independent expert on the situation of human rights in the Sudan苏丹人权状况独立专家
tech.indigenous expert土专家
AI.induction expert system归纳专家系统
busin.industrial expert工业专家
earth.sc.information expert system信息专家系统
AI.instructional expert system教学专家系统
UN, account.Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting国际会计和报告标准政府间专家工作组
UNIntergovernmental Working Group of Experts on Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States两个或两个以上国家共有自然资源政府间专家工作组
UNInternational Expert Meeting on Forest Protected Areas森林保护区问题国际专家会议
UNInternational Expert Meeting on the 10-Year Framework of Programmes for Sustainable Consumption and Production可持续消费和生产10年方案框架国际专家会议
UN, policeInternational Meeting of Experts on Crime Trends and Crime Prevention Strategies犯罪趋势和预防犯罪战略国际专家会议
UN, ecol.International Panel of Experts on Desertification防治荒漠化国际专家小组
UNInterregional Expert Group Meeting on Policies for a Society for All Ages关于不分年龄人人共享社会的政策区域间专家组会议
tech.investment expert投资专家
org.name.Irrigation and Water Management Expert灌溉和水资源管理专家
agric.irrigation expert灌溉专家
agric.irrigation expert灌溉专业人员
org.name.Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会
anim.husb.Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Expert on the Code of Principles Concerning Milk and Milk ProductsFAO/WHO 乳与乳制品基本法规官方专家委员会即现在的乳与乳制品法规委员会
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会
anim.husb.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food and AdditivesFAO/WHO 食品添加剂联合专家委员会
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition粮农组织/世界卫生组织营养专家联合委员会
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Biotechnology and Food Safety粮农组织/世卫组织生物技术和食品安全联合专家磋商会
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition粮农组织/世卫组织关于人类营养中碳水化合物问题联合专家磋商会
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Application of Risk Analysis to Food Standards Issues粮农组织/世卫组织食品标准中应用风险分析联合专家磋商会
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on a Risk-Based Decision Tree Approach for the Safety Evaluation of Residues of Veterinary Drugs粮农组织/世卫组织兽药残留安全评价基于风险的决策树方法专家联席会议
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Animal Feed Impact on Food Safety粮农组织/世卫组织动物饲料对食品安全影响专家联席会议
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Application of Nanotechnology in the Food and Agriculture Sectors粮农组织/世卫组织关于在粮食和农业领域应用纳米技术专家联席会议
org.name.Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment粮农组织/世界卫生组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议
tech.joint group of expert on the scientific aspects of marine pollution海洋污染问题联合专家小组
UNJoint Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent知情的事先同意联合专家组
tech.joint photograph expert group联合图像专家组
AI.Joint Picture Expert Group联合图像专家组
AI.joint picture expert group format JPEG格式
org.name.Junior Expert初级专家
earth.sc.knowledge-based expert systems基于知识专家的系统
AI.large expert system大型专家系统
AI.large expert system tool大型专家系统工具
interntl.trade.legal expert法律专家
interntl.trade.legal expert法律鉴定人
AI.Legal ExpertLegal Expert 专家系统用于在财产规划和投资方面提供法律支持
avia.Lockheed expert system洛克希德专家系统
AI.logic based expert system基于逻辑的专家系统
textilemachine expert机器专家
textilemachine expert机械师
AI.Maintenance Expert System维护专家系统
earth.sc.management and application of geological information and expert knowledge地质信息和专家知识的管理与应用
agric.marketing expert市场学专家
agric.marketing expert销售专家
tech.marketing expert市场专家
econ.medical expert法医
UNMeeting of Senior Governmental Officials Expert in Environmental Law精通环境法的高级政府官员会议
tech.method expert工艺专家
AI.mid-sized expert system中型专家系统
tech.mill control expert system for grinding process粉磨工艺的磨机控制专家系统
avia.mission template expert飞行任务模型专家
AI.mixture of expert混合专家
AI.model based expert system基于模型的专家系统
AI.monitoring expert system监控专家系统
telecom.motion picture coding expert group运动图像编码专家小组
auto.motor-vehicle expert汽车专家
AI.Moving Picture Expert Group运动图像专家组
multimed.moving pictures expert groupMPEG 动态图像专家组标准
telecom.multimedia and hypermedia information coding expert group多媒体和超媒体信息编码专家小组规范
horticult.multimedia and hypermedia information coding expert group多媒体与超媒体信息编码专家组
AI.navigation expert NAV专家系统用于 (NAVEX)监视雷达站数据
comp., net.network expert advisory tool网络专家咨询工具
anim.husb.North American Grain Expert Association非美洲谷物出口协会
org.name.Norway/FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks挪威/粮农组织关于共享鱼类资源管理的专家磋商会
auto.officially appointed expert官方指定的鉴定人检验人,专家
UNOpen-ended Intergovernmental Meeting of Scientific Experts on Biological Diversity生物多样性问题科学专家不限成员名额政府间会议
UNPanel of Experts on Integrated Pest Control虫害综合防治专家组
UNPanel of Governmental Experts on Small Arms小武器问题政府专家组
org.name.Participatory Methods Expert参与式方法专家
earth.sc.petroleum drilling fluid engineering design expert system石油钻井泥浆工程设计专家系统
earth.sc.petroleum resource expert system石油资源专家系统
UN, tech.phase II and phase III working groups, made up of technical and financial experts from member states由会员国的技术和金融专家组成的第二和第三阶段工作组
AI.PID control expert regulator比例-积分-微分专家调节器
agric.powerful expert[有]权威专家
libr.preservation expert修补专家
AI.prototype expert system专家系统原型
libr.purchased by expert专家代购
tech.quality control expert质量控制专家
tech.quality expert质量管理专家
tech.Racal expert system雷开尔专家系统
tech.radiation-shielding expert防辐射专家
AI.RADiology EXpert RADEX专家系统用 (RADEX)于辅助诊断肝脏胆汁忧郁综合征
libr.rare book expert古籍专家
AI.real-time expert system实时专家系统
met.real-time expert system in sintering process烧结过程实时专家系统
horticult.reasoning decision function of expert system专家系统的推理决策功能
org.name.Regional Expert Consultation on Sea Safety in Small Fishing Vessels小型渔船海上安全区域专家磋商会
UN, polit.Regional Meeting of Experts on Space Science and Technology and its Applications空间科学技术及其应用区域专家会议
nautic., tech.report prepared by the expert专家报告
consult.resident expert常驻专家
consult.resident expert驻工地专家
multimed.rule-based expert system基于规则的专家系统
UNSenior Expert Symposium on Electricity and the Environment电力与环境问题高级专家专题讨论会
AI.shell expert system tool骨架型专家系统开发工具
UN, polit.SIAP/ESCAP Expert Group Meeting on Developing Statistics of Household Economic Activities亚太统计所/亚太经社会家庭经济活动统计发展专家组会议
tech.simulation expert system仿真专家系统
commer.soft expert企业经营管理软专家
UN, polit.South-East Asian Subregional Experts Consultation on TCDC Training and Research in Agriculture Banking东南亚次区域关于技合农业信贷训练和研究的专家协商
org.name.South-South Cooperation Expert南南合作专家
earth.sc.spectral expert system频谱专家系统
avia.subject matter expert课题专家
cryptogr.subject matter expert主题问题专家
proj.manag.subject matter expert专业领域专家
avia.subject matter expert项目专家
avia.subject matter expert主题专家
UN, polit.Subregional Expert Group Meeting on Integrating Environmental Considerations into Economic Policy-making Processes for South Asia将环境因素纳入经济决策过程南亚次区域专家组会议
China, lawsupplementary expert verification补充鉴定
auto.sworn expertspecialist已宣誓的专家鉴定人
AI.synergetic expert system协同式专家系统
horticult.teaching expert system教学专家系统
textiletechnical expert技术专家
econ.the expert advice专家的意见
econ.the expert advice专门的技术指导
econ.The joint venture company should select expert accountants and agents to check the books, paper n., property and business of the partners联营公司应选定专业会计师和代理人来检査各位合伙人的账册、票据、财产和业务
proj.manag.Those technologies typically employ an expert system or have an artificial intelligence component这些技术一般使用专家系统或具有人工智能的成分
horticult.tool-aided for expert system专家系统辅助工具
AI.toolbox expert system tool工具箱型开发工具
auto.traffic expert交通运输专家
busin.training expert培训专家
railw.tunnel expert system隧道专家系统
UN, cartogr.UN group of experts on geographical names联合国地名问题专家组
UNUNEP/World Bank Expert Group Meeting on Environmental Accounting and SNA环境规划署/世界银行环境核算和国民账户体系问题环境专家组会议
UN, polit.UNICEF/Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Expert Consultation on Social Statistics and Indicators for Children and Women in the Asia and Pacific region儿童基金会/亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会亚洲及太平洋区域儿童和妇女社会统计和指标专家协商
multimed.video code expert group视像编码专家组
shipb.water-transportation expert水运专家
econ.We must call in a financial expert to advise us我们必须聘请一位金融专家帮助我们
agric.well-known expert著名专家
anim.husb.WHO Expert Committee on Rabies世界卫生组织狂犬病专家委员会
UNWHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management of Vector Control卫生组织/粮农组织/环境规划署控制传病媒介环境管理专家小组
AI.word expert parser词专家句法分析程序
UNWorking Group of Experts on Environmental Law环境法专家工作组
UN, ecol.Working Group on Statistical Experts统计专家问题工作组
busin.written expert testimony专家鉴定书
tech.written expert testimony专家鉴定
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