
Terms for subject Business containing expected | all forms | exact matches only
actual expected standard cost实际预期的标准成本
average of expected incomes期望收入平均数
be expected to rise看涨
demand expected预期需求
depreciation-sum of expected life预期年限总数折旧法
depreciation-sum of expected life period method预计年限总数折旧法
earliest expected date最早预期日程
earliest expected date最早预期日期
earliest expected time最早预期时间
effective expected price有效预期价格
estimate of expected mean期望平均数估计
event expected time variance事项预期完成时间变异数
expect otherwise herein provided除非另有规定
expect yield预期收益率
expected activity time预期作业时间
expected-actual standard cost预期实际标准成本
expected actual standard cost预期的实际标准成本
expected arrival rate预期到达率
expected capacity期望能力
expected consumption预期消费
expected cost期望价格
expected cost of additional information补充信息预期成本
expected cost of manufacturing预期造价
expected cost of marketing预期营销成本
expected cost of production预期生产成本
expected cost under certainty确定条件下的预期成本
expected cost under uncertainty未确定条件下的预期成本
expected date预期日期
expected date预计日期
expected date of correction预期校正日期
expected date of delivery预期交货日期
expected differential cost预期差别成本
expected differential revenue预期差别收益
expected down time预期停机时间
expected duration预计持续时间
expected elapsed time预期间隔时间
expected form期待式
expected growth rate of earnings and dividends盈利和股息预期增长率
expected income hypothesis臆测性预期收入
expected interest预期利息
expected interest rate期望利率
expected length of the waiting line预期排队长度
expected life预计使用年限寿命
expected machine life预期机器使用年限
expected mean期望平均数
expected mean life预期平均寿命
expected net gain of additional information预期追加信息净收益
expected net gain of additional information追加信息的预期净收益
expected net gain of the survey市场调查净期望值
expected normal curve frequency预期正态曲线频率
expected normal scores期望正常成绩
expected number预期数
expected number in the system本系统内期望数
expected number of lots to qualification期望合格批量
expected opportunity loss预期机会损失
expected outcome期待结果:预期结果
expected profit criterion期望利润准则
expected profit insurance期望利润保险
expected profit matrix期望利润矩阵
expected profit matrix with revised probabilities修正概率后的期望利润矩阵
expected profit maximization期望利润最大化
expected profit under certainty确定条件下的期望盈利
expected profit under uncertainty未确定条件下的期望盈利
expected profitability期望获利能力
expected quality level期望质量水平
expected rate期望率
expected rate of interest期望利率
expected rate of return期望收益率
expected rate of return on investment期望投资收益率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资收益率
expected results期望结果
expected reward期望报酬
expected saving期望节约
expected service rate期望服务率
expected shortage期望缺货
expected shortage预期短缺
expected standard cost期望标准成本
expected terminal value期望到期价值
expected the time of arrival预期抵达时间
expected time en route预期途中时间
expected time of arrival预期到达时间
expected time of completion预期完成时间
expected time of correction预期校正时间
expected time of delivery估计交货时间
expected time of delivery预期交货时间
expected time of departure预期出发时间
expected time of finishing loading估计装完时间
expected time of occurrence预计发生时间
expected time of return预期返回时间
expected to rank企业破产期望列入资产抵债
expected utility maximization期望效用最大化
expected utility value预期利用值
expected value of perfect information完备信息期望值
expected value of stock-out预期缺货价值
expected value of stock-out预期缺货额
expected value of the survey information调查信息期望值
expected value of utility and money效用期望值与货币期望值
expected value operator期望价值算子
expected value under certainty确定条件下的期望值
expected value under uncertainty不确定条件下的期望值
expected vector期望向量
future expected data未来预期数据
insurance on expected profit预期利润保险
maximizing expected profit最大化期望利润
maximizing expected value最大期望值
maximum expected profit最大期望利润
maximum expected value最大期望值
minimize expected loss最小期望损失
mission expected worth期望变速箱性能
net expected gain净期望收益
prior expected profit先前期望利润率
service-time expected预定维修时间
service-time expected期望使用时间
The interval is too long. Could we expect an earlier shipment within three months?间隔太长,可以在3个月内交货吗?
total expected value总期望值
unconditional expected value无条件期望值
zero expected disturbance零期望扰动