
Terms for subject Technology containing expected | all forms | exact matches only
actual expected standard cost实际预算标准成本
all expected benefits全部预期效益
all expected cost全部预期成本
all expected cost全部预期代价
annual expected loss ratio年期望损失率
average of expected incomes平均预期收入
depreciation-sum of expected life method预计年限总数折旧法
errors expected错误不在此限
expect cost期望费用
expect departure time计划开航时间
expect ready to load计划装货准备就绪日期
expected accuracy预期精
expected angle期望角
expected approach clearance time预料准许进场时间
expected approach time期望到达时间
expected approach time预计接近时间
expected balance sheet预计资产负债表
expected behavior期望行为
expected behaviour期望行为
expected benefit预期效益
expected benefit-cost method预期成本效益法
expected breaks期望破损数
expected completion time预计完工时间
expected conclusion意料结果
expected cost预期成本
expected cost预期造价
expected cost of building预计造价
expected cost of production期望生产费用
expected data期望数据
expected data预定数据
expected data of arrival预计到达日期
expected date of completion预计完工日期
expected delay期望延迟
expected distance of sliding预计滑动距离
expected duration预期持续时间
expected earthquake预期地震
expected elapsed time期望消逝时间
expected energy not served应发未发电量
expected environmental concentration期望环境浓度
expected fatigue life预期疲劳寿命
expected financial conditions changing sheet预计财务状况变动表
expected gradation curve预计粒度曲线
expected gradient of river bed预期坡度
expected internal rate of return期望值内部益率
expected length of the waiting line期望排队长度
expected life推测使用期
expected life预计使用年限
expected life span期望寿命
expected life time预期使用期
expected line期望线
expected loglog期望重对数
expected monetary value期望货币值
expected normal price期望正常价格
expected number期待数
expected number in the systems系统内期望人数
expected number of failure期望故障数
expected opportunity期望机率损失
expected payoff期望支付
expected performance time期望完成时间
expected principle期望原理
expected probit期望概率值
expected profit and loss sheet预计损益表
expected profit with perfect information具有完全信息的期望利润
expected progress from selection for single traits单独性状选择的预期
expected quality level预期品质水准
expected quality level期望质量水准
expected quality level预期质量水平
expected quantities short预期数量短缺
expected quantity of metal reserves期望金属量
expected quantity of reserves期望矿石量
expected rate of overtopping预计满顶流量
expected rate of profit预期利润率
expected rate of return预期报酬率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资回收率
expected reliability可靠性期望值
expected reserves推测储量
expected response期望反应
expected result预期结果
expected return期望报酬
expected revenue期望收益
expected revenue期望税收
expected reward预期报酬
expected road surface performance预期路面性能
expected sailing time预计开航时间
expected sailing time预计启航时间
expected time预计执行时间
expected time of arrivals预计至达时间
expected time of delivery预计交船期
expected time of delivery预计交货期
expected time of departure预计开航时间
expected time of departure预计起航时间
expected time of finishing discharging预计卸毕时间
expected time of finishing discharging预计卸完时间
expected time of return预计返回时间
expected total reward期望总报酬
expected utility期望效益
expected utility hypothesis期望效用假设
expected utility value期望效用值
expected value期待值
expected value of a probability distribution一种概率分布的期望值
expected value of perfect information完全情报期望值
expected value of perfect information完全信息期望值
expected value of sample information取样信息的期望值
expected value of stock-out预期缺货量
expected variance期望方差
expected waiting time预期等候时间
expected wealth value预期资产价值
expected working period预计施工期限
expected yield预期产额
expected yield预期产量
future expected data将来预期的数据
future expected population未开发的种群
model of expected value期望值模型
net expected gain期待净收益
payoff expected支付期望的
strong acid anion concentration expected期望强酸阴离子浓度
sum of expected life method of depreciation使用总年限折旧法
total expected value of decision maker决策者的期望值