
Terms for subject Environment containing exhaust | all forms | exact matches only
exhaust device 1. A duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted. 2. A combination of components which provides for enclosed flow of exhaust gas from engine parts to the atmosphere排气装置 (1. 可以让废料通过的管道 2. 组件的组合,使得闭合气流从引擎排放至大气)
exhaust gas Offgas produced during combustion processes discharged directly or ultimately to the atmosphere废气 (燃烧过程产生的烟气,直接或最终排放至大气。)
motor vehicle exhaust gas Gases vented to the atmosphere by internal-combustion-engine driven vehicles机动车辆废气 (排放到大气中的气体产生于内燃机引擎驱动的车辆。)
vehicle exhaust gas An aeriform fluid of fine particles suspended in air, produced and vented as a byproduct of the operation of wheeled machines or conveyances self-propelled by internal combustion engines汽车尾气 (一种在空气中悬浮的微粒气体流体,由轮式机器或内燃机驱动的交通工具产生和排出的副产品。)