
Terms for subject Securities containing exempt | all forms | exact matches only
daily adjustable tax exempt securities日计息免税证券
double exempt fund双重免税基金 (既免国税又免地税)
exempt agreement豁免协议
exempt agreement例外协议
exempt authorized financial institution获得豁免的授权金融机构
exempt bonds免税债券
exempt dealer豁免登记交易商
exempt from licensing许可证豁免
exempt from licensing执照豁免
exempt gilts免税金边债券
exempt interest dividends免息股利
exempt investment adviser获豁免的投资顾问
exempt listing status豁免上市资格
exempt market免责市场
exempt market不受监管的资本市场
exempt persons who are authorised financial institutions授权财务机构的获豁免人士
exempt principal trader豁免自营交易商
exempt principal trader status豁免自营买卖商的资格
exempt purchaser免交佣金的投资者
exempt securities免登记证券 (ES)
exempt securities豁免证券 (ES)
exempt securities免税证券
exempt security interest豁免的证券权益
exempt security interest免税的保证权益
exempt share repurchase豁免股份回购
exempt status获免身份
exempt status豁免注册资格
exempt trust免税信托
fully tax-exempt treasury securities全额免税的国库券
licensed or exempt持照或豁免
non-exempt bonds非豁免公司债券
non-exempt securities非豁免证券
partially exempt obligation部分免税
registered exempt investment adviser豁免注册的投资顾问
revocation of exempt status撤销免税资格
revocation of exempt status取消豁免资格
short exempt卖空免除 (券商限制投资人卖空交易的规定)
short exempt卖空限制
tax-exempt commercial paper免税商业票据
tax-exempt deferred interest security免税延期利息证券
tax exempt income fund免税收益基金
tax-exempt industrial development bond免税行业开发债券
tax exempt interest免税利息
tax exempt money market fund免税货币市场基金
tax exempt sector免税板块
tax exempt sector免税部门
triple tax exempt三重税收豁免
triple tax-exempt securities三重免税证券
unit price demand adjustable tax-exempt securities单位价格可调的免息税债券
write off and exempt the circulating fund核销流动资金
write off and exempt the circulating fund冲销流动资金