
Terms containing execute | all forms | exact matches only
econ.According to the contract you shall execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without delay根据合同你方应使我方客户完全满意,按时按定单规定交货
econ.As the price remains the same, it is possible for us to execute a duplicate order由于价格未变,我方能按同样条件再续卖一次
econ.Because of the breakdown of the equipment, we can not execute our contract由于设备出了故障,我们无法执行合同
commer.By all manner of means please execute this order in time请务必及时执行本订单
auto.can't execute诊断仪字符不能执行
el.computer execute function计算机执行功能
econ.design, execute, evaluate设计 、实施、评估
el.device execute trigger器件[设备]执行触发器
busin.execute a command执行命令
proj.manag.execute a contract签署合同
busin.execute a contract执行合同
busin.execute a contract履约
econ.execute a contract履行合同
commer.execute a contract签订一项合同
busin.execute a contract签约生效
tech.execute a contract在合同上签字
busin.execute a deed签名盖章
tech.execute a deed签名使契据生效
tech.execute a deed签名使契约生效
tab.tenn.execute a flat hit大板扣杀
sport, bask.execute a free throw执行罚球
badm.execute a kick踢球
China, polit.execute a legal document使一法律文件生效
busin.execute a piece of work完成一件工作
tech.execute a pincer movement执行钳形运动
tech.execute a plan实现计划
securit.execute a trade order执行交易订单
securit.execute a trade order执行交易指令
textileexecute an agreement履约
textileexecute an agreement执行协议
textileexecute an arrangement执行协定
interntl.trade.execute an estate与财产权
fin.execute an estate让渡财产
securit.execute an estate转让财产
busin.execute an order执行命令
tech.execute an order接受订货
tech.execute an order交付订货
tech.execute an order接受订单
interntl.trade.execute an order接受定货
interntl.trade.execute an order履行订单义务
busin.execute an order执行订单
securit.execute an order执行指令
China, lawexecute auditing实施审计
tech.execute card执行卡 (片)
ITExecute channel program执行通道程序
spaceexecute command执行指令
tech.execute, complete and remedy defects施工、完工和修补缺陷
spaceexecute component执行元件
textileexecute contract履约
el.execute contract履行[执行]合同
textileexecute contract履行合同
tech.execute contract签署合同
econ.execute contract执行合同
tech.execute contract执行契约
busin.execute contract condition履行合同条件
textileexecute contract conditions履行合同条件
spaceexecute control cycle执行控制循环
China, lawexecute criminal punishment执行刑罚
ITexecute cycle执行周期
manag.execute cycle执行循环
busin.execute cycle完成周期
el.execute direct access program执行直接存取程序
China, lawexecute one's duties执行职务
spaceexecute exception执行异常
nautic., tech.execute heading angle换舵首向角
busin.execute in duplicate签署一式两份
ITexecute in place就地执行
el.execute in place原位执行技术
agric.execute input or output执行输人或输出
el.execute input/output执行输人/输出
avia.execute input/output执行输入/输出
comp.execute input/output执行输入-输出
construct.execute instruction执行〔管理〕指令
tech.execute instruction执行指令
el.execute interface program执行接口程序
gen.execute one's office尽职
el.execute on interrupt中断执行
busin.execute one's duties尽职
interntl.trade.execute one's promises履行契约
busin.execute one's promises履行承诺
ITexecute-only access只执行访问
ITexecute phase执行阶段
econ.execute one's promise履行契约
commer.execute one's promise履约
econ.execute one's promises履行合约
econ.execute one's promises履行诺言
interntl.trade.execute one’s promises履行契约
busin.execute one's promises履行契约
ITexecute protection执行保护
tech.execute register content执行寄存器内容
ITexecute statement执行语句
tech.execute store执行存储器
China, lawexecute the arrest实施扣押
commer.execute the bulk of orders执行大量订单
China, lawexecute the death penalty执行死刑
China, polit.execute the detention执行拘留
China, polit.execute the important day-to-day work处理重要日常工作
weightlift.execute the lift试举成功
weightlift.execute the movement完成整个动作
China, lawexecute the order of martial law实施戒严令
China, polit.execute the resolutions执行决议 (of)
judo.execute the throw做摔动作
el.execute time执行时间
busin.execute treaty履行契约条约
textileexecute treaty履约
textileexecute treaty执行条约
interntl.trade.execute treaty执行条款
busin.execute treaty接受条款
tech.execute truncate执行中断
gymn.execute twice in succession连做两次
gymn.execute twice in succession连作两次
tech.execute vector执行向量
el.execute with delay延迟执行
gymn.execute with strength慢起
securit.fail to execute交易失败
securit.fail to execute行权失败
el.first execute先就绪先执行
econ.For the future, we will be sure to execute the orders strictly in accordance with the clauses将来我们一定严格按照条款执行合同
el.group execute trigger群执行触发
China, lawhave the ability to execute but refuse to do so有能力执行而拒不执行
econ.In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time尽管他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单
el.in-line execute联机执行
tech.instruction execute指令执行
econ.It has become impossible to execute your order No. 2020 by the end of July7月底前完成贵方2020号定货已不可能
econ.It is a vital necessity to execute this order before December这笔定货一定要在12月前交付
kick.volley.jump off the ground to execute the service腾空发球
el.learn, execute and diagnose strategy学习、执行和诊断三阶段策略
el.multiple basic channel input/output execute多基本通道输人/输出执行
econ.Owing to force majeure they cannot execute these orders由于不可抗力,他们无法执行这些订单
econ.Please do your utmost to execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without any delay请尽最大努力及时按订单规定交货,使我方客户完全满意
commer.Please rest assured we'll execute your order as per the terms agreed请放心,我们将按商定的条款执行你方定单
China, lawrefuse to execute拒不执行
textileresident execute常驻内存管理程序《计算机》
hydroel.st.select and execute command选择并执行命令
el.select and execute command选择和执行命令
manag.send-report back-execute method发送-回报-执行法
el.single cycle execute单循环执行
spacesingle instruction execute单指令执行
gymn.swing fore-upward and execute flyaway dismount with ¹⁄₁ turn前摆后空翻转体 360° 下
el.terminal multiplexer channel input/output execute终端复用器通道输人/输出执行指令
econ.The bonds will be forfeited if the bidder fails to execute the company's instructions如投标人未能执行公司的指令,则保证金予以没收
econ.The contractor shall duly execute this agreement and pay all fees unconditionally according to conditions set forth below根据下列规定条件,承包商应及时履行本协议并无条件地支付全部费用
econ.The licensee must execute the terms of the licence许可证持有者应执行许可证条款
econ.They are empowered to execute contracts on behalf of the firm他们被授权代表该公司执行合同
econ.They hope you will seriously take the quality into account and execute the contract他们希望你方认真考虑质量,执行合同
manag.to execute管理
econ.We agree to execute the agreement immediately after the loan has been fully paid我方同意在借款全部还清后立即执行本协议
econ.We assure you that we shall execute this order to your customers' satisfaction without delay我们保证毫不耽误按订单规定交货,使你方客户满意
econ.We have read and understood the foregoing conditions, and agree to execute the order to the full我们阅读并理解了前述条件,同意完全执行这项订单
econ.We should continue to execute the backlog thereafter今后我们应该继续完成积压下来未及交货的订单
econ.We'll execute your order as soon as practicable我们将尽快执行你方订货
spaceXIO execute input/output执行输入输出
spaceXXT execute time执行时间