
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing excitation system | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
alterrex excitation system交流发电机-硅可控整流器励磁系统
althyrex excitation system交流整流励磁系统
brushless excitation system旋转励磁系统
central excitation system中央励磁式
central excitation system中心励磁系统
compensated excitation system补偿励磁系统
compensation of excitation system励磁系统的补偿
excitation system response time励磁系统响应时间
excitation system voltage response励磁系统电压响应
fast actuated excitation control system快速励磁系统
generator excitation system发电机励磁系统
induced excitation system感应励磁系统
quick response excitation system快速励磁系统
rectifier excitation system整流励磁系统
response of the excitation system励磁系统的反应速度
rotating amplifier excitation system旋转式放大器励磁系统
rotating excitation system旋转励磁系统
rotating thyristor excitation system旋转式晶闸管励磁系统
saturation of excitation system励磁系统的饱和
self-excitation system自励系统
semi-conductor excitation system半导体励磁系统
static excitation system静止励磁系统
sub-optimal excitation system次最佳化励磁系统
synchronous machine with brushless excitation system无刷励磁同步电机
thyristor excitation system晶闸管励磁系统