
Terms for subject United Nations containing exchanges | all forms
Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts for the Exchange of Information on Potentially Harmful Chemicals in Particular Pesticides in International Trade潜在有害化学品特别是农药国际贸易信息交流特设专家工作组
Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent and Other Modalities to Supplement the London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade补充关于化学品国际贸易资料交流的伦敦准则的事先知情同意模式和其他模式特设专家工作组
Environmental Experience Exchange series环境经验交流丛刊
Exchange on Ageing, the Law and Ethics EAGLE老龄、法律和道德信息交流网
Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade交换化学品国际贸易信息的指导方针
Intercountry exchange programme on successful practices in empowering older persons关于老有所能成功做法的国家间交流方案
London Guidelines for the Exchange of Information on Chemicals in International Trade关于化学品国际贸易信息交流的伦敦准则
rates of exchange汇 率
telephone exchange PABX 1-100 lines专用自动小电话交换机,1-100条线路
World Conference on the Exchange of Environmental Information环境信息交换世界会议