
Terms for subject Commerce containing exceeding | all forms
admixture not exceeding 1%杂质不超过1%
Demand exceeds supply求大于供 (supply exceeds demand 供大于求)
If your yearly turnover exceeds $500,000, we'll pay you an overriding commission of 1%如果你方年交易额超过500,000美元,我方将付给你方1%超额佣金
Supply exceeds demand供大于求
The agreement stipulates for 2% overriding commission to be paid if the yearly turnover exceeds US $10,000.协议规定如果年贸易额超过10,000美元,须加付佣金百分之二
The amount required exceeds £ stg. 5,000所需金额超过5,000英镑