
Terms containing evidence of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.A bill of lading is evidence that the goods have been received on board by the carrier提单是承运人收到货物并将货物装上货船的证明
econ.A full showing of the documentary evidence shall be submitted to the attorney律师必须得到一份完全而明确的文件证据
interntl.trade.administration of evidence审查证据
el.administration of evidence证据审査
econ.administration of evidence审査证据
China, lawadmissibility of evidence证据的可采性
China, lawas an evidence of the receipt用以证明收到
gen.bear evidence of有…的迹象
gen.bear evidence of证〔说,表〕明
cryptogr.body of evidence证据主体
econ.Both of the parties have to submit to the full showing of the evidence双方都必须向律师提供一份充分的证据
securit.brush the evidence aside of stock market不顾股市上这些迹象
busin.burden of adducing evidence举证责任
cryptogr.chain of evidence证据链
busin.conflict of evidence证据间相抵触
China, polit.Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters关于从国外调取民事或商事证据的公约
tech.convergence of evidence信息综合
agric.credibility of evidence证明可靠性
agric.credibility of evidence证据可靠性
interntl.trade.decide on the basis of documentary evidence根据书面证据判
busin.decide on the basis of documents evidence根据书面证据判决
shipb.decide on the basis of documents evidence根据书面证据裁决
econ.Delayed delivery shall be conclusive evidence of nonfulfillment of the contract延迟交货即为不履行合同的确证
AI.Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence D-S证据理论
commer.disclosure of evidence证据披露
nautic., tech.doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence自由心证制度
textiledocumentary evidence of origin产地书面证明
interntl.trade.documentary evidence of origin证明原产地文件
interntl.trade.documentary evidence of origin证明原产地单据
textiledocumentary evidence of origin产地证书
econ.documentary evidence of origin原产地证明文件
interntl.trade.evidence as to the quality of goods有关货物品质的证据
busin.evidence as to the quality of goods有关货物质量的证明
commer.evidence as to the quality of the goods货物品质证据
gen.evidence of证明…的证据
gen.evidence of…的证明
China, lawevidence of a contract合同凭证
telecom.evidence of compliance合格凭证
interntl.trade.evidence of conformity货物符合要求的证据
econ.evidence of conformity符合要求的证据
busin.evidence of corrosion腐蚀痕迹
China, lawevidence of creditors' rights债权证据
tech.evidence of damage损坏征象
shipb.evidence of damage损坏证据
interntl.trade.evidence of damage残损证明
shipb.evidence of damage破损证据
interntl.trade.evidence of debt借据
securit.evidence of debt欠债证据
auto.evidence of fatigue疲劳破坏的迹象
busin.evidence of fatigue疲劳论证
eng.geol.evidence of faulting断裂标志
eng.geol.evidence of faulting断裂证据
tech.evidence of glaciation冰川作用遗迹
tech.evidence of glaciation冰川痕迹
China, lawevidence of guilt有罪证据
busin.evidence of identity鉴别证据
China, lawevidence of innocent无罪证据
securit.evidence of insurability可保性证明
proj.manag.evidence of origin原产地证明书
busin.evidence of origin原产地证明
tech.evidence of payment付款凭证
proj.manag.evidence of payment付款证明
interntl.trade.evidence of payment付款证据
securit.evidence of payment支付证据
busin.evidence of payment of duty完税证据
avia.evidence of release发证证据
econ.evidence of right to make entry美国海关的人关权凭单
securit.evidence of shareholdings持股证明
busin.evidence of similar fact租用事实证据
China, lawevidence of the receipt证明收到
busin.evidence of title产权证据
tech.evidence of title所有权证据
securit.evidence of title所有权证明
tech.evidences of title所有权证据
China, lawfabricate other evidence of guilt伪造其他有罪证据
econ.fabrication of false evidence制造伪证
China, lawfacts and evidence of the illegal act committed违法事实和证据
fin.falsification of evidence伪造证据
gen.give evidence of有…的迹象
gen.give evidence ofM 有 M 的迹象
gen.give evidence of证〔说,表〕明
food.serv.grades of scientific evidence科学证据分级
econ.In making our examination n., we do not find any evidence of inferior quality of your samples经检査未发现你方的样品有任何质量低劣的迹象
busin.induction of evidences提供证据
interntl.trade.instrument of evidence证明文件
busin.instrument of evidence证据
UN, policeintegrity of documentary evidence书证的完整性
securit.investigation and evidence collection of relevant securities crimes有关证券犯罪的调查与取证
China, lawinvestigation into one's crime and obtaining of evidence侦查取证
econ.investigation of evidence调査证据
China, lawlack of criminal evidence缺乏罪证
proj.manag.lack of evidence缺乏证据
China, polit.lack of evidence of crimes证据不足不构成犯罪
econ., int. law.law of evidence证据法
UN, geol.means of evidence to the contrary to the general rule相反证明方式
China, lawnote stating the provision of evidence举证说明书
econ.On account of insufficient evidence, we would have to repudiate your claim因证据不足,我们不得不拒绝你方索赔
econ.Only a report relating the source of damage cannot stand for an evidence for claim仅一份说明损坏原因的报告不能成为索赔的证明
tech.original evidence of railway transport statistics运输统计原始凭证
environ.preservation of evidence To maintain and keep safe from harm, destruction or decay any species of proof legally presented at the trial of an issue, including witnesses, records, documents, exhibits and concrete objects保全证据 (为了保证安全,提交任何合法的证明物品,包括证人、记录、文件、证物和具体对象的审判。)
nautic., tech.preservation of evidence证据保全
tech.preservation of physical evidence保存物证
China, lawpreservation of the evidence保全证据
commer.produce evidence in proof of the seller's breach of the contract拿出证据证明卖方违约
interntl.trade.production of evidence提供证据
interntl.trade.rules of evidence关于证据的法规
UN, afghan.see little evidence of Peace dividend和平红利
gen.show evidence of有…的迹象
gen.show evidence of证〔说,表〕明
China, lawsource of evidence证据来源
environ.taking of evidence In criminal law and torts, the act of laying hold upon an evidence, with or without removing the same掌握证据 (在犯罪或侵权中,持有证据的行为,有或者没有删除相同。)
commer.The certificate of quality purports to be an evidence of sound quality of our products品质证明书旨在证明我方产品的良好质量
econ.The first party shall provide sufficient evidence to verify compliance with terms of the contract甲方须提供足够证据以证实其遵守合同条款
commer.The sole arbitrator decided for the defendant on the basis of documentary evidence依据书面证据独任仲裁员判被告胜诉
econ.They did not find any evidence of inferior quality他们未发现有任何质量低劣的证据
fin.validity of audit evidence审计证据的有效性
China, lawweight of the evidence证明力
econ.Without evidence in support of the defect we can't make a minute investigation没有证明缺点的证据,我们无法详细调査