
Terms containing every | all forms | exact matches only
proj.manag.A microprocessor will check for interrupts at the end of every instruction微处理器将在每一个指令末尾检查有无中断
econ.A shop assistant has to answer a lot of queries from customers every day店员每天需回答顾客的许多疑问
econ.According to the penalty clause in the contract, the company was fined 1% for every day after the deadline根据合同罚款条款,该公司超期后每天受罚1%
gen.air is attracted by the earth as is every other substance空气像任何其他物质一样被地球吸引
tech.air requirement for every man按人员计算风量
commer.all and every risk all perils切风险
busin.all and every risk一切风险
cosmet.An average U. S. consumer uses about 10 cosmetic products every day, including makeup, soap, shampoo, lotion, hair gel and cologne美国普通消费者每天要使用十种左右的美容护肤品,包括化妆品、香皂、洗发水、沐浴液、发胶及古龙香水等。七、办公用品
busin.any and every全体
busin.any and every统统
busin.any and every任何
tech.at every identifiable change of strata whichever is met earlier遇变层 (岩土工程勘察术语)
gen.at every turm事事
gen.at every turm每次
gen.at every turm总是
gen.at every turm经常地
gen.at every turm到〔处〕处
sport.battle every inch of one's way挣扎前进
gen.be full of conveniences of every sort设备齐全
fash.Before the descent every person is supplied with a protective suit, helmet and shoes下矿之前每人均配备一套防护服装,一顶安全帽和一双安全鞋
interntl.trade.bicycles of every description各式自行车
econ.Both the buyer and the seller agree to make every effort to expedite novations of the obligations买卖双方同意尽力促使加快各项债务的更替
swim.breathing every third stroke每划水3 次呼吸1次
proj.manag.Cathay Airlines estimates that climbing up and down the -wall costs airlines 100 000 tonnes in unnecessary fuel burn every year国泰航空预计、每年飞越这道墙的燃油成本高达10万吨、而这没有必要
gen.Certainly, sir. Ours is a first-rate hotel and chosen as a favorite resort to stay by VIPs, officials and guests from every corner of the world当然啦。我们的酒店是一流的,是重要客人、官员和世界各地游客最钟爱的度假酒店
gen.check every little thing检査每一个细节
tech.circulating fund for every hundred Yuan of output value百元产值占用流动资金
busin.circulating fund for every hundred yuan worth of commodity sales销售百元商品占用流动资金
textileclothes and ornaments of every dynasty历代服饰
tech.collection of refuse at every door逐户收集垃圾
tech.contracted quota of wage in every hundred Yuan output value百元产值工资含量包干
org.name.Coping with water scarcity - Every Drop Counts应对水短缺- 珍惜每一滴水
busin.count every cent and make every cent count精打细算
tech.counting rate of every channel各道平均计数率
toy.Definitely, every little girl wishes for a teddy bear毫无疑问,每个小女孩都想要一个泰迪熊
tab.tenn.deliver every smash to kill每扣必中
busin.density of traffic for every kilometer of operation每运营公里运输密度
gen.devote every effort to + ing用全力
avia.distance and time to the top of climb every 10 seconds每 10 秒爬升至顶部的距离和时间
sport.Dragon-boat race was listed into the state sports competition programs and has been held every year赛龙舟被正式列入国家体育竞赛项目的名单,并且每年都举行比赛
gen.each and every一切全都
gen.each and every每一个
econ.each and every各自 (all)
econ.each and every每个 (all)
gen.each and every各自
gen.each and every彼此全都
gen.each and every分别
gen.each and every
busin.each and every accident每次意外事故
busin.each and every loss每次损失
proj.manag.Even so, it was still true that every new piece of hardware needed a real-mode driver尽管如此、每个新的硬件事实上仍然需要一个实模式驱动
gen.Every bed sheet is hemmed and scrupulously checked for imperfection每条床单都缝上了褶边,并经过严格的检查,不允许有任何瑕疵
gen.every bit完完全全
gen.every bit各方面
gen.every bit完全
gen.every bit从任何一点看
gen.every bit全部
gen.every bit全然
gen.every bit每一点
econ.Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product每个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密
sport.Every competitor shall be provided with two number bibs应向每名运动员提供两块号码布
gen.every conceivable means—切办法 (手段)
adv.every day每天刊载
gen.every day天天
busin.every day每日广告
gen.every day每天
textileevery day mill正常开工的工厂
anim.husb.every-day pickup每日收奶奶品厂每日到牧场从冷藏桶中将牛奶取走[美]
busin.every day until forbidden每日广告直到被迫停载
tech.every definite quantity of a commodity每一定量某种商品
gen.Every delicious and satisfying meal served on Emirates Airline is planned and prepared with care and high-quality ingredients阿联酋航空公司对每一道美食都倾注了关怀,并采用高品质食材
busin.every description of goods各样货物
econ.Every employee should strictly comply with regulations of his company每一个雇员均应严格遵守其公司的各项规定
gen.every few hours每两三个小时
tech.every floor unit system空气调节机的分层方式
econ.Every foreign investor should respect the sovereignty of the host country每个外国投资者均应尊重东道国主权
gen.every four days每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (weeks, months, years)
gen.every fourth day每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (week, month, year)
bridge.Every Hand An Adventure每副风险叫牌法
gen.every hole and corner到处
gen.every hole and corner每个角落
gen.every hope百分之百的希望
gen.every inch完完全全地
gen.every inch完全
gen.every inch彻底地
gen.every inch彻头彻尾地
gen.every inch彻底
busin.every industry各行各业
tech.every industry or trade各行各业
gen.every instrument is tried before it is packed每一件仪器包装前都经过试用检验
proj.manag.Every job posting represents a genuine job opportunity每个工作公告信息都代表一个真正的工作机会
proverbevery little makes a mickle集腋成裘
proverbevery little makes a mickle积少成多
gen.every little makes a muckle积腋成裘
gen.every little makes a muckle积少成多
busin.every man for his own track各守各行
gen.every means imaginable一切可以想得出的方法
econ.Every member in our corporation has sick benefit我公司每人都享受疾病津贴
gen.every moment每一刻
gen.every moment时时刻刻
tech.every monthly penetration rate平均月机械钻
gen.every now and again时常
gen.every now and again不时地
gen.every now and again时时
gen.every now and then不时地
gen.every now and then时常
gen.every now and then时时
gen.every once in a way偶尔
gen.every once in a way间或
gen.every once in a while偶而
gen.every once in a while间或
gen.every one of them毫无例外 (us, you)
gen.every one of them用于句子末尾统统 (us, you)
gen.every other所有其他的
dril.every other每隔一个
dril.every other所有其他的
gen.every other隔一个
busin.every other day隔日广告
earth.sc.every other day间日
gen.every other day除了这天之外的每天
econ.every other day隔日
spaceevery other day隔天
adv.every other day隔日刊登
manag.every other day每隔一天
securit.every other day每隔一天 (EOD)
tech.every other day每隔一日
gen.every other day每隔一天
busin.every other day until forbidden隔日广告直到被迫停载
China, polit.every other month每两个月一次
earth.sc.every other month隔月的
econ.every other month隔月
tech.every other month每隔一月
swim.every other one fast一趟慢一趟快
tech.every other run分班
busin.every other week隔周广告
adv.every other week隔周刊登
adv.every other week till forbid隔周刊登直至叫停
busin.every other week until forbidden隔周广告直到被迫停载
anim.husb.every-other-day delivery隔日送奶
anim.husb.every-other-day milk collection隔日收奶
tech.every person每人
gen.every person connected therewith与此有关的每一个人
econ.Every piece of clothes is made exactly according to your specifications每件衣服都是不折不扣地按你们的规格制作的
sport., med.every pulse output每搏输出量
gen.every reason充分的理由
econ.Every requisite for this experiment has been obtained这次实验的每一件必需品都已经到了
every second counts分秒必争
med.every second day每隔一天
med.every second day每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (week, month, year)
proj.manag.Every second signal in the ribbon cable is a ground signal to provide the best signal integrity at the users target带状电缆中的每一秒钟信号是一个地面信号、 提供最佳的信号完整性给用户的目标
tech.every second well每隔一口井
gen.every several
gen.every shot told百发百中
gen.every so often常常
gen.every so often偶尔
gen.every so often有时
gen.every so often间或
gen.every so often时时
tech.every stitch set张所有的帆
polo.every stride每一运步间的步幅
gen.every third day每隔两天
gen.every third day每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (week, month, year)
gen.every three days每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (weeks, months, years)
gen.every time每次 (that, when)
gen.every time每…一次时
gen.every time每-次 (that, when)
gen.every time总是 (that, when)
shipb.every time每次
gen.every time每当 (that, when)
gen.every time每当…的时候
gen.Every time she went to a dance, she would always be dressed up to the nines每次去参加舞会,她都打扮得特别漂亮
busin.every trade各行各业
gen.every twenty minutes past the hour每小时过 20 分如 1: 20,2: 20,3: 20 等
tech.every two days每隔一天
gen.every two daysюр.,АУС 每隔一〔二,三〕天〔周,月,年〕 (weeks, months, years)
gen.in every way在各方面
gen.in every way完全
gen.in every way坚决
gen.in every way哪点都
gen.every way各方面都
gen.every way哪点都
gen.every which way非常混乱地
gen.every which way四面八方
gen.every year每年
gen.Every year we export large quantity of our products to the Asian market, but your company seems new to us每年我们都要向亚洲各国出口大量产品。不过,你们公司对于我们来说,还是新客户
tech.every year's investment分年度投资
tech.exact in every particular正确到毫厘不差
busin.exert every effort尽一切力量
gen.exert every effort to + inf.尽一切另量努力
gen.for every account总之
gen.for every account无论如何
phys.for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction每一个作用都有一个大小相等方向相反的反作用
tech.freight transport expenses on every kilometre单元货运支出
el.frequency of every allowable term每一容许术语出现的频度
gen.from every quarter从四面八方
gen.from every side到处
gen.from every side四面八方
gen.from every side从各方面
gen.go to every expedient不择手段
busin.goods of every description are available备货齐全
busin.goods of every description are available说明单上的商品均有货
expl.Groups of deer bound across this brook every day on their way of southward migration每天成群结队的鹿在向南迁徙的途中跳过这条小溪
chem.He is trying to learn every detail about just how the catalyst is making the oxygen他正试图搞清楚这种催化剂到底是如何制出氧气的
sport.He jogs in the park every morning before going to work他每天清晨上班前都要在公园慢跑
econ.He promised to submit the report of the preceding month to the company by 15th day of every month他答应在每月15日向该公司呈递上月度的报告
gen.He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化
gen.Here is our skin cleanser. It is designed to lift away dirt, oil, and make-up without aggravating even very sensitive skin. This cleanser is gentle enough to use every day这是我们的洗面乳。它能有效清除污垢、油脂和化妆品,且不损害极敏感性皮肤,适合于每天使用
China, polit.hold meetings of the Standing Committee once every other month两个月举行一次常委会会议
tech.hole numbers at every circuit每周孔数
cook.I have a bowl of cereal every morning我每天早上吃一碗麦片粥
cosmet.If you have very oily hair or favor a particularly sticky styling product that contains wax, it does pay to use a clarifying shampoo once every two weeks to wash away residue如果你是非常油性的发质或者喜好用一些包含蜡的发胶,你就需要每两周使用一些有清洁作用的洗发剂来清除残留物
busin.imprint with every footstep—步一个脚印
gen.in every count在一切方面
gen.in every count在各方面
product.in every direction方面
product.in every direction四面八方
gen.in every particular在一切方面
econ.in every quarter各地
econ.in every quarter到处
gen.in every respect无论从哪一点来看
gen.in every respect在各个方面
gen.in every sense在任何情况下
gen.in every sense在各种意义上
gen.in every sense在任何一点上
gen.Is it just me or is traffic getting worse and worse every day?交通状况一天比一天糟,这是我个人的感觉还是事实如此呢?
gen.It feels like there are more cars on the road every single day好像每天街上的车都越来越多
econ.It is a substantial shop, where substantial business can be done every day这是一家殷实的商店,每天能做大量的交易
dentist.It is very important to brush all your teeth after every meal, even though they have been sealed即使做了窝沟封闭,每餐后刷牙也是非常重要的
gen.It runs every hour on the hour. So the next train leaves in 20 minutes每小时一列,整点发车,所以下趟车在20分钟后出发
gen.Johnson ought to attend clinic every Tuesday约翰逊应该在每周二去复诊
nautic., tech.large waves begin to form, the white foam crests are more extensive every where probably some spray大浪开始形成,带着白色浪花到处皆是可能 有些飞沫
anim.husb.limited-every-day-feeding program每日限量饲喂制在限量饲喂肉用品种后备小鸡时,每日给食,但喂量比饱食量低
f.trade.make every effort to + inf.尽一切另量努力
China, polit.the state make every effort with the utmost sincerity国家以最大的诚意、尽最大的努力
gen.mistakes occur on every page每一页都有错误
proj.manag.Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI, is a communication interface provided on virtually every synthesizer made today音乐设备数字接口、或称 MIDI、实际上是为目前制造的各种合成器提供的一种通信接口
proj.manag.Obtaining the backup header requires scanning the -whole tape to look at the header of every backup set获取备份标头信息需要扫描整个磁带以查看每个备份集的标头
gen.of every description各式各样的
gen.of every description形形色色的
gen.of every sort and kind各种各样的
gen.on every account总之
gen.on every account无论如何
gen.on every hand在各方面
gen.on every second line每隔一行
gen.on every side到处
gen.on every side在各方面
gen.on every side四面八方
el.one network for every-one每人一网
UN, tech.operational readiness inspection: must be carried out at least once in every six month period of the contingent’s deployment in the mission area, and anytime the mission believes the equipment or services do not meet the standards行动准备状态检查:特遣队在任务区部署期间,至少每6个月进行一次该检查,或者在特派团认为装备或服务不符合标准时随时进行该项检查
busin.ordinary every day expenditure日常支岀
busin.ordinary every day expense日常费用开支
interntl.trade.ordinary every day expenses日常用费
textileordinary every day expenses日常费用
econ.ordinary every day expenses日常用量
econ.Our American agent is granted with the right to appoint a sub-agent in every state我公司美国代理有权指定各州的分代理
dentist.Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come每次您来挂号时,请出示这张卡
tech.profit and tax rates for every hundred Yuan of output value百元产值的利税率
econ.profit realized from every 100 yuan of the original value of fixed assets每百元固定资产原值实现的利润
UN, tech.readiness standards means that every unit/formation, ship, weapon system or equipment must be capable of performing the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed to enable the mission’s mandate to be achieved备战标准是指每一个部队/编队、船只、武器系统或装备必须能够胜任其组织设计的任务和功能,以促使特派团任务的完成
tech.reckoning in every item of income or expenditures满打满算
cosmet.Replace your mascara every three months and other eye makeup once a year每三个月更换一次睫毛膏,每年更换一次其他的眼部化妆品
gen.Shakespeare s plays are seen by millions of people every year莎士比亚的戏剧每年有数百万观众欣赏
anim.husb.skip-every-other-day feeding program隔日饲喂法
gen.strain every nerve全力以赴
gen.strain every nerve竭尽全力
gen.strain every nerve竭尽全力
gen.surmount every difficulty排除万难
swim.swim every other one hard每隔一次快速游
interntl.trade.tag every item in the store给每一种商品加上标签
gen.take readings every ten minutes每隔 10 分钟取一次读数
dentist.Take this antibiotic with a glass of water thirty minutes after every meal, three times a day, for three days饭后三十分钟用水服用抗生素,每天三次,连续服用三天
dentist.Take two tablets after every meal饭后服用两片药
dentist.Take two tablets every eight hours每八小时服用两片药
gen.Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November in the USA and on the second Monday of October in Canada在美国,每年十一月的第四个星期四便是感恩节,而在加拿大,感恩节则是在十月份的第二个星期一
econ.The accountant makes the figures tally every day会计每天要把账上的数字轧平
gen.The ATM is maintained by the staff of the bank every afternoon, and they will put money in it每天下午银行都会来人对自动柜台机进行维护,并补充现金
gen.The express will save you a lot of time. The local train stops at every station.快车节省好多时间,慢车每站都停
econ.The financial statement of the company should be submitted to the shareholders every three month每三个月向股东发送一次公司的财务报表
econ.The landlord puts up the rent by 5% every time a new tenant moves into that flat每当新房客住进那套房间,房主总要把房租提高5%
proj.manag.The parent company would audit the accounts of every subsidiary at the end of each year一到年底、 总公司要查核各分公司的账目情况
econ.The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司
econ.The sales representative will make every effort to merchandise the new products销售代理将尽全力用各种方法推销新产品
house.The technology can process millions of electric meter readings every hour这项技术可以每小时处理数以百万计的电表读数
gen.there is every appearance of…无一处不像…
gen.there is every appearance that…无一处不像…
econ.There is every indication that the goods can't arrive on time一切迹象表明货物不能准时运到
gen.there is every justification for + ing完全有理由
gen.there is every probability of多半有
gen.there is every probability ofthat…多半会
commer.There is every probability of their accepting forward shipment他们完全可能接受远期装运货物
econ.They took every precaution to ensure that the ship would arrive at the port of destination in safety他们采取一切预防措施,以保证该轮安全抵达目的港
econ.They urge you to make every effort to hurry the shipment他们催促你们尽力加速装运
gen.to every A there correspond B对每一个A 都有 B 与之相对应
gen.try every means用尽一切方法
gen.try every means想尽办法
gen.try every means用各种手段
gen.try every means at one's disposal尽自己的一切力量
UNUndiminished security for every state各国安全不受减损的原则
busin.update the sale figures every month更新每月迄今的销售数
tech.value of every commodity每一商品价值
econ.We are glad to inform you that your goods have given us every satisfaction我们很高兴通知你们,你方货物使我们十分满意
gen.we find copper in every kind of electrical equipment各种电气设备里都有铜
econ.We have noted that dealings with your company are pleasant in every respect and wish to continue developing regular relationship with you我们注意到与贵公司交易往来各方面都很圆满,希望与你方继续发展经常的关系
econ.We shall exert every effort to obviate all the difficulties我们必须尽最大努力排除种种困难
proj.manag.We use a custom software system that tracks every aspect of the design and build process to guarantee the delivery time of the moulds我们使用自定义的软件系统、可以追踪每一个方面的设计和制造过程、以保证模具的交货时间
commer.We'll make every endeavour to ship the goods within next month我们将千方百计于下月内装运货物
consult.what every engineer should know about patents工程师须知的专利知识
busin.with every care and attention兢兢业业
gen.with every kind of screw, a small force moves a much greater resistance对于无论哪-种螺旋来说,一个小的动力都可以移动大得多的抗力
gen.write on every other line请隔行
econ.You shall proceed with every possible caution in doing business with them与他们做生意,千万要谨慎
dentist.You should brush your teeth after every meal每次饭后您都应该刷牙
dentist.Your brush should be replaced about once every mouth—个月应更换一次牙刷