
Terms for subject United Nations containing event | all forms | exact matches only
Ad Hoc Group of scientific experts to consider international cooperative measures to detect and to identify seismic events审议关于侦察和识别地震事件国际合作措施的特设科学专家小组
extreme weather events极端气候事件
operational ammunition means ammunition including aircraft self-defence systems such as chaff or infrared flares that the united nations and troop/police contributors agree to deploy to the mission area so that it is readily available for use in the event of need作战弹药指联合国和部队/警察部队派遣国同意部署到任务地区,以便需要时可立即加以使用的弹药包括飞机自卫系统,如雷达干扰金属箔片或红外线照明弹
Special Account for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict武装冲突中保护文化财产特别账户
Special Criminal Court on the Events in Darfur达尔富尔事件特别刑事法庭
weather events天气情况