
Terms for subject Economy containing event | all forms | exact matches only
a fortuitous event意外事故
a harmonious order of events事业上的协调秩序
a random event随机事件
A second vote shall be taken in the event of deadblock遇有僵局,应进行第二轮投票
a subsequent event后发事件
a subsequent event报账后业务
accounting event会计事项 (业务)
an accountable event会计事项
an action-event area行为一结果范围
an anomalous event异常事件
an unforeseeable event不能预料的事件
an unforeseen event意料不到的事
beginning event始点事项
chance event points机禪事件点
chronology of events大事记
complementary events互补的事件
completion event完工事件
disclosure of events subsequent to close of period公布期间结束后发生的意外事项
economic events经济事件
ending event后接事项 (successor)
ending event终点事项 (successor)
event and condition事实和情况
event at issue诉讼争执点
event identification事件鉴定
event in operation作业项目支作业
event node事件节点
event node机遇节点
event-on-node diagram工序注明在节点上的网络图
events in operation作业项目支作业
in the event of any contingencies beyond control, the seller and the buyer shall consult with each other in order to minimize the loss如果发生人力无法控制的任何偶发事件,卖方和买方必须彼此协商,以便使损失减少到最低程度
In the event of changing any terms, one should get the permission of all the signatories to the contract若要修改条款,必须征得合同所有签署人的同意
In the event of infringement of any patent in, the seller shall be liable to the buyer遇有侵犯…方面的专利权情况时,卖方应向买方负责
In the event of the resubmission of samples you must bear the cost of any additional tests如果要重新提交样品,则任何附加测试的费用必须由你方负担
In the event that we terminate the agreement with them, you will enjoy priority over other firms如我方与彼方终止此协议,则你方享有优先于其他公司的权利
In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost如合同价格不逐步上升,承包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险
interface event交界事项
mean time between events平均事件间隔时间
One event succeeded another事情一件接一件发生
sale break-event廉售 (chart, point)
sale break-event歇业廉价出售 (chart, point)
standard deviation of an event事件标准离差
The manufacturer has the right to disclaim the responsibility for delay in the event that the raw materials are lacking如遇原材料缺乏,制造商将有权否认对延误负有责任
the mutually exclusive event互拒事件
the mutually exclusive event不相容事件
the sequel of an event事件的后果
This is a singular event that needs special study这是一件不平常的事件,需要特别研究
trade event贸易活动
unforeseen event意料不到的事
union of event联合事件
unplanned event record意外事件记录图 (log)