
Terms for subject Desert science containing erosion | all forms | exact matches only
action of sheet erosion片蚀作用
aeolian erosion风蚀
alluvial erosion冲积侵蚀
anthropic erosion人为侵蚀
bank erosion河岸侵蚀
beach erosion海岸侵蚀
beach erosion control海岸侵蚀治理
beach erosion control海岸侵蚀对策
biological erosion生物侵蚀 (指动物活动所造成的土壤侵蚀)
channel erosion河床冲刷
cliff erosion崖蚀
contact erosion接触面冲蚀
contemporaneous erosion同时侵蚀
continental erosion大陆侵蚀
cosmic erosion宇宙剥蚀
cycle of erosion侵蚀轮回
cycle of marine erosion海蚀循环
cycle of marine erosion海蚀轮回
cycle of river erosion河蚀循环
cycle of semi-arid erosion半干旱侵蚀循环
depositional erosion沉积侵蚀
desert erosion荒漠侵蚀
desert erosion feature荒漠侵蚀地形
desert erosion feature荒漠侵蚀景观
differential erosion差别侵蚀
downward erosion下切侵蚀
eolian erosion风蚀[作用]
erosion action侵蚀作用
erosion activity侵蚀活动
erosion agent侵蚀营力
erosion base侵蚀基准
erosion by concentrated overland flow集中地表漫流的侵蚀
erosion by inter-rill overland flow细沟间地面漫流的侵蚀
erosion by splash溅击侵蚀
erosion coast侵蚀海岸
erosion control law防侵蚀法
erosion control program侵蚀防治规划
erosion control works防止侵蚀工程
erosion fault scarp侵蚀断层崖
erosion feature侵蚀地貌
erosion feature侵蚀景观
erosion force侵蚀力
erosion forms侵蚀形态
erosion gap侵蚀山口
erosion hazard侵蚀灾害
erosion hazard侵蚀危害
erosion lake侵蚀湖
erosion level侵蚀剥削面
erosion pavement防侵蚀覆盖层
erosion pavement防侵蚀砾层
erosion pedestal侵蚀残柱
erosion pits侵蚀坑
erosion plateau侵蚀高原
erosion protection works侵蚀防治工程
erosion ratio侵蚀率
erosion resistance抗蚀性
erosion risk侵蚀危险
erosion scarp侵蚀陡壁
erosion soil侵蚀土壤
erosion stream bed侵蚀河床
erosion surface风蚀面
erosion terrace侵蚀阶地
erosion valley侵蚀谷
erosion wind侵蚀风 (指造成风蚀的风,10m 高程的起沙风速为5〜6m/s)
European Soil Erosion Model欧洲土壤侵蚀模型
exelerated erosion加速侵蚀
fluvial cycle of erosion流水侵蚀循环
fluvial erosion流水侵蚀
fossil erosion surface化石侵蚀面
general base level of erosion总侵蚀基准面
geological erosion地质侵蚀
glacial erosion lake冰蚀湖
gross erosion总侵蚀量
ground water erosion地下水侵蚀
gully erosion control forest沟道防护林
interdune erosion丘间风蚀
lateral erosion侧蚀
layer erosion层状侵蚀
linear erosion线形侵蚀
longitudinal erosion纵向侵蚀
man-made erosion人为侵蚀
mechanical erosion机械侵蚀
parallel hillslope erosion平行山坡侵蚀
pedestal erosion细颈柱侵蚀
plain of erosion侵蚀平原
plain of fluviatile erosion流水侵蚀平原
planning for erosion control防沙计划
plateau of erosion侵蚀高原
rain erosion雨水侵蚀
rain splash erosion雨滴溅击侵蚀
raindrop erosion雨滴侵蚀
rain-impact erosion雨碰撞侵蚀
rainsplash erosion雨水溅击侵蚀
rainstorm erosion暴雨侵蚀
rainwash erosion雨水冲刷侵蚀
rangeland soil erosion草地水土流失
rate of erosion侵蚀速率
rate of headcut erosion沟头切割侵蚀速率
recent erosion现代侵蚀
regional distribution of erosion侵蚀区域分布
regulation for erosion control防侵蚀规则
repeated erosion反复侵蚀
reversed erosion逆向侵蚀
rill erosion带状侵蚀
rill erosion细流侵蚀
runoff erosion径流侵蚀
sand erosion沙丘侵蚀
scaly erosion鳞状侵蚀
seet erosion表面侵蚀
selective erosion选择性侵蚀
semi-arid cycle of erosion半干旱侵蚀循环
sheet erosion片蚀
side-slope erosion边坡侵蚀
sink hole erosion陷穴侵蚀
slip erosion滑动侵蚀
slope erosion process坡地侵蚀过程
stabilized wind-erosion feature固定风蚀地形
stream band erosion河岸侵蚀
structural erosion构造侵蚀
subsurface erosion地下潜蚀
subsurface erosion潜蚀
temporary base leuel of erosion临时侵蚀基准面
terrestrial erosion footslope陆地侵蚀麓坡
torrent erosion急流侵蚀
tunnel erosion地下侵蚀
underground erosion潜蚀作用
vertical erosion向下侵蚀
vertical erosion下切侵蚀
vertical erosion下切
wash erosion冲蚀
water and erosion control structure水土保持工程
water and soil erosion水土流失
water fall erosion跌水侵蚀
wave erosion波蚀
wind blowout erosion风蚀
wind-erosion basin风蚀盆地
wind erosion class风蚀等级
wind erosion equation风蚀方程 (美国用以计算大平原沙质旱地的年风蚀量。方程式: E=f(I'、K'、C'、L'、V)、式中,E为风蚀量(吨/英亩或公顷・年);I' 为土壤和圆丘 (knoll) 的可侵蚀性指数; K'为土垄粗糙度因素; C'为当地侵蚀气候因素; L'为盛行风向的耕地长度; V 为植被状况)
wind-erosion feature风蚀地貌
wind-erosion feature风蚀特征
wind erosion furrow风蚀洼地
wind erosion hazard风蚀灾害
wind erosion intensity风蚀强度
wind erosion lake风蚀湖
wind erosion landform风蚀地貌
wind erosion load风蚀质
wind erosion pillar风蚀柱
wind erosion pillar蕈状石
wind erosion prediction风蚀预报
wind erosion prediction equation风蚀预报方程
wind erosion prediction model风蚀预报模型
wind erosion type风蚀类型
yardang-like wind erosion雅丹状风蚀