
Terms for subject Business containing equipment | all forms | exact matches only
accessory equipments附属设备
accounting based on equipment and machinery按设备或机台核算
acquisition expenses for sample equipment样机购置费
acquisition expenses for sample equipment and tools样机器具购置费
adaptability of equipment reparability设备可修性
additions to plant and equipment增加厂房和设备
adjustment of equipment设备调整
administrative equipment管理设备
Aerospace Installation Diagnostic Equipment航天设备诊断装置
ageing equipment老化设备
ageing of equipment设备老化
aging of equipment设备老化
aid equipment辅助设备
aid in keeping equipment record协助保管设备档案
aiding in keeping equipment record协助保管设备档案
air conditioning equipment空气调节设备
airborne equipment failure飞行设备故障
appraisal of equipment设备评价
assembly and equipment组件与装备
Assembly, Handling and Shipping Equipment组装、装卸与船运设备
audio-visual equipment视听设备
automated equipment自动化设备
automated production equipment自动化生产设备
automatic adjustment equipment自调装置
automatic calculating and writing equipment自动计算与打字设备
automatic check out equipment自动检验设备
Automatic Computing Equipment自动计装置
automatic computing equipment自动计算设备
automatic control equipment自控设备
automatic data exchange equipment自动数据交换设备
automatic data switching equipment自动数据转接装置
automatic dial equipment自动拨号装置
automatic flight control equipment飞行自动控制装置
automatic following equipment自动跟踪设备
automatic indexing equipment自动检索装置
automatic inspecting equipment自动检测装置
automatic management equipment自动化管理装置
automatic message switching equipment自动信息交换装置
automatic operating equipment自动化操作设备
automatic recorder equipment自动录音装置
automatic regulating equipment自动调节设备
automatic telemetry equipment自动遥控装置
automatic telemetry tracking equipment自动遥控跟踪装置
automatic test equipment自动测试装备
auxiliary equipment and installation辅助设备
average amount of investments in funds and equipment per employed worker在职雇员按劳力平均的资金装备程度
back-up equipment辅助设备
ballast taking equipment扒渣设备
band splitting equipment分频设备
bank transferred appropriation for current year imported equipment当年进口设备转账拨款
bank transferred appropriation for current year supplies and equipment当年器材转账拨款
Basic Equipment List基本设备明细表
being responsible for the maintenance and repair of equipment保设备完好与修理
bench maintenance equipment工作台保养设备
bonus for incessant use of equipment设备运用奖金
building and equipment房屋及设备
building and fixed equipment建筑物及固定设备
Built-In Test Equipment内装检验设备
built-in test equipment内部测试设备
business equipment商用设备
business expenditures for new plant and equipment新厂房设备业务支出额
capital equipment ratio资本设备率
capital investment in equipment设备资本投资
capital investment in equipment decision设备投资决策
capital investment in productive capacity per unit of equipment单位设备能力资本投资
cargo handing equipment货物装卸设备
centralized supervision and control of equipment集中管理控制设备
charging equipment计费设备
chemical industrial equipment化工设备
Chinese-made equipment国产设备
circulating cost of materials and equipment物资流通费用
classification and numbering of equipment设备分类与编号
classification of equipment设备分类
classification of industrial equipment工业设备分类
coal cutting equipment采煤设备
commercial cold-storage equipment商业冷藏设备
commercial electronic equipment商用电子设备
commodity inspection and testing equipment商品检验设备
common equipment通用设备
communication automatic processing equipment通讯自动处理设备
communication control equipment通信控制设备
comparable machine and equipment可比机械设备
compatibility in the equipment设备互换性
complete plants and equipments成套设备
complete sets of equipment exported出口成套设备
complete sets of equipment imported进口成套设备
complex control equipment综合控制设备
complexity of equipment设备复杂性
component auto programmed check-out equipment元件自动程序校核设备
comprehensive efficiency of equipment设备综合效率
comprehensive engineering of equipment设备综合工程学
comprehensive management of equipment设备综合管理
conference calling equipment会议电话设备
construction equipment建筑设备
construction equipment companies建筑设备公司
container access equipment集装箱装卸设备
contamination control equipment污染控制设备
contract for plant and equipment厂房设备合同
contract of international lease of equipment国际设备租赁契约
contract of lease of plant and equipment厂房与设备租赁合同
contractor furnished equipment承包人提供的器材设备
conventional equipment通用设备
coordinating equipment配套设备
coordination of sets of equipment设备配套
cost of equipment设备费用
cost of equipment ins taxation设备安装费
cost of hiring plant and equipment工厂设备租用成本
cost of transmission equipment传输设备费
costs of plant and equipment设备费用
counting equipment计费装置
customs-ordered equipment顾客定制的设备
cycle for updating equipment更新设备周期
Data Acquisition Equipment数据获取设备
data handling equipment数据处理设备
data processing equipment数据处理设备
density of equipment设备密度
departmentation by process or equipment按工艺或设备划分部门
depot tooling equipment仓库工具设备
depreciation of equipment设备折旧费
design of special tools and equipment特殊工具和设备设计
detailed list of equipment and materials设备材料明细表
deterioration of equipment设备恶化
digital data conversion equipment数字数据交换设备
digital evaluation equipment数字计算设备
directorate of test equipment试验设备董事会
dismantlement of equipment设备拆除
disposal of plant and equipment厂房设备处理
disposition of equipment设备处理
disruption of equipment设备破坏
domestically produced equipment国产设备
dormant equipment休闲设备
dynamical equipment policy动态设备政策
earthmoving equipment土方机械
economic loading of equipment设备经济负荷量
education supplies and equipment教育用品与设施
electric equipment电子设备
electric household machinery and equipment民用电器设备
electric household machinery and equipments民用电器设备
electronic check-out maintenance equipment电子检修设备
empty equipment空转设备
ensemble equipment成套设备
equipment acceptance设备验收
equipment account设备账
equipment addition增加设备
equipment adjustment expense设备调整费
equipment and process research设备和工艺过程研究
equipment and technical "know-how"设备和技术诀窍
equipment bond设备债券为添置设备如火车车厢,飞机而发行的债券
equipment breakdown analysis设备事故分析
equipment breakdowns analysis设备事故分析
equipment category设备种类
equipment characteristics设备性能
equipment check-out设备检查
equipment constraint设备限制
equipment control器材管理
equipment credit for small business小企业设备贷款
equipment deadlines for parts装备停用等待备件
equipment depreciation period设备折旧期
equipment description设备说明书
equipment errors设备误差
equipment fault设备缺陷
equipment file设备技术文件
equipment for graphic display图解显示器设备
equipment fund设备基金
equipment history file设备历史档案
equipment improvement report设备改进报告
equipment in the process installation安装中设备
equipment in transit在途设备
equipment incomplete设备不全
equipment inspection设备检验
equipment inspection expense设备检验费
equipment installation and checkout设备安装与验收
equipment installation project设备安装工程
Equipment Interchange Agreement设备交换协定如集装箱等
Equipment Interchange Association设备交换协会
equipment inventory设备库存
equipment inventory shortage and spoilage设备盘亏及毁损
equipment item description设备项目说明
equipment leasing租赁设备以节省开支
equipment maintenance cost设备维修成本
equipment maintenance expense设备维修费用
equipment maintenance facility设备保养设施
equipment maintenance system设备维修制度
equipment management by different level设备分级管理
equipment movement order设备迁移单
equipment not requiring installation勿需安装的设备
equipment operating procedure设备操作程序
equipment operator司机
equipment operator机工
equipment outlay设备支出
equipment rebuilding设备改建
equipment receipt-out设备交接单
equipment record设备记录
equipment regulation设备操作条例
Equipment Regulations器材使用条例
equipment reliability status report设备可靠状态报告
equipment rentals设备租金收入
equipment replacement设备重置
equipment replacement model设备重置模型
equipment requiring installation需安装的设备
equipment standards设备标准
equipment supply设备供应
equipment trust设备信托公司
equipment trust设备托拉斯
equipment trust bond设备信托公司债券
equipment trust bonds设备信托公司债券
equipment trust certificate设备信托公司证券
equipment trust lease设备信托租赁
equipment upgrading设备改进
equipment used beyond serviceable life超龄使用的设备
examination of equipment设备检查
exchange of plant and equipment厂房设备交换
exhaust equipment排气设备
expenditure of new plant and equipment新厂房设备投资额
expenditure on new plant and equipment新厂房和设备支出额
experimental data handling equipment实验数据处理设备
fabrication equipment装配设备
fabrication of intricate precision equipment制造复杂精密的设备
facility and equipment工厂设备
Factory Equipment工厂设备
factory test equipment工厂检验设备
file storage equipment文件存储设备
fire extinguishing installation and equipment救火设备
fire prevention equipment防火设备
fixed installed equipment固定安装设备
functional and equipment layout机群布置法
functional test equipment功能检验设备
fund for replacement of equipment设备更新基金
gain on sale of equipment设备变卖收益
Government-Furnished Equipment政府提供的设备
ground equipment failure基础设备故障
ground handling equipment地面搬移设备
ground support maintenance equipment场地维修设备
hand over equipment交付设备
handling equipment装载设备
handling ground equipment地面辅助设备
harbour equipment港口设备
haulage equipment拖运设备
Heavy Equipment Transporter重型设备运输工具
heavy lifting equipment重型起重设备
high quality precision equipment高精度设备
highly sophisticated equipment极复杂设备
high-performance equipment高性能设备
hoisting equipment起吊设备
horse-power of equipment设备功率
hydraulic equipment manufacturing industry液压设备制造业
idleness of equipment设备闲置率
import content of local equipment本国设备中的进口成分
improvement coefficient of equipment utilization设备利用改善系数
industrial plant and equipment工业设备
innovate equipment革新设备
in-plant material handling equipment厂内物流设施
install machinery and equipment安装机器与设备
installation and equipment设施与设备
installation of machine and equipment机器与设备安装
installment financing of income-producing equipment生产设备分期付款融资
intensity load rate of equipment设备强度负荷率
investment in equipment设备投资
investment in equipment and plant设备投资
investment in machinery and equipment机械设备投资
involuntary conversion of plant and equipment厂房和设备强制更换
involuntary conversion of plant and equipment强制更换厂房与设备
irrigation and drainage equipment排灌设备
isolation of faulty equipment故障隔离设备
itemized equipment listing设备分项列表
keeping equipment record保管设备记录
labor-saving equipment节省劳力装备
land, building, furniture and equipment房地产及器具
leakage rate of equipment设备泄漏率
lease of equipment设备租赁
leasing of equipment设备租赁业务
leasing of machinery and equipment机器与设备出租
lessor of equipment设备出租者
level of equipment装备程度
level of technical equipment技术装备程度
liability for defective equipment提供有缺陷设备的责任
lifting equipment吊装设备
lifting equipment吊运货物设备
light equipment照明设备
list of materials and equipment fittings材料及设备配件表
load rate of equipment intensity设备强度负荷率
load rate of equipment operation设备时间负荷率
locally produced equipment本国产设备
locally produced equipments本国生产的设备
machine and equipment机器设备
machinery and electrical equipment turnkey corporation成套机电设备公司
machinery and equipment机械设备
machinery and equipment机器与设备
machinery equipment plant机械设备厂
machines and equipments机器设备
machining equipment加工设备
maintenance ground equipment维修地面设备
maintenance of equipments设备维修费
maintenance of premise and equipment房屋设备维修
management of equipment maintenance设备维修管理
management of equipment technology设备技术管理
management of machines and equipment机械设备管理
management of materials and equipment物资管理
management of materials and equipment enterprises物资企业管理
management of supply and marketing of materials and equipment物资供销管理
management of supply and marketing of materials and equipment in enterprise企业物资供销管理
manual working manually operated equipment手工操作设备
manufacture complete sets of equipment生产成套设备
material consumption quota for equipment maintenance设备维修材料消耗定额
material handling equipment材料储运设备
material wear and tear of equipment设备有形损耗
materials and equipment account物资账
materials and equipment management in company公司物资管理
materials and equipment management in enterprise企业物资管理
materials and equipment market物资市场
materials and equipment supply物资供应
materials and equipment supply plan物资供应计划
measuring equipment计量设备
mechanical control equipment机控设备
medium or long-term loan for equipment中长期设备贷款
medium or short-term loan for equipment中短期设备贷款
metal processing equipment金属加工设备
metalworking equipment金属加工设备
method most economical time to replace equipment method最省时间更换设备法
midget equipment小型设备
minimum equipment list最少设备表
minimum essential equipment最低必需设备
mobile equipment流动设备
mobile inspection equipment可移动检验设备
modem inspection equipment现代检验设备
modern communication equipment现代通讯设备
modern test equipment现代化试验设备
modernization of communication equipment通讯设备现代化
modernized equipment现代化设备
modernized equipment and plant现代化设备
mortgage equipment and plant抵押设备
mortgage of equipment设备抵押
mortgage of materials and equipment物资抵押
move machinery and equipment迁移机械设备
multiple equipment control多设备控制
multiple equipment management多设备管理
multiple equipment operation多设备作业
multipurpose test equipment万能测试设备
new equipment新设备
new equipment practice新设备运行
non-designed equipment设计外设备
non-designed equipment and instrument设计外器材
nonproductive equipment非生产设备
nonspecific equipment非专用设备
non-usable equipment不能使用的设备
numerical control equipment数控设备
old equipment陈旧设备
original equipment原有设备
Original Equipment Manufacturer原设备厂商
outmoded equipment过时设备
overhaul of equipment设备大检修
payables for equipment acquisition应付器材款
payables on equipment acquired abroad应付引进设备款
payment by transfer for imported equipment转账拨付进口设备款
performance, operational and maintenance standards for shipboard electronic equipment船用电子设备性能、操作和维修标准 (program)
plan management of materials and equipment物资设备计划管理
plant and equipment expenditures厂房设备支岀
plant and equipment facility生产设备
plant and equipment investment工厂设备投资
plant and equipment investment厂房与设备投资
plant and equipment spending工厂设备支出
pledged equipment抵押设备
pollution abatement equipment控制污染设备
polygraphic equipment印刷设备
power transmission equipment传动装置
printing equipment印刷设备
private equipment保密设备
processing equipment工设备
procuring equipment at lowest practicable cost按最低价购置设备
producer's durable equipment耐用生产设备
production equipment code生产设备编码
productive equipment生产性设备
productive technical equipment生产技术装备
property, plant and equipment财产、厂房和设备
proportion of the equipment in good condition设备完好率
purchase of equipment设备购置
purchaser of equipment设备购方
purchasing of equipment设备购置
purchasing of technical equipment技术设备购入
quantity of equipment设备拥有量
rail brake equipment车辆掣动设备
Rapid Automatic Checkout Equipment快速自动检査设备
rate of serviceable equipment设备完好率
rate of utilization of the amount equipment设备数量利用率
rate of utilization of the working of equipment设备工作时间利用率
ratio of equipment investment to net sales设备投资与净销售比率
rational use of materials and equipment物资与设备合理利用
registered number of transport equipment运输设备注册号
regular inspection of equipment设备定期检查
relief for foreign loans for productive equipment为生产设备向国外借款的减税
remote-controled equipment遥控设备
renewal and renovation of equipment设备更新改造
replacement equipment更新设备
reserve capacity of plant and equipment厂房和设备的后备生产能力
reserved equipment备用设备
Safety Equipment Requirement安全设备要求
salvage of plant and equipment厂房设备残值
schedule of delivery of the equipment设备交货日程表
scrap value of equipment设备残值
scrapped equipment报废的设备
second-hand equipment旧设备
seismic equipment抗震设备
self-regulating equipment自动调节设备
self-test equipment自检设备
semiautomatic or fully automatic lubricating equipment半自动化或全自动化润滑设备
serviceable equipment可使用设备
serviceable equipment耐用设备
servicing equipment维修设备
servicing equipment服务设备
sewage disposal equipment污水处理设备
ship equipment船上设备
shop equipment车间设备
short-life equipment短寿命设备
single-use equipment单一用途设备
sophisticated equipment尖端设备
special list of equipment设备清单
special production equipment专门生产设备
special purpose test equipment专用检验设备
Special Support Equipment专用支助设备
Special Test Equipment特殊检验设备
special test equipment专用检验设备
Standard Equipment Nomenclature List标准设备术语表
standard items and equipment标准项目与设备
state of equipment设备状况
statement of equipment设备目录
stationary equipment固定设备
stochastically failing equipment随机失灵设备
store building and equipment库房与设备
store building and equipment商店房屋及设备
stress-rupture testing equipment应力破坏试验设备
substandard equipment低标准设备
suite of equipment成套设备
summary list of materials and equipment材料设备汇总表
sundry equipment各种设备
supervisory equipment监控设备
surplus equipment剩余设备
system of equipment management and maintenance设备管理与维修制
tabulating equipment编表机
tailor-made equipment特制设备
tangible equipment costs有形设备成本
task equipment作业设备
Technical Equipment Modification List技术设备改型单
technological equipment工艺技术设备
technology and equipment required所需技术与设备
test-equipment error检验设备误差
test-equipment error analysis检验设备误差分析
test-equipment error analysis report检验设备误差分析报告
test equipment maintenance试验设备检修
test equipment technician检验设备技师
test equipment tooling试验设备仪器
Test Facilities and Equipment试验条件与设备
timekeeping equipment计时设备
tools, instrument and production equipment工具、仪器和生产设备
trade-in of plant and equipment厂房和设备的折价物
transmission equipment传导设备
turnover of plant and equipment厂房设备周转率
ultrahigh risk equipment超高风险设备
ultrasonic equipment超声波设备
unattended equipment自动化设备
Unit Essential Equipment单位主要装备
unit of equipment设备元件
unit record equipment单位记录设备
united equipment组合设备
unreliable equipment不安全设备
Unsatisfactory Equipment Report不理想设备报告
vacant equipment空闲设备
valet equipment洗烫衣服设备
versatile test equipment多用检验设备
versatile test equipment万能试验机
vibration equipment震荡设备
vibration measuring equipment震荡量设备
video recording equipment录像设备
visible index equipment显露式索引设备
vital pieces of equipment设备的关键零部件
ways of supplying materials and equipment物资供应方式
without equipment and spare parts不带设备和备件