
Terms containing entire | all forms | exact matches only
sport.A runner is concerned with the fastest average speed over the entire distance赛跑运动员关心的是全程跑的最快平均速度
econ.According to the contract you shall execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without delay根据合同你方应使我方客户完全满意,按时按定单规定交货
expl.All emissions with the potential to cause environmental impacts are quantified along the entire life cycle from raw material extraction through to final disposal所有对环境造成影响的排放、从原料开采一直到最后的处理的整个生产周期、都要予以量化
econ.an entire agreement完全同意
econ.an entire agreement完整契约条款
bridg.constr.area of entire cross-section of concrete全部混凝土截面面积
China, polit.be taken into consideration during the entire legislation process贯穿于立法工作的始终
busin.contract for the entire management of...包揽合同
busin.contract for the entire management of...包揽…
tech.contract for the entire management of包揽
China, polit.during the entire revision process for the draft law在修改法律草案的全过程中
China, lawduty of the entire society全社会共同责任
bridg.constr.entire across width整个横向宽度
interntl.trade.entire agreement完整契约条款
securit.entire agreement整个协议
busin.entire agreement clause完整契约条款
tech.entire agreement clause完整条款
manag.entire allocation总体布局
securit.entire allocation总体配置
interntl.trade.entire amount全部金额
anim.husb.entire amount of the cocoon gathered总收茧量
anim.husb.entire amount of the leaves gathered总收叶量
tech.entire aperture全壳口
bridg.constr.entire area全面积
tech.entire area全部面积
bridg.constr.entire area of average cross-section of member构件平均截面的全面积
bridg.constr.entire area of concrete cross-section全部混凝土截面面积
agric.entire area under crops全部播种面积
tech.entire array整数组
avia.entire assembly总装
avia.entire assembly整体装配
avia.entire blade完整叶片
expl.entire blasting design爆破整体设计
textileentire bleach完全漂白
auto.entire bogie整体台车
tech.entire brake time全制动时间
commer.entire business format franchising整体业务特许
auto.entire car完好无故障车辆
tech.entire car整车
econ.entire cargo全部货物
agric.entire carpophore单一果柄 (carpophorum integerum)
China, lawentire carriage全程运送
China, lawentire case file and evidence全部案卷和证据
agric.entire chromosome整个染色体
agric.entire continent整个大陆
proj.manag.entire contract完整的合同
tech.entire contract不可分合同
bridg.constr.entire cross-section整个横截面
bridg.constr.entire cross-section全截面
bridg.constr.entire depth整个厚度
securit.entire distribution总体分配
manag.entire distribution总体布局
securit.entire distribution总体分布
avia.entire domain全频域
avia.entire Earth整个地球
tech.entire ecologic system全生态系统
tech.entire ecological system全生态系统
avia.entire engine整台发动机
econ.entire evidence全部证据
gymn.entire exercise整套动作
avia.entire field of view全视野
avia.entire field of view全视域
avia.entire flight整个飞行 (过程)
auto.entire frame全架
avia.entire frequency range整个频率范围
bodybuild.entire front pose正展全身造型
bodybuild.entire front posing正展全身造型
oilentire function整函数
agric.entire functional unit全功能性单位
mol.gen.entire genome整个基因组
agric.entire globe全球指整个地球
agric.entire growing season全生长
agric.entire growth period全生长期
China, lawentire harm全部损害
textileentire height总体高
met.entire height of building建筑物全高
agric.entire horse种马
anim.husb.entire horse未阉割马
agric.entire horse未经阉割的马
econ.entire human being人类全体
tech.entire injection interval总注入层段
railw.entire inspection全检
securit.entire interest全部权益
agric.entire leaf全缘叶 (folium integerum)
desert.entire leaf全缘叶 (叶缘光滑无缺刻、锯齿等形状的叶)
genet.entire leaf cutting全叶插
agric.entire leaf cutting全叶插{园艺}
bot.entire leaved beech索兰达假山毛榉 Nothofagus solandri
agric.entire length全长
bridg.constr.entire length of member构件全长
met.entire length of shell荒管全长
agric.entire life整个生命[过程]
busin.entire life毕生
busin.entire life整个期限
agric.entire life一生
met.entire life整个使用年限
met.entire life全部使用年限
met.entire life总使用寿命
met.entire life全部使用期限
auto.entire life总使用期限
tech.entire life总寿命
el.entire load current满负荷电流
comp.entire long-wave全部长波
repr.biol.entire male正常公畜
repr.biol.entire male未去势公畜
agric.entire maturation完全成熟
tech.entire model整体模型
logist.entire multi-modal journey多种方式联运全程
interntl.trade.entire multimodal journey多种方式联运全程
commer.entire multimodal journey多式联运全程
econ.entire multimodel journey多种方式联运全程
agric.entire organism整个生物 (organismus integerum)
agric.entire organism整个有机体
busin.entire package整个程序包
econ.entire package of goods整件货物
tech.entire pay calculated by piecework全计件工资
China, lawentire period全部期间
agric.entire plant整[个植]株 (planta integera)
agric.entire plant全株
ecol.entire plant stand整个植物群丛
met.entire process of continuous casting连铸全过程
commer.entire process of production生产全过程
met.entire process of splashing溅渣护炉全过程
met.entire process of steelmaking炼钢全过程
agric.entire process yield整个过程产量
avia.entire propellant全部推进剂
avia.entire pulse整个脉冲
avia.entire pulse完整脉冲
econ.entire quantity整个数量
el.entire range总范围
avia.entire range整个范围
tech.entire rational function整有理函数
busin.entire receipt全部收入
interntl.trade.entire receipts全部收入
tech.entire release time全缓解时间
spaceentire satellite整颗卫星
avia.entire search region整个搜索区域
avia.entire set全集
tech.entire social income tax全额社会所得税
tech.entire split system全分流系统
bridg.constr.entire structure整个结构
agric.entire style完全花柱 (styla integera)
agric.entire surface整个表面 (surperficies integerus)
tech.entire tenancy完整租借
econ.entire tenancy单独保有
tech.entire tenancy全权拥有
tech.entire thermal resistance总热阻
bridg.constr.entire thickness整个厚度
avia.entire time interval时间间隔
auto.entire track整体式履带
fin.entire transfer of financial assets金融资产整体转移
China, lawentire transport全程运输
avia.entire wake整体唤醒
oilentire wavelet完整子波
busin.entire working life毕生工作时间
busin.entire working time一生工作时间
agric.entire year全年 (annus integerus)
gen.Flat storage is recommended for most textiles because it provides support for the entire textiles大多数纺织品建议采用平铺储存的方式,这使整件纺织品都受到支撑
sport.For short distance races the runners must stay within their lanes for the entire distance短距离赛跑时、 运动员必须在指定的分道内跑完全程、 不得抢道
China, lawforeign trade of the entire country全国对外贸易
fig.skat.free skating movements covering the entire ice surface覆盖整个冰面的自由滑动作
avia.heat which would be transferred if entire fin area were at base temperature假设整个肋表面处于肋基温度下的散热量
gen.I have been running a fever in the entire morning with a bad headache我整个上午都在发烧,并且伴随着严重的头痛
busin.industrial enterprise under ownership by the entire people全民所有工业企业
econ.invigorate the entire economy国民经济全局活了
expl.L-Cycle Assessment LCA has been the standard methodology far quantifying all environmental impacts associated with the entire life cycle of products and processes for over a decade生命周期在过去的十年、是用以量化所有环境影响的标准方法、涉及产品的整个生命周期和过程
tech.load over the entire area全面积负荷
telecom.Match Entire Cell内容全部相符MS
bridg.constr.moment of inertia of entire crosssection全截面惯性矩
tech.non-delivery of entire package整件提货不着
commer.non-delivery of the entire package整件提货不着
interntl.trade.nondelivery of the entire package整件提货不着
interntl.trade.non-delivery of the entire package整包货提货不着
busin.non-delivery of the entire package整包货物未提着
tech.normal entire function正规整函数
econ.ownership by the entire whole people全民所有制
busin.ownership by the entire people全民所有制
China, polit.ownership of the entire people全民所有制
econ.Please do your utmost to execute this order to the entire satisfaction of our customers and without any delay请尽最大努力及时按订单规定交货,使我方客户完全满意
market.pricing entire product package全部产品综合价格政策
tech.pricing entire product package全部产品综合订价
China, polit.publish the entire texts of bills全文公布法律草案
China, lawquality of the entire nation全民族素质
tech.quite entire完全全缘的
tech.rate of both profits and taxes on entire funds全部资金利税率
tech.rational entire function有理整函数
wushu.relax the entire body全身放松
China, polit.release the entire text of a proposed law to the public向社会全文公布法律草案
econ.share the entire profit全额利润分配
tech.sharing the entire profit全额利润分成
econ.single rate for entire factory单一分配率
tech.statistics for entire group统计总体
earth.sc.structural system of the unified and entire preventions统一完整预防结构系统
manag.subdivided into programme for entire plant细分整个工厂的供应
econ.The boss conveyed to the new owner his entire business, including the name, patents and copyright这位老板把整个商店转给新业主,包括商号名称、专利和版权等
gen.The company is closing out their entire supply of men's clothing这家公司正在削价出售所有男装
econ.the entire life of the project整个项目使用期
tech.the entire profile整个剖面
bridg.constr.the entire stability总体稳定
China, polit.the entire Standing Committee常委会全体委员
econ.The entire stock of goods is valued at about $50.000全部货物库存的总价值估计约为五万美元
econ.the entire working life一生劳动时间
econ.the non-delivery of the entire package整包货提货不着
econ.the ownership by the entire people全民所有制
econ.theft of the entire package证件被盗
interntl.trade.theft of the entire package整件被偷
busin.theft of the entire package整件被盗
tech.through the entire surface of the seed通过整个种子表面
tech.training of entire staff全员培训
auto.undercarriages with entire bogie of crawler tractor整体台车履带行走系
commer.Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件
econ.We shall devote our entire time and energy to the furtherance of the transaction of your company我们将奉献全部时间与精力以促进贵公司的交易
auto.weight of entire vehicle车辆总重
auto.weight of entire vehicle整车质
econ.You are the only owner of the entire right in the invention relating to the booster你方是涉及该增压器的发明的唯一全部权利拥有者