
Terms for subject Economy containing enforcement | all forms | exact matches only
a decision to oppose an enforcement formula关于停止执行判决的裁决
A subsequent enforcement of such a term should be considered at once应立即考虑该条款随后的实施问题
an enforcement action申请强制执行判决的诉讼
an order for enforcement强制执行判决的法院命令
Business Executive Enforcement Team美国的私人企业家强制执行团
Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards New York, 10 June 1958 1958年纽约关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决的公约
date of enforcement实行日期
document subject to immediate enforcement or execution有立即强制执行的文书
enforcement award有执行力的裁决
enforcement body实施机构
enforcement measures执行措施
enforcement of claims barred by limitation行使时效已完成的债权
enforcement of foreign arbitral award执行国外仲裁裁决
enforcement of law and regulations法律规章的实施
enforcement of maritime liens行使海商法上的留置权
enforcement of rights行使权利
enforcement power执行权力
enforcement right实施权
law enforcement agency执法机构
law enforcement official执法人员
see recognition or enforcement of an award请求承认或执行仲裁裁决
seek enforcement of the judgement of an economic case请求执行一经济案件的判决
stay enforcement停止执行 (判决式仲裁裁决)
the enforcement of claim under a bill of exchange行使汇票上的债权
the law enforcement执法
the procedure of obtaining enforcement申请执行判决的程序
the strict enforcement of law and discipline严格法纪