
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing energy | all forms | exact matches only
A replacement of physical energy by chemical energy is a mere process of energy transformation化学能代替物理能只是能量转换的过程
absorbed energy value吸收的能值
activating energy sensibility激活能量灵敏度
An increased throw of the order of 5 - 10 percentage points may be obtained through the use of electronic delay sequences, without any increase in explosives energy or other blast inputs使用电子延迟顺序可以增加5 - 10个百分点的抛掷量、且不必增加炸药能量或其他爆破投人
As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持
bond energy bond order键能键序模型
bubble energy value气泡能值
bursting energy index冲击能量指数煤样在单向压缩条件下,在全应力、应变曲线峰值前的变形能与峰值后的变形能之比值,以符号 K 表示
comparative or relative energy value比较能值
correlation of energy results with blasting能量和爆破效果的关系
critical strain energy release rate corresponding to Mode I,II or HI loaded crack GIC, CIIC or GIIIC对应于爆破裂隙模式I、I、III 的临界应变能释放率与三种基本裂隙模式〈分别为模式 I,II.III>对应的临界应变能释放率,以 J/m²表示
critical thermal energy density临界热能密度
cumulative energy principle聚能原理
current energy reporting methods现行能量测法
Different molecular explosives are mixed into the melted TNT and impart additional energy and/or sensitivity to the booster不同的分子炸药混人融化的梯恩梯中、将附加的能量和/或感度赋予助爆药
elastic energy index弹性能量指数煤样在单向压缩条件下,达到破坏载荷时所释放的变形能与产生塑性变形所消耗的能量之比值
elastic strain energy density弹性应变能密度单位体积中的应变能,一个与物体弹性变形有关的特定能量密度。它包括两部分:表征体积变化的体积能量密度〈J/m³ >和考虑形状变化的扭变能量密度<J/m³>
electrical energy pulse电能脉冲
electrostatic energy release静电能释放
energy absorption section能量吸收截面
energy accumulation能量聚集
energy and environment balance能量与环境平衡
energy calculation能量计算法
energy calculation能量公式计算
energy confinement能量限制
energy constraint能源限制
energy-consuming appliances能耗装置
energy consuming giant耗能大户
energy consuming process耗能过程
energy-consuming product能耗产品
energy consumption pattern能源消耗模式
energy consumption per ton kilometer吨公里能耗
energy contention能源争夺
energy conversion engineering能源转换工程
energy conversion loss能源转换损失
energy cost能源费用
energy deconcentrating principle微分原理控制爆破的微分原理是将爆破某一目标所需的总装药量进行分散化与微量化处理,故也称为分散化与微量化原理。换言之,它是将总装药量“化整为零”,把炸药合理地装在分散的炮孔中,通过分批延时多段起爆,既达到爆破质量的要求,又达到显著地降低爆破危害的目的
energy deficiency能源短缺
energy density能量密度单位体积炸药爆炸时所释放的能量
energy-density distribution能量密度分布
energy dissipation能量逸散
energy distribution calculation能量分布计算
energy distribution of an explosive charge药包能量分布
energy distribution valuation function能量分布评价函数
energy dwindling能源日趋减少
energy ecology and economy能源、生态与经济3E
energy efficient and environment-friendly water pressure shooting节能环保水压爆破
energy equivalent能量当量
energy expenditure耗能开支
energy extraction获取能量
energy extraction能量提取
energy factor能量系数
energy flow density能流密度
energy fluency of particles粒子流能量
energy flux density value能通量密度值
energy form能源形态
energy from biomass生物质能
energy from ocean surface waves海面波能
energy from organic waste有机废物能
energy from photosynthesis光合作用能
energy from the earth's interior地球内部能量
energy from the sea海洋能
energy from the sun太阳能
energy from the wave波浪能
energy future能源前景
energy generation能量出产
energy input and distribution能量输人和分布
energy intensity能量强度
energy intensiveness能量密集度
energy leval diagram能级图
energy level能量水平比能〈比压〉和炸药密度的乘积
energy level能量级别
energy-loss distribution能量损失分布
energy margin备用能量
energy mass equivalent能量质量当量
energy mobilization能量动用
energy mobilization能源调用
energy of electromagnetic field电磁场能
energy of flow流动能
energy of fracture断裂能
energy of ocean current洋流能
energy of rock fragmentation岩石破碎能量
energy of strain应变能在材料弹性状态范围内直至弹性限度一物体变形所作之功。更确切称之为弹性应变能,应变能在炸药总能量所占比重,对硬岩为5%,对软岩则达 20%
energy of wind and wave风浪能
energy on wave crest波峰能
energy optimization during rock comminution岩石粉碎过程中的能量优化
energy output能源输岀
energy partitioning能量分割炸药总能量可分成“冲击”〈应力波〉和“气体”〈抛掷〉等分量。不同的爆破机理都受这些分量的控制。能量分割对岩石性质和炸药性质的依赖程度是一样的。较高的爆轰速度和较低的岩石强度会带来较高的冲击能
energy pathway能量传输途径
energy pathway能量转换途径
energy plunder能源掠夺
energy possession能源占有
energy possession power能源占有大国
energy potential能源潜力
energy price trend能源价格趋势
energy principle of explosive working爆炸加工能量准则在金属爆炸加工实践中,常常遇到一些几何上大体相似,但在尺寸上又不成比例的零件。这时就希望有一个既简单而又实用的模型律。因此从生产实际需要出发提出能量准则的概念
energy-producing fuel生能燃料
energy profile能源分布曲线
energy quality能量品质
energy raio能比
energy rating能量标定
energy ratio能量比即 a/f。其中,a为加速度, m/s²;f 为频率,Hz。用来与爆破振动损害比较的振动水平尺度
energy release model能量释放模型
energy reliance能源依赖
energy requirement能源需求量
energy Research and Development Administration美国能源研究开发署
energy resource availability能源获取量
energy resource availability能源可利用量
energy resource intact原封未动的能源
energy-rich chemical Juel高能化学燃料
energy-robbing annular space抢夺能量的环形空间
energy-saving and environment-friendly hydraulic pressure blasting节能环保水压爆破
energy-saving campaign全民节能
energy-saving common knowledge节能常识
energy-saving consciousness节能总意识
energy-saving device节能装置
energy-saving option节能选择
energy-saving scheme节能计划
energy-saving scope节能范围
energy-saving technique节能技术
energy scarcity能源匮乏
energy search能源探索
energy self-sufficiency能源自给
energy share能源共享
energy spoilage of charge炸药能量损坏
energy spread能量分布。能量散开
energy step diagram能级图
energy straggling能量离散
energy strategy能源战略
energy substitution program能源替代计划
energy supply curve供能曲线
energy supply facilities供能设施
energy supply market供能市场
energy supply spectrum供能前景
energy supply system供能系统
energy system能源系统
energy technology power能源技术大国
energy threshold能量阈
energy threshold能量极限
energy tracking chart流程图
energy transfer process能量传递过程
energy transformation system能量转换系统
energy transport能量传输 (action)
energy transport能源输送 (action)
energy--using appliances能耗装置
energy--using product能耗产品
energy utilization calculation能量利用算法
energy utilization calculation能量利用计算公式
energy utilization effect能源利用效果
energy vector能矢量
energy yield能产量
energy yield能的产出
equivalent energy principle等能原理根据爆破对象、条件和控爆要求,优选控爆参数,即选取最优的孔径、孔深、孔数、孔距、排距和炸药单耗等,采用合适的装药结构、起爆方式及炸药品种,以期达到每个炮孔所产生的爆炸能量与破碎该孔周围介质所需的最低能量相等。也就是说,使介质只产生一定宽度的裂缝或原地松动破碎,而无造成危害的剩余能量,这就是等能原理
excited energy level激发能级
explosive energy concentrated爆炸能量集中
explosive energy concentration爆炸能量集中
explosive energy converted into heat转化为热能的爆炸能
explosive energy pulse爆炸能量脉冲
explosive energy release爆炸能量释放
explosive energy tests炸药性能测试
explosives energy release炸药能量释放
fracture energy release rate裂缝能释放速率
high energy-density material高能量密度材料
high energy detonating cord高能导爆索名义装药量较大,用于起爆钝感炸药或在某种特殊场合下使用的工业导爆索
high energy electric detonator高能电雷管安装了起火剂的电雷管,其引爆电流高于常规雷管。起爆能量通常由推力来定量,单位为mJ/Ω。标准的雷管需要 0. 5A 的电流,推力在5mJ/Ω 左右。最大阻力雷管,如3型雷管,最小要5安培电流,需要 1500mJ/Ω 的推力
high-energy fracture charge高能气体压裂弹利用火药燃烧产生的高温、高压气体对目的层进行脉冲压裂的装置
high energy gas fracturing charge高能气体压裂弹利用火药燃烧产生的高温、高压气体对目的层进行脉冲压裂的装置
high-energy incendiary mixture高能燃烧剂高能燃烧剂通常是由金属还原物和金属氧化物按一定比例混合组成的。有时还包含一定比例的硝酸盐和可燃物。当这种混合物在密闭的介质中点燃时,能释放出大量的热和一定量的气体,使周围介质急剧受热。介质在热应力和膨胀应力作用下产生变形和裂缝。裂缝形成后,气体膨胀的尖壁作用使裂缝进一步扩大
high energy monomolecular explosive高能单分子炸药
In the detonation of explosives, the resultant energy is converted into beneficial applications such as fragmentation and displacement. It is also responsible for adverse side effects such as vibration, airblast and flyrock在炸药爆炸过程中、合成能量转化为破岩和位移这些有益的实用能量。振动、冲击波和飞石这些不利的负面效应也是由合成能量产生的
In'straight' dynamites,nitroglycerin is the principal energy source, augmented by the reaction of various active absorbents。在"纯"硝甘炸药中、硝甘是主要能源、因各种活性吸收剂的反应而加强威力
It must be noted, however, that the extent of so-called" carbon neutrality"of any biofuel varies according to the crop cultivation fertilization, harvesting, transport and processing methods and energy input requirements然而、必须注意的是、不管什么生物燃料、其所谓的碳中和性的程度、则随着这种植物的种植、施肥、收割、运输和加工方法、以及能量输人要求的变化而变化
It must be noted, however, that the extent of so-called" carbon neutrality"of any biofuel varies according to the crop cultivation fertilization,harvesting, transport and processing methods and energy input requirements然而、必须注意的是、不管什么生物燃料、其所谓的碳中和性的程度、则随着这种植物的种植、施肥、收割、运输和加工方法、以及能量输人要求的变化而变化
low energy detonating cord低能导爆索
low energy detonating cord低能导爆索名义装药量较小,主要用于敷设炮孔内外导爆网路、起传爆作用或在特种场合下使用的工业导爆索
low energy detonating cord systems低能量导爆索起爆系统
machinery energy input机械能输人
mass-energy equation质能公式
mass-energy equivalence质能相当
Modern dynamites can be defined a cap-sensitive mixtures which contain nitroglycerin as a sensitizer or as the principal means for developing energy, and which, when properly initiated, decompose at detonation velocity现代用的硝甘炸药可定义为雷管起爆型混合物。其中所含的硝化甘油敏化剂、或作为拓展能量的主要媒介、若适当起爆、雷管起爆型混合物则在爆轰速度下
power factor vs energy factor功率因素 VS 能量因素
quantification of the decrease of energy requirements量化已降低的所需能耗
rate of energy release能量释放率
slight buffer of energy and pressure能量和压力稍有缓冲
Some plants will combust a portion of the gas supply to provide process heat leading to farther onsite CO₂ emissions, while others may employ electricity or other sources of energy as an一部分煤气被一些工厂燃烧以提供过程热、结果导致现场二氧化碳排放量进一步增加、而其他工厂可能用电或其他能源作为替代
specific energy consumption by bore holes of the geared drill牙轮钻机钻孔比能耗
specific energy consumption for rock breakage岩石破碎比能耗破碎单位体积岩石所消耗的能量。用规定的方法来破碎不同岩石,所测得的破碎比能耗可用来衡量岩石的坚固性,其中凿碎比能可作为岩石可钻性指标,爆破 Im³矿岩所消耗的炸药量可作为岩石可爆性指标
specific energy pressure比能压l/1000m3体积中 lkg 起爆炸药产生烟雾的理论计算压力
strain energy density应变能密度单位体积的应变能,单位为J/m³
strain energy range应变能变形带当岩石爆破条件一定时,或者装药量很小,或者炸药埋置很深,爆破作用仅限于岩石内部。爆破后岩石表面不出现破坏,炸药的全部能量被岩石所吸收,表面岩石只产生弹性变形,爆破后岩石恢复原状。实现这一状态的炸药埋深最小值,即为临界埋深
strain energy release rate应变能释放率又称裂缝扩展力。裂缝递增扩展所需每单位面积的弹性表面能:G = 2γₛ = πo/F 式中,G为应变能释放率 J/m² ;γₛ 为比表面能J/m², σ 为应力 Pa;L 为裂缝长度m;Eₑ 为有效弹性模量 Pa
strain energy release rate应变能释放率又称裂缝扩展力。裂缝递增扩展所需每单位面积的弹性表面能:G=2rs=r/F式中,G #为应变能释放率,J/m², r s 为比表面能, J/m² ;σ 为应力,Pa;L 为裂缝长度,m; Ee 为有效弹性模量,Pa
The detonation velocity and detonation front pressure are essentially determined by the amount of energy released by the initial fraction of the ingredients that react immediately at the detonation front爆速和爆震正面压力基本上是由在爆震正面立即产生反应的炸药的初始部分释放的能量决定的
The energy spent in creating flyrock during blasting is less than 1 % of the total energy transferred to the rock, hence the wastage of explosive energy in this form maybe insignificant在爆破中产生飞石所消耗的能量低于传递给岩石全部能量的1%、因此以这种形式浪费的爆炸能可以说微不足道
The expansion work, however, also must include the energy of the energy released by afterburning然而、膨胀功也要包括二次燃烧时释放的能量效应
The greatest source of error in the calculated energy and expansion work is the deviation from ideal detonation,which is large far most commercial explosives所计算的能量和膨胀功的最大误差源炸药无法达到理想爆轰、对于大多民用炸药来说、这个偏差很大
The time to apply the solar energy technology has come使用太阳能技术的时代已经到来
time of energy release能量释放时间
total energy TE release of charge药包总释放能量由冲击〈应变〉能〈SE〉和膨胀〈鼓泡〉能〈HE〉两者组成。冲击能的作用是使岩石产生裂缝,然后岩石因炸药膨胀能的其他膨胀作用而进一步破碎和松移
total energy released by an explosive炸药释放的总能量
uneven energy distribution能量不均匀分布
useful energy of explosive炸药的有效能气体产物压力超过 l00MPa时〈炸药〉向岩体释放的能量
variable energy distribution可变能量分步
Variations in air temperature and wind velocity influence the transmission of blast energy through the air大气温度和风速的变化会影响爆炸能在空气中的传爆
X-ray energy spectrumX射线能谱