
Terms containing electric appliances | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.an electric appliances shop电器商店
econ.an electric appliances shop电器用品商店
archit.domestic electric appliance家用电器设备
tech.domestic electric appliance家用电器 (设备)
tech.electric appliance电工设备
archit.electric appliance电气设备仪表
tech.electric appliance耗电器具
busin.electric appliance电子设备
tech.electric appliance电气用品
telecom.electric appliance电气用具
telecom.electric appliance电器
tech.electric appliance电工仪器
nautic., tech.electric appliance branch circuit电气器具分支电路
agric.electric appliance control technique电器控制技术
busin.electric appliance shop电器商店
tech.electric appliance workshop电器检修间
exhib.electric appliances家用电器
tech.electric comfort heating appliance电热取暖设备
tech.electric heating appliance电加热器
tech.electric heating appliance电暖器具
tech.electric heating appliance电热采暖设备
busin.electric home appliances家用电器
tech.electric materials and appliances电料
tech.electric soldering appliance电烙焊工具
shipb.electric soldering appliance电钎焊工具
nautic., tech.electric space heating appliance电暖器
tech.electric storage heating appliance电气储存加热器
tech.electric thermal water heating appliance电热热水设备
tech.electric transporting appliance电气运输设备
tech.electric warming appliance电采暖器
tech.electric water heating appliance水的电加热装置
tech.hardware and electric appliance五金电料
tech.household electric appliance家用电器
exhib.Household Electric Appliance Company家用电器公司
tech.household electric appliance pollution家用电器污染
hydroel.st.low-voltage electric appliance低压电器
tech.marine electric appliance船用电气设备
tech.marine low-voltage electric appliance船用低压电器
tech.noise of household electric appliances家用电器噪声
tech.small electric appliance小电器设备
house.The use of electrical appliances like electric heaters and electric pads, as well as flammable items like gas cylinders is not allowed in the hostel旅舍内严禁使用电暖气、电热垫等电器设备,以及煤气罐等易燃易爆物品