
Terms for subject Securities containing effective | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate effective demand总的有效需求
annual effective yield每年实际收益
boost the timely, fair, truthful, accurate, complete, transparent and effective information disclosure促使及时、公平、真实、准确、完整、透明和有效地进行信息披露
effective age已经使用过的年限
effective call price实际赎回价格
effective control实际控股权
effective control有效控制权
effective conversion premium有效转换溢价
effective cost of refinancing再融资的有效成本
effective date起息日期
effective date of regulation规则/法律生效日期
effective debt实际负债
effective director assessment mechanism有效的董事评估机制
effective duration有效存续期
effective economic interest实际经济权益
effective economic interest有效的经济权益
effective exchange rate index有效汇率指数
effective exposure实际风险
effective gearing实际杠杆比率
effective gearing有效杠杆比率
effective gross income实际总收人
effective gross income有效总收人
effective information disclosure有效的信息披露
effective interest cost有效利率成本
effective life有效期
effective loans银行持有的已生效贷款 (held by bank)
effective margin实际利差
effective on or about生效
effective par有效面值
effective par实际面值
effective portfolio有效的组合
effective price-setting mechanism有效的定价机制
effective rate peg实际利率挂钩
effective sale实际销售额
effective sanction有效制裁
effective sanction实际制裁
effective spread有效影响新股发行对市场上股价所造成的影响
effective spread有效扩散
effective term of takeover offer收购要约有效期
effective transparent regulatory mechanism for listed companies.对于上市公司有效透明的监管机制
effective voting power有效投票权
effective yield有效收益
effective yield实际收人
effective yield实际报酬率
Federal fund effective rate联邦基金实际利率
hypothesis of highly effective market高效市场假说
low-effective market hypothecation低效市场假说
net effective income净有效收人
net effective income净实际收人
nominal effective exchange rate index名义汇率指数
scheme effective date计划生效日期