
Terms for subject Space containing effective | all forms | exact matches only
advanced responsive tactically effective military imaging spectrometer先进反应战术效能军用成像光谱仪计划 (美国空军)
ballistic missile warhead effective range弹道导弹弹头有效毁伤半径
De effective drag有效阻力
effective ablation heat有效烧蚀热
effective absorptivity有效吸收率
effective acceleration of gravity有效重力加速度
effective action time有效工作时间
effective action time final pressure有效工作终点压强
effective action time final thrust有效工作终点推力
effective ampere有效安培 (数)
effective antenna gain contour有效天线增益等值线 (卫星天线波束的)
effective aperture area有效孔径面积
effective area of antenna天线有效面积 (表征接收天线接收空间电磁波功率的效能参数)
effective atmosphere有效大气 (有效影响某一特定运动过程的大气部分)
effective attenuation factor有效衰减系数
effective average thrust有效平均推力
effective beaten zone有效命中界
effective boresight area有效瞄准区 (卫星可调天线波束的)
effective braking有效刹车[制动]
effective brightness temperature有效亮度温度
effective burning time有效燃烧时间
effective candle power有效烛光
effective casualty radius有效杀伤半径
effective charge有效装药
effective consciousness time有效意识时间
effective cross-section area有效横截面
effective damage有效损伤
effective damage有效杀伤
effective damage area有效杀伤范围
effective damage radius of warhead战斗部杀伤半径
effective density有效密度
effective diameter of objective目标有效直径
effective displacement有效排量
effective dose equivalent有效剂量当量 (放射性的)
effective double-word location有效双字单元
effective earth's radius地球有效半径
effective echoing area有效反射面积
effective emissivity有效发射率
effective exhaust velocity有效排气速度
effective exposure time有效曝光时间
effective frequency deviation有效频偏
effective grain mass of solid rocket motor固体火箭发动机有效装药量
effective half-word location有效半字单元
effective heat of ablation有效烧蚀热 (防热层的)
effective impulse有效冲量
effective input noise temperature有效输入噪声温度
effective instantaneous field of view有效瞬时视场
effective intercept range有效拦击距离
effective isotropic radiated power有效[等效]全向辐射功率
effective jamming有效干扰
effective jamming sector有效干扰扇面
effective kill distance有效作用半径
effective kill distance有效杀伤距离
effective kill radius有效杀伤半径
effective launcher line有效发射线
effective launcher line有效发射线 (受飞机运动影响的火箭弹射岀方向)
effective life有效使用期
effective line width有效谱线宽度
effective memory address有效存储器地址
effective memory band width有效存储器带宽
effective minimum detectable leakage rate有效最小可检漏率
effective moment of inertia有效惯性矩
effective multiplication factor有效放大倍数
effective multiplication factor有效倍增因子
effective navigation constancy有效导航常数
effective navigation factor有效导航因素
effective neutron cycle time中子有效循环时间
effective noise bandwidth有效噪声带宽
effective noise temperature有效噪声温度
effective operation address有效操作地址
Effective optical aperture有效通光孔径
effective oxygen content有效含氧量
effective peak velocity有效峰值速度
effective perceived noise level有效感知噪声级 (用于度量噪声对人的影响)
effective period of missile导弹有效期
effective physiological back angle有效生理背角
effective porosity有效孔隙率
effective power有效动力
effective propagation velocity有效传播速度
effective propellant weight有效推进剂质量
effective proximity有效杀伤半径
effective pulse frequency有效脉冲频率
effective pumping rate有效抽速
effective radiation layer有效辐射层
effective radius有效半径
effective radius of earth地球有效半径
effective range武器的有效射程
effective range of seeker导引头有效作用距离
effective reflection area有效反射面积
effective resolution element有效分辨单元
effective Reynolds number有效雷诺数
effective sound pressure有效声压
effective specific impulse有效比冲 (比冲与有效装药量之比)
effective specific metal removal实际单位蚀除量
effective temperature实感温度
effective temperature有效温度
effective terrestrial radiation有效地球辐射
effective thermal conductivity有效导热系数
effective thrust净推力
effective thrust有效推力
effective total impulse有效总冲
effective transmissivity有效透射率
effective value of charge有效药量
effective velocity ratio有效相对速度
effective vision field有效视野
effective volume有效体积[容积]
effective volume factor有效体积[容积]因子
effective warhead radius弹头有效杀伤半径
effective word location有效字单元
filter effective transmittance滤光片有效透射系数
length of effective jet有效射流长度
LEPN effective perceived noise level有效感知噪声级
maximum effective firing range最大有效射程
maximum effective range最大有效作用范围
maximum effective range最大有效射程
minimal effective concentration最小有效浓度
minimum effective irradiance最小有效照度
missile effective rate导弹有效率
missile launching effective rate导弹发射有效率
optical effective reflective area光学有效反射面积
optically effective atmosphere光学有效大气
parachute effective altitude降落伞有效高度
partial effective area部分有效面积 (天线的)
push effective address下推有效地址
web effective burn药柱壁有效燃烧 (time, 时间)